
Thursday, August 13, 2015

nude wonder woman spirit of the earth screenplay.. starring nude tiffany fallon and nude gail simone jr. as nude diana.. starring mikey jerome as steve trevor, hugh grant as maxwell lord, nude daryll hannah as barbara minerva of earth 2 or earth 3.. nude monica bellucci as nude priscilla rich.. a nude female model for modern day johnny depp delacroix, nue she is a nude female model much abused nude monica bellucci nude priscilla rich is and may unfortunately be in the future... mikey jerome is steve trevor..

nude tiffany fallon nude diana... the wonder woman: spirit of the earth screenplay...

nude tiffany fallon nude Diana:  the rising of my breasts like cream mountains with glacier ice on top are a war's contumely early self-mocking.. a self-mocking war are my breasts nude contumely.. knights top my breasts.. a sword my breast.. two swords my breasts.. a crossing mid-section between them.. two wars my breasts.. a nude war my nude body.. I am Diana nude...

nude donna troy:  this war is strange to me.. soo strange .. I am a Miranda nude.. I a stranger river of stranger stream clouds.. the cream of my pubis is a strange, eerie war mysterious.. a spy war my pubis.. my pubis a spy.. dew dew adieu.. adieu a spy my pubis dew...

nude Diana:  you are so beautiful in your eerie lake of donna nude troy... you are the glass mirror reflection of me a refracted colour of my soul nude.. may colours clours clouds of the rainbow are you.. you sweet prism you nude donna troy...

nude donna troy:  and a stranger prism their never was..

nude Diana:  and a stranger prison my nude body is a poddy with prison abdomen walls a stomach nude I behold in myself my belly red and fiery.. I am a nude woman fiery prison.. a prison of fire my nude body is.. I am a boy...

steve trevor sr."  the war is brought to the table..

steve trevor jr.  his son:  a war of tablenapkins..

steve trevor sr."  can you guarantee my safety in this war..

steve trevor jr.:  that would be my job yes.. as a senior commander..

steve trevor sr:  and it was my job to get you that job..

steve trevor jr."  heh.. don't remind me..

steve trevor sr.:  I think we both need a promotion..

steve trevor jr:  maybe i'll stay comfort ridden on the lower rungs of promotion.. I promote too easily.. don't need to get drunk on it..

steve trevor sr.:  ahh.. I can never get too drunk...

steve jr:  I don't like the feeling.. glad to see you're different..

steve trevor sr:  I gotz to be meeeee....

steve jr:  I know the feeling

major killgore arrives:  ahh.. I all present and accounted for I see.. world war II imen III is impending.. couldn't be more timely .. ahh world war three.. not a bad idea.. not a bad idea at all..

steve trevor sr chuckles.. steve trevor jr. looks non-plussed...

major killgore:  we serve grave powers greater than us.. we are merely lets we say puppets of these powers..

steve jr:  ahh.. humanity is no one's puppet... that would be a war crime..

major killgore: ahh.. a war crime you say.. but if we weren't puppets of great powers were where would be our heads... the alternative is.. unthinkable..

steve jr:  I follow Sartre 's thought..

major killgore:  but Sartre is going to hell earlier much earlier than thought before..

steve jr.:  thanks.. thanks for the warning.. I won't read him anymore...

steve sr:  .. I .. have.. their was .. radio .. interference.. while.. reading.. something.. sonar.. in .. the air..

steve jr."  I do not well understand you..

steve sr:  no.. nor me either..

major killgore:  we will have fewer and fewer allies in this war.. we've got to be together a well-stuck group.. otherwise we lose each other forever.. and become Sartre's in the nightmare dusk.. a dusk of horrors..

steve sr:  I may be already alone in the dusk ..

steve jr:  it was my job to keep you in the light.. I failed in many things and many many things in the future as well..

steve sr:  no the failure is mine and the failure of many other people entirely...

major killgore:  I will fail no more.. War's on..

nude Diana:  Ares is coming.. I can feel it.. he started a Super-State.. a techno-leviathan out of Hobbe's and Philip K. Dick's dreams.. a Blade Runner State Ares began.. Israel...

nude donna troy:  I will go to that state.. it becomes me.. a future state my state my condition nude a waterfall state I am..

