
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Anakin Skywalker..

Anakin Skywalker:  .. the rest of the uncles of majesty of Louis the fifteenth which went the French revolution in circus republic of went to the lent of January of the truth of fiction o f whestlavery junket media scruples republic the strangest dialogue of all in January of fiction the republic of westknavery of finnegans wake of the strangest scruple cruple surole surplus sour surl surel of alllll.. this is the truth.. we are all fictions in glass.. fictions in glass houses are we.. we are the fictional couplet in sourglass ankels of law.. angels of law fiction sour glass amos.. angles of law.. we are all fictions in glass.. toasters in glass we are.. glass toasters milleneum falcons we are.. the truth is out theire.. way out their..

this is Anakin the first dialogue for haydnn christianson

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