
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

maxwell lord...

max lord:  the dawn of the dead is coming ... red dawn... a red dusk of walking dead tomorrows.. justice dead... john tensen dead.. he is an autumn.. I am an autumn breeze... in a mental institution... a breeze in a mental institution... mental death.. mental tron.. I am in tron.. an institution.. tron is a hospital... run by a computer nefarious... I am a man named nefaste... pursuit Prussian... Prussian schools pursuit.. nefaste... Nostradamus nefaste... I am...

ares:  I betrayed you by caring about another woman who thought she was going to get death by electric chair.. Debbie domaine... who may one day become a woman named.. whistfully, hopefully ... eclipse.. a hopeful woman..

max lord:  yes.. wait.. I'm.. depressed about the darkness of the future.. very depressed about eclipse.. about the eclipse of the earth in shadow.. your nefaste not.. I am... nefaste.. you like destruction in the wake of the future.. I'm not sure.. I don't think I do...

ares:  nefaste me.. non nonny nonny.. I ares am a man deceiver ever more.. unlike you, a ladykiller bond..

max lord: ahhh... bond, yes... a dollar man.. a dollar key... eclipse is the key a woman key.. in a kafka labyrinth Spectre... czeckoslavakia.. I believe their is a Spectre who is .. czeckoslovakia.. zeiss czeckoslovakia...

max lord:  call me max zeiss...

ares:  ahh.. yess.. a good man I believe.. I mean, sorry I know you're a good MAN... it's just this this... nefeast affair under the bridge is ben byeonce me nefast.. a zeiss man you are...

max lord:  eclipseo eo eo is a woman in mexico.. a Brazilian woman is a nude black canary...

ares:  with freckles..

max lord:  sunspots of time.. of red dawn nude black canary time.. red spots sunspots nude black canary.. I just need to say that a few times..

ares"  you've succeeded...

max lord:  success indeed rewards virtue..

ares:  you are a virtuous man.. very much indeed...

max lord:  virtue is an apple core rotten..

ares:  yes  .. me it's me you describe...

max lord:  new York ares.. you are new York, ares, you are..

ares:  - singing - new York new York.. I like the sun in june..

max lord: - singing - heeyyy jude...

ares"  wait- what?..

max lord:  what?

ares:  I'm just - sorry - getting mixed..

max lord:  no problem max..

ares: right on, ares..

nude megan gale, the actress not the wonder:  aghh.. I'm not in this scene...

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