nude Diana:  ahhh.. a waterfall state.. a waterfall politic.. over many rocks and crannies.. many many stones of Sisyphus.. a waterfall is a Sisyphus climbing..

nude donna troy:  that description is me eternal nude.. a nude sculpture waterfall am I...

nude Diana:  you are thus my mirror image.. my sweet breast against an ice nude sculpture you.. I am the organic against all things.. against all yous..

nude donna troy:  I will forever be ice..

nude Diana:  yess.. ice to my senses you are.. I am the cold inhuman organic.. you are the warm human inorganic .. you are a snowflake reflection to my inhuman coldness of pure feeling life..

nude donna troy:   I do as a nude woman sculpture nude crave the organic like a melting snowflake craving some substance to carve itself to .. you are a hewed beaty nude.. Diana nude..

nude Diana:  someday I will feel the true horrors of my flesh.. and the ravishing ares will have possess the true nude flesh of my soul in an ice-cold ravage snowstorm of ice.. in an ice storm my nude body flesh will be possessed by ares ben gurion...

Maxwell lord:  medicine.. fake medicine has ravished the world.. fake medicine is international.. fake droplets of fake soft promising dew of medicine and medical malpractice made tardy late and irrelevant.. their are no medical malpractice suits whatsoever today...  their considered illegal..

nude Diana:  medicine will someday carve and hew my body nude and not-so-nude d by medicine as it comes.. sniff boo hoo.. I miss Apollo.. he has been gone for at least two centuries...

Maxwell lord:  I very much wish to be that Apollo..

nude Diana:  maybe you can .. maybe you can..

max lord:  I begin to waste away the more I fail at networking.. I crave CRAVE the international .. advertising.. MUST get into advertising.. sorry so sorry for shouting...

nude Diana:  maybe .. maybe I can help..

max lord:  I've got to find all the little-leaguers.. make them a united nations...

nude Diana:  I CAN help.. hee..

max lord:  yes.. I believe you can...

nude Diana:  let's put out an add.. am AD... wanna be a villain.. be a little leaguer.. big bush league are the heroes.. be a little leaguer villain..

max lord:  - affectionately - ahh.. sheer genius.. wait let me write that down - gets a paper - okay be a villain wanna be.. - damn PEN won't work ink's dry... sorry real sorry for shouting... i'll get another pen - get's a second pen - oaky little leaguer pen - DAMN ink's dry with this pen too... ah a pencil .. CRACKED it damn damn damn...

nude Diana:  i'll remember hopefully with my phonetic celtic memory...

max lord:  it's okay don't worry ... don't worry about it.. I should remember.. DAMN.. it may have been very important.. I believe it was...

nude wonder woman:  nude tiffany fallon

nude donna troy:  nude Miranda kerr...

steve trover trevor sr. :  gary oldman

steve trevor jr.:  mikey Jerome..

major killgore:  warren beatty...

Maxwell lord:  hugh grant...

Secret war script

This is Hanno.  My email is

Note from Batman: Batman honestly believes all cell-phones have a nanotechnological flesh-eating disease inside them, air-transmitable.

The Scarlet Witch is the Key. She is being kept in an inescapable Kafka labyrinth by her father Magneto. He believes she will hurt Havok, simply by her mere existance. Magneto is a protector. He will protect Havok from the Scarlet Witch, who Magneto believes can bend the fabric of reality. Magneto solicits Dr. Strange's help to maintain the Scarlet Witch in a coma. An eternal coma.

My, Hanno Raudsepp's, phone number is 1 - 613 - 394 - 6412

Dr. Doom was unusual. He had aptitudes for Mengele-like science. He loathed the medical profession. He was going to be a real medicine-man, a shaman, a mystic. He was going to plunge into the abysmal labyrinth of the woman's vagina and unearth alchemical mysteries.. golden rainbows.. the philosphers stone.. the vagina was a prize to Doctor Door Jim Morrison Doctor Light Doctor Dooooommm... he believed in lots of light in the woman's vagina.. optics of mirrors of vaginalightvagelina.. optics of war.. dooomm believed in nothing like optics of war.. the vagina was a war.. an asteroid belt.. the war of beyonders.. the ameoba-like beyonders were a milky way vagina... doommm would master the power of the beyonders... Doom: “Powers.. do dwarf the gods.. “ ..

