
Friday, July 17, 2015

nude diana and red tornado..

nude Diana:  my nude breasts nude are bumptious resonances.. and.. essences..

red tornado:  indeed.. I've always liked them sour...

nude Diana:  kraut breasts mine are.... Nazi breasts nude are my breasts nude...

red tornado:  feminazi breasts yours?

nude Diana:  ewwww..  nwwooooohhh.. oh oh oh .. your SOOO right.. sniff boo hoo hoo

red tornado:  it's okay... it's okay.. the feminazi's do a lot of good work in the world..?

nude Diana:  sniff boo hooo sniff they do?.. in the woorrrrllldd...

red tornado:  they do.. they buld bridges.. tornados.. masks.. they do all kinds of happy screwdriver drinks work.. they bully buld drinks for bars in fridges.. they buld beer...

nude Diana:  yayy.. I like beer.. I like the feminazi's now..

red tornado:  ahhgg... I ne w I a could cud kud trown you arund..

nude Diana:  arund arund.. arun.. down the sviel .. down the swivel.. turn agrund downt the grundy..

red tornado:  ahh yess... we'r e all on the same path now to future history...

nude Diana:  we arree.. yayy yayy yayy.. future history.. future history...

red tornado:  down the road time.. down the road time..

nude Diana:  let's dun the downing of tornado time.. drink up tornado time.. glug.. sniff boohoo hooo hooo .. bwa boo hoo...

red tornado:  their their it's okay dunny.. we got the tornado tracks on our irises.. we got the pupils down to the morrow..

nude Diana:  pupils/>..?... sniff boo hoo boo hoo.. pupils?...

red tornado:  ahh yess.. ya got gutsa lotsa pupils in yer hornets nets .. ahh.. boo hoo hoo sorry sniff..

nude Diana: sniff boo hoo boo hoo boo hoo....

nude Diana:  nude megan gale

red tornado:  Robert downey junior....

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