Tony Stark:.... anthraz.... ANTRHAZX.... anthrax, my friends was the remedy and the id disease... the illness and the cure.. the west nile and the virus.. the DNA nad the complement.. and weher does Stark enter into this.. is stark enterprises the innovater of anthrax.. biological warfare has never been far from my purview..
nude pepper pott: .. I'm poots for anthrax.. I'm pooty poots.. I'm puss n' buoots.. we do the anthrax couplet.. anthrax is good for the nasal sinuses and the throat culture..
tony stark: ahh.. the mystery is solved.. we are the Macbeths of crime and larceny .. time for anthrax 2.. anthrax tony stark armour.. ahh.. here's my girls..
Feminazi war machiune: tony stark has gone too far this time.. TOO FAR... what excuse for war is this, TONY..
jeff hyslob Obadiah stone rivers bridges: ahh.. I always knew it would come to this.. we were meant to part early, tony and are... too bad pepper deer poor pepper in the headlights could not steer him in the right direction.. or perhaps.. she did.. left instead of right.. the right shoulder instead of the left..
feminazia: go tony must go.. with EXTREME prejudice..
Chicken George: Chicken gore.. chicklet's gore.. where do I fit into this..
tony: ahh gootta think.. goota think..
peppter: how do you get your finger to gore grow like that tony.. getting your fingers into a steeple...
tony: lessee.. anthrax didn't work to quell the masses .. what will..
nude megan: witwee me will..
nude pepper: a hhh megan we'd be lost without you..
nude megan: ahh I know..
Havok: I'm going to have to comtemplate Tony Stark deeply.. he's impressively innocuous.. but he carries a band harry .. he is no man's scrooge.. he is no man's miser.. he is generous with his war machines but too generous I don't think so.. the weapons are his arsenal of agricultural plenty..
Hank Pym: So .. what do we do now.. tony stark I don't believe has gone off the deep end.. yet .. not yet.. not even close..
Havok: am I sure of this.. can't say.. just can't say..
Hank Pym: not even close.. not even close.. but yet.. there is wary politics in this.. much wary.. much close relation politics..
nude white queen: my tits are harbour's agricultural ap'ently .. whim whim whim whim.. whamsy whim whamsy whim.. I am ready for the hitler gin.. ready for all policiatan publican's a whim.. ready for a politicking whim.. ready tony?..
tony: yes madagme carnage
nude white queen: ohh.. ready for the military barrage on my homeland Israel.. white queen ahoy..
tony: yess.. yess..
nude white queen: ready ready as sheai goews... ready ready .. steaaddy .. teddy steaaddy... kuridi bear ruullesss.. I a m soich a ruthless witwee nude white queen.. no ruth in moi nosirreebob..
tony: no sir ee bob.. are we on this hardigger yet.. harr digger harr digger..
nude white queen: doiger doiger empress nude dowager .. eeehhhh...
tony: ohhh... that's one hard dowager..
nude white queen: sheww bwitish yew knw..
tony: ya knw ya knw..
nude wuite queen quinine da pooh phhoohh: phhoooh on me shoee..
tony: bu but
nute white queen quinine": I nevew h wearww shoos... moof shoes mofo moof moof..
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