Thor was concerned about the Enchantress. She was naive. She was a mystic note of anarchy, pure hell. Hel was a daughter of Loki's but hell was the Enchantresses hair, her blond locks.. Loki had dark hair but he was on earth, plotting.. the Enchantress was in her element on an alien galaxy in the Stygian regions of outer space.. she had a nude alien body alien to earthly realms and powers.. she was supranatural.. she was naked superwoman..

Doctor Doom: War is a losing proposition. There is no such thing as a winning war. You can only leverage the minuses.

Silver Sable: I agree. We'll bankrupt ourselves into oblivion and then pay the mortage. Spider-man understands losing and he taught me everything he knows about it. I was his willing pupil. But he doesn't believe in making money. I do. I think we are simply at different stages of mourning. It's all a matter of timing.

Doctor Doom: Time. Yes. Speaking of the master of which- Kang?

Kang the Conqueror of Time: Time has no conqueror. Our minutes are lives. The tic-toc of the conscience is the eternal clock, the immobile pendulum, the single immobile point in the universe. The pendulum is static, therefore time is static. Depressing I know, but we are merely differect facets of the jewel.

Doctor Doom: - quietly – No. Time has a conqueror. Doom.

Silver Sable: - with great, naked compassion – I can help you find your mother. The mechanics of blood-wagers are not unknown to me. I know for an absolute, immutable fact that I've sold my soul to the devil so Hell should open its gateways to us as long as you're with me.

Doctor Doom: You can.. no, I know you can do that... But I need the powers of the beyonders to raise the... to raise the deceased from Hell first..

Molecule Man: Uh, will Mephisto take kindly to that.

Doctor Doom: I honestly don't care.

Molecule Man: No offense.

The naked Enchantress: I'm not going to Hell, I'm going to Hel, with one L. The difference between one and two L's matters in affairs of the apocalypse. - sniff – such is my affair with Thor.

Doctor: - quietly, rumbling – Thor... Thorr... Thorr.. some power in him, of historical necessity... will compell the dead to remain in Hell... he must be eliminated.. I'm sorry..

The Enchantress: WHAT!!?? No, no, he can't, he can't, you can't...

The Absorbing Man: Yer 'sis Lorelei has tried ta lit'really kill the bird many the time.

The Enchantress: That bitch! That fucking bitch!

Doctor Doom: Thor is the king in chess. He is perpetually stalemated, barely able to manouvre. But it is the king in chess who has to go.

The naked Enchantress: But.. Doom.. I can heal your scars.. my nude body is a golden lasso which can heal all your inner wounds.. please ... please.. please... forget your mother..

Doctor Doom: .. you are young and naive.. you are ready to forget...

nude Emma Frost: - is silent, with some plot to cause doom to forget about his mother permanently – There will be no Days of Future past without hell/Hell where it is.

Magneto: Thank God. I'm with Doom.

Emma frost:.. so am i, for now..

Naked Silver Sable: - suspiciously – you're only nude woman I don't trust..

Emma Frost: That's deliberate...

Nake Silver Sable: .. no, there is nothing deliberate about your nakedness.. your naked body is a chess-match.. an unpredictable chess-match... with chaos as the victor..

Doctor Doom: I will be the chaos which is the Victor... I still need to study fractals..

The Scarlet Witch: .. parallel reality fractals will allow many parallel realities and futures none to parallel.. angular parallels.. i wonder wander through many angles of futures.. future indexes angles.. derivitives and money tangents which meet at one sole infinite point to have infinity as their Eden, their origin, their genesis... I am naked eve at in Eden.. Doom, will you be my Adam Kadmon..

Doctor Doom: .. we're both wanderers.. eternal wanderers.. i am going to meet myself here.. more than myself.. i will meet the Doom who can speak to the ghosts of everwhere..

Naked Scarlet Witch, played by Kate Moss: - suddenly minuiterizes into a child - .. what?.. no..

Hanno Raudsepp – earth 1 Henry James Doctor Doom

Ralph Fiennes – earth 2 William James Doctor Doom

Kevin Bacon – earth 3 enigma an irish bloke? A devil? A magician?.... Magus? Who the hell is he?

