
Monday, November 2, 2015

the third movie.. the second remake of wonder woman 2: nude circe..

nude deva:  this is the swarming sensation of love..

nude tammuz:  this is the death of many swarmings of slime in the marshes of our bellies entwining nude deva: our bellies entwining like balls of yark.. the nude belly of time is a marsh stinking sweaty nude tammuz:  stinking sweaty.. like balls of yarn our nude bodies our nude bellies entwining like balls of yarn.. a stinking mess of carthage cannibalism organic ... interior core cannibalism metaphysic a swarming interior stomach cannibalism.. a society stomach cannibalism is our bellies mutuaul.. nude deva:  I you are devestation nude mutual this is the ride of summer sizzling in our nude bodies a love of empath swarming like the slime upon the marshes of Cambodia.. a Vietnam eternal swarming of vegetation spores...

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