
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

rogue nation II

Jeremy irons:  so, ethan .. the toil has come to Denmark..

ethan: dam- dam - daaaamm

Jeremy iron:  yes, quite.. I believe in many dungeons of virtue.. in many inquisitions of vice.. or not..

ethan:  woaahh.. heavy.. heavy inquisition, batman..

Jeremy iron:  yes, .. they were.. heavy on the women and men that followed them to hell..  we sent them their .. the mission impossible team did...

ethan:  you mean..

Jeremy irons:  yesss.. we were the inquisition....

Anthony Hopkins:  so we're back to being mission difficult

ethan:  it won't be easy..

Anthony:  it will never be meant to be easy.. but this isn't mission easy, mr hunt.. it's mission difficult..

ethan:  I could use a rest from the impossibility of silence..

Anthony:  whoa...

ethan:  indeed.. so if it is a difficult message to the mission.. mayb e we can make do...

Anthony:  so yess.. I am sir Anthony Edwards.. you are sir entheny quieddee.. a gid quid for th e quiddity giddo..

ethan:  yess.. so I here we'r bringing back the inquisition...

Anthony:  wait.. who told you TAHT.. that's top secret yah know..

ehtan:  but not to top hat for me..

val enters..

val:  so wha's next on nex the comic meter batmn...

ehtan:  I think we're ready for the inquisitiveness of spies...

val:  to heavy for this batman.. but maybe we can just get robin on our side..

ethan:   yes ..

nude emmanuell beart shows up..

nude emmannuell beart:  I'm ALIVE ethan and ready to go..

ethan:  gravely - yes.. no thanks to me...

nude Emmanuel beart:  oh NO .. ethan .. DON"T say that..

ethan:   I think I really was the molde and the mold and the master mold of spies hook line and sinker.. and I was the mole and really DID arrange the death of all those spies on my team spied ..

athnony:  lucky spud..

nude emmanuell beart:  well... I know it wasn't MEEEE....

ethan:  no .. I was the mole.. I nknow it now..

nude EMANNUELL beart :  oh NOT> NO>.. etahn no... no.. no..

val:  well.. to new teams tomorrow .. batman...

nude Emmanuel beart:  I may still be poison...

val:  not for this batman...

ethan:  so our team is ready.. let's go..

ethan, nude Emmanuel, val and Anthony take off, the new mission impossible team....

bing:  vet me for me ving the remy...

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