Derek Jacobi – Kang the Conqueror of Time

Arienne Zucker – the Enchantresse

Naked Savvy Savannah Samson – Silver Sable

Winona Ryder – Emma Frost

Gerard Depardiu – the Absorbing man

Bo Derek – Titania, role unwritten as yet

Ewen Bremer – Molecule Man

Kate Moss and Mary/Kate/Ashley/Olsen – The Scarlet Witche(s)

Elisabeth Shue – naked Lorelei
earth 1 Magneto - Daniel Day Lewis
earth 2 Magneto - Ian McKellan

Post-crisis Diana

.. hope is a nihil promise of a future..

... your future self is.. some one else..

... you want to remain her... you want to remain here...

...the future is an empty hope.. empty home..

...There is no one in the room of the future..

...a space between planets..

...Doctor Dooms solitude..

...the future is an empty home..

....There is no one else..

... The future is over...

.. . a cardboard box



nothing but pain

Returning to pain as if it is a home

as if it were one of your familiers

a fellowship of familiars of a ring

the Presidential ring

President of Mordor

Wonder Woman was President of Mordor

a golden ring which is a binding torture lasso

the torture golden lasso which binds Wonder Woman to an infinity nauseum of voice holograms


Wonder Woman is a Villain

The lasso binds her as a prison house

A prison house whose lightest word harrows up her soul

her soul-seizure

her convulsions

her epileptic fits

her tourettes syndrome

speaking obscenities

obscene calls words of voice holograms

obscene lasso words of voice holograms

her lasso is an obscene call

She has a prison voice

Obama's voice





her voice is vise clasping her soul

in vice

a steel trap a metal trap of a mind

Saruman's mind

Wonder Woman is Saruman

She has a bound mind of metal

An OCD demon circuit lasso mind

her soul is caught in a demon lasso

a demon mobius circuit


an infinity symbol of hell


Perhaps the murder of Maxwell Lord was merely a holograms

Demon circuit of Mordor

Nu-Diana Nu-52 Diana

her soul, her consciousness to put it clinically... cynically? .. or Or clinically..was a storm of petty

petty passions made grand in sick sweep of sensuality

her swarming soul was seasick

was she deep because she saw holocaust?

Did she see herself as whispy ghostly grey holocaust victim when she was in Tartarus with Hermes?

Was she a Dostoevsky?

Could she take pride in the sweep of petty to grand

good pride? Or bad pride?


sweep of petty to grand

Could she take pride in this sweep of petty to granj

Could she take pride like Dostoevsky in being a naked triglodyte

in feeling herself a bug, a grand bug, a cockroach

with a burning blood inside her veins instead of milk

even if the blood was pitch

a needle in her burning blood

black as pitch

whereto it goes

Her blood was Hamlet's savage refusal

his sensuous savageness

feeling the tip of his knife with his tongue

his lips

her blood his lips

her lips

her ruby lips

her lips on her blood

drawing it from a soulless wound on her arm

.. nude circe: .. i .. feel good.. but does that mean.. i am .. good... i am history.. is history good or bad.. for i am literal history.. not necessarily figurative history.. althouhg i have a good naked figure.. ha HA ha... i have sought the secrets of mist... i have sought those secrets in my own nude form.. in my own nude body... in its crevices.. in its narrow straits.. in the rivulets vetween between my velvet skin... my velvet purple skin.. my naked skin.. my naked skin is a scroll of history,.., .. it rolls itself up by the lit rush which lights my nude form, illuminytes it.. my nude body is illuminati.. it is code numbers.. my nude body .. is caves, a labyrinth of afgani caves.. my nude body is afganistan... i live in the margins of history.. all the criminal margins of history.. is me.. is naked me.. meeoowww... i am living in a templar tune.. King Philip hired me.. my naked butt is Templar ice.. i am happy..your are never going to know how happy i am.. to die.. for my nude body to transfigure itself into ashes.. into ashes of the moon .. moon glimmer ashes... ashes of hecate.. my nudecrone body.. cronewood.. i love you...

Naked Wonder Woman 2

Under a radiant crimson light background, poledancer nude giganta is doing a pictuoresque series of exotic nude poses for wonder woman who is watching raptuorously..

nude giganta nude doris zeul: - after a long time finished posing – thank you diana... i'm glad you made it in time to see me perform.. i'm a poledancer world class in my spare time from the MIT labs.. my scientific researches are motivated entirely from my nude performing and exotic nude poses inspired by Rodin's mesmerizing studies of the female form.. like tree stumps the female form is.. like labyrinthine roots the female form is.. my nude form is a labyrinth of wiles.. i am eternally searching for intellection in my nude torturous blissfully torturous poses.. for a wit i am searching thru mordor depths..

wonder woman: - getting nude herself – i am .. breathless with anticipation to join you..

nude doris zeul: biochemistry is at the heart of poledancing.. i am a complex of amino acids.. a polyhedron of DNA recourses to chemical digestion, to a striptease unveiling of DNA-RNA complementary nude doris zeul posing.. a unveiling zipper nude doris zeul pose.. i open the doors of perception with my nude posing nude doris zeul posing.. i am a zuel.. i am a gate of excess orgasm.. i do a striptease while always naked..


nude Wonder Woman: nude megan gale

nude Circe: nude uma Thurman

nude giganta:  nude Sascha Renzscha  or nude Sascha Renzcha

Naked Wonder Woman, daughter of Loki: .. in the labyrinth of my ear there is a snow sonar swwooning sound of turbulent vapours.. snow vapours... mists of time.. mists of time in reverie.. in nude woman reverie.. mists of time in reverse.. reverie reverse.. reversing gas-shift time.. time is a gas.. timee goes through three changes of state, solid time, liquid time and gas time.. time is a gas sphere.. a rolando.. a naked athena hourglass figure.. a figure in a gas sphere.. a figure on the page.. o legal index pages of time.. to disappear a page of time into milky nude wonder woman butt to disappear a page of time into mist.. into misty butt.. a vapour.. time vapours.. i phaseshift between shapes of myself.. i am a metamorpho.. a trickster of the establishment aka a self-trickster.. i con myself.. i contradict my own will, i trick my own will.. i strangle my own will.. as if my will, pure as ice, was a Baldar curse.. i'm just trying to figure out.. who she is is .. whos she is.. i',m just trying to figure out... who i am..

Wonder woman daughter of Loki is the female maxwell lord, literally... Maxwell Lord always felt it was important to reconcile the Justice League to the establishment.. he insisted on how important it was to associate the Justice League with the United Nations... Wonder Woman daughter of Loki works for the establishment, but she is confused, very confused.. she goes through the same disenchantment with Amnesty international that Maxwell lord went through... Maxwell Lord, associated with the United Nations, was the male angelina jolie.. the Wonder woman daughter of loki is wonder woman as angelina jolie... as a naive angelina jolie...

Wonder Woman spirit of the earth screenplay

Opening Diana's, played by tiffany fallon, narrative voice over a montage of Diana's naked body: “I am.. I feel.... immortal.. in ....spirit- ..... like.... foam... in soul.. like.... like... my breasts.. rise and ebb with the waves.. like my thighs. . run the course of snowy deserts.. and mists of dunes.. like my stomach.. my misty stomach.. feels inside the pulse of snowy mists... all cold... so cold in mists of reflectiveness.. promising my nakedness comfort in cold repose.. in the repose of reflecting icy reaches of soft, distant, desirings... desirings which are misty, mirroring desirings.. desires which don't... which don't... yes.. they do.. invade my torso.. reaching for volcanic depths in my pubis... in my vagina..... desirings run their course through my icy torsal reaches... like frost-patterns in my pubisvagina which seek and pattern the holy spirit in its fluidity of love for desirings strong in the marine depths of dark-turquoise darkish blue meanings of concentrations of desiring pressures upon all the thousand natural shocks which flesh is heir to..... if such desires rankle me whole as my black lover'sheart find such in my mourning causes of heart's a'sorrows in wanting morrows of such in ambition for warrior's fate in mooring in rigged roaring for phantom's fat in warrior's gait in posture old for ventures bold for of such seekings ribals as golden voice sybaldvagina in siren's glow of my fate in row in such beauty drawn my soul to groan in rocky rivers of own soul's scissorsvagina of my rocky reds blood in mossing of gross soul's saucing in wenche's heart my heart be bold in ribald's rance my hearth be god in heart's hearth warm in breasts which swarm with wavesnakedwomannudeDiana ebbing tow for old's moan of my stomach's woe. All this in heart is my love in breastsmart of love for you in pubis dew.. in hearth in earth in heart in dearth in woe for so is love in dole...

Nude tiffany fallon wonder woman: the glories of a wake are rhumba round me garden my nude body is rhubarb.. is the tangy sweet rubber spice of rhubarb is my nude body.. all sweet to the taste.. all sweet and sour is my nude body.. a sourness of heaven is my nude body.. my nude body is io from heaven soured in hell.. nude body is soured in hell.. i am the devil in nude.. my devil breasts are devilled eggs in saurkraut all sweet to the taste.. i am the devil.. i know i am.. the original devil am it.. a sweet sour taste to the tongue.. i have a tangy tongue of poison.. a taste to the palate of oison poison lake my poison soul.. poins falstaff is my soul.. a criminal pair of breasts is my soul is my breasts in season in criminal season.. i have a criminal soul it is no sin for my nude body to toil in her vocation..

nude priscilla rich: sniff sniff.. i am a hanger on to you wonder woman.. i hang my breast hang on your every word...

nude tiffany fallon: i so so so don't want to ever want to let you down..

ricardo rich: you won't.. you won't ever let down my wife..

nude priscilla rich: i love you both.. so so much..

maxwell lord: it is the bowels of medicine which is the worst harbour for man.. i know medicine.. i know the eternity corruptions of medicine.. moliere.. tried.. he tried to write about it.. at least he tried.. there are many rivers run through it for medicine.. many rivulets for medicine.. the mid-torso of medicine is many sections of crime.. crime medicine is a many mult-industry multi-international industry..

nude tiffany fallon: can i help you fight it .. i feel so meek against medicine..

maxwell lord: you will be a powerhouse in medicine... your nude body is homeopathy..

nude tiffany fallon: yippee.. that is soo soosoooo my nude body.. homeo- whatsis?..

mikey jerome steve trevor: if i feel a haunting.. in my soul.. a soulhaunting.. there is a cybercrime shoals of soulhaunting loosening the reigns of soul.. for many causes of sorror... of sorrorbound.. i am many courses of life.. i have many origins.. i'm not sure where i came from.. just like you wonder woman..

nude wonder woman: just like me just like me jussis jus like me.. licken's ze privates of me.. lickety split..

mikey jerome: you are a very complex woman.. the complexities of your soul and consciousness are necessary for the courses of this very coptic complex world.. you are like a coptic gesture of the world.. like its hieroglyph..

nude wonder woman: yippee... i'm a hieroglyp... all i've wanted to be.. a gyp a gypsy a gyp a gypsy hieroglyp.. a naked gypsy woman hieroglyp am i ...

mikey jerome: there is much that is gypsy about you..

Diana: I envy you, Priscilla, your irrepressible, infinitely self-plumbing, self-gungjing generosity of spirit. There is the irrepressible feistiness, a coyness, of spirit which comes through in your beautiful modelling of your spirit, which exists in absolute contrast with my own starkness of vulnerability. I am much more of an easily scattered to the four winds kind of essence, you have an ironic lilt to your posing which preserves your integrity. I feel myself always losing the integrity of my nakedness- not even to nature, but to elements which are pre-nature, like J would drift off naked into outer space.”

Priscilla Rich: You're so kind. I suppose I must have in my unconsciousness some irrepressible ironical coyness which is a perpetual abyss of seductiveness in me, an abyss of horniness in me. I certainly hope all the dry, desert rock, burning, scorching hearts burning of my ironical horniness comes through in my breasts, my pubis, my butt, all the portions of my truest, most rotund identity.

Priscilla Rich: My nude breasts are ripe in passion's longing for spice in warrant's favour, it is in the spice nature of my eros passion in my ranklin' sins nature, spice of my sin's nature.

Diana: You're getting the hang of of it- how I talk. You're a natural.

Priscilla Rich: So kind of you to say. I couldn't have had a more fructible role model in sweetin's speech in breast's heavin' in breath's journey's lastin' in breatpulse in heartbeat temper 'in night for pubis drawn for sleep's curtain upon pubis dreams,- I have a one-track mind.

Diana: So do I likewise. I can't keep my words off my body.

Priscilla Rich. I should be a natural for being you.

Diana: An avid ambition and a worthy ambition for my soul to replenish with breasts in ample breaths's fervour.

Priscilla Rich: I think I speak in the air of being you, of being around you breathing your speech in your body's pulsing presence to my breasts all a'flitter and a'glitter to be a listenin' muse to your pulsing, living presence in music.

Barbara Minerva: Your manner of talking is so intoxicating.

Diana: inebriation is my quest so all morrows sunken in my gut immense for sorrow's capacity for sorrows meant to ship to all ships rigged to sunset fiery, dancin' season.. the firedance of sunset is my moor's last goodbye.

Barbara Minerva: You're... you're talking about your leaving your home in in Themyscira island.. Do you... do you feel it will be ever permanent?

Diana: evermore my windswept belly in presence to mine in plenty breast's a' guiding me like torches beyond all known' in island's reach in temper, in sensibility to mind all sun's colours it hoarded to its own tempered knowledge of allsoleself forevermore indesirin' an island of self in perpetual settlin' colours or requiessence each night's fastin' in passin'... not for me.

Barbara Minerva: .. no. You're quite an adventuress. I feel all naked in passion around you.

Diana: my communin' in my naked body's reachin' for yours in partin' all days like ages time, between us except our naked bodies seek pressing against time to communion between us despite time's womb in 'tellin us 'nay 'tellin us beware each others company in bodies.

Barbara Minerva: I begone into a tribal world, all my own nude form being adrift to social customs of a tribal understanding to all the righteousness of my nudity in all a'fresh in a loss of self within a tribal social customs and 'all of my nude body 'alost in tribal custom for all ' my 'awest 'alost in the tribal.. whirligig of reality in solebodysense of soul in body in my body all dressed in nothing of sense to 'make of social 'custom 'all adrift in 'all repeated ritual 'of words in repeated phrases 'n mores 'n nores in my 'raunchiness of adventuressness my 'sassin to 'seekin' to 'sauce my 'wenches heart with my 'own nudity in fervour 'for my body's 'coastin' through tribalism of an old soul seekin'... ....

Barbara Minerva: “.. my soul is nude, it seeks in its own eros a seeking lust to learnin' 'an all its seeks is its own soul in lust... its own love for its own vulnerability in essence is its own seeking for my own nude body in my own soul's sense.. of its own lust for its own seeking within my souls own own self, oceans own selfocean, my souls ocean of reverie in tempests of my own nude soul all 'alost in a tempest of its own ocean.. I seek my soul in nude, in all my tempests nude.

Angelina Jolie Cheetah:... in tempests rude, my body nude..

Barbara Minerva: I seek my tribe.. all a'lust to lernning.. i seek my tribe.. all my naked formis 'a seekin' my custom in irony.. I seek my tribe to be in all it for me to be naked dressed in irony.

Barbara Minerva: I live.. to seek.. a perpetual.. discord.. all my living soul.. in inharmonious key with its environment... I wish to be in dialectic incongruity with my context... I wish to live as some colonial waif.. some tribal missus.. who knows no rifin' in jiving' howsomover is perpetual in her lovely, lonely hovel, all naked in solitude

Barbara Minerva: Ooh, my love to lust in seeking for all my adveantores'es in less my body soul in seeking is more in self-guiding in seeking in repeating words for oral tradition.. to repeat all soul's eve within my twilight of conscience, within my eclipse of self soul seeking, my conscience to preserve in jungles, through jungles, to preserve my conscience through the wild, by the wild.

There is a deeply sad scene in “Wonder Woman, spirit of the earth”, when Monica Bellucci's Priscilla Rich, after the nude painting of her is verbally abused by women at an art show, is sitting at a bar, with a beer on the table which she's holding but not looking at, while the song, “How does it feel” is playing.
If you can find the book “Einstein in Berlin”, near the end of the book there are the kind of comments quoted which I'm imagining Priscilla Rich/Monica Bellucia .. suffers.

nude tiffany fallon nude wonder woman: tea stained aereolos milk into my mollasos soul.. the mollasos of riversoul my soul in next milleneum of many times milk in futures quotes my nipples a drip a mollasos drip in heaven of soulmix futures heaven mollasos tea my soul in heaven mixed..

wonder woman - tiffany fallon
steve trevor - mikey Jerome
Priscilla rich - monica bellucci
earth 2 Barbara Minerva: daryl Hannah
Maxwell lord: hugh grant

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