
Sunday, January 8, 2017

Bruce Wayne in "Batman Dream of Eale 1" ....

Bruce Wayne: ..".. I have gradually .. by a kind of collective force of the evolution of reminiscence and of consciousness.. have come to the realization that Gotham occupies both ends of the same twentieth century... and that soon we will find ourselves back at the tail-end of the 1990's.. and that Bill Clinton.. what if.. he won the drug war in the 1990's.. what if he actually did.. what if he did.. because I don't remember .. ever having to contend with your garden-variety medical drug-pusher at all even once at all twice three times four times ever at all remotely in the 1990's.. prescription drugs were not forced on people in the 1990's.. that's the territory, that's the zone in which we fight the drug war, in which we fight the war against drugs, that's the Columbia zone.. the forcing of prescription drugs on people is the Columbia Zone.. and I think Bill Clinton.. he .. he STOPPED any encroaching of a dystopia in which prescription drugs were forced on people by the medical drug czars and medical drug pushers.. and then... somehow.. I think.. we all.. myself included.. "..

Pamela Isley: ..".. Pamela Isley included found herself back with you Bruce in the beginning of the twentieth century in Gotham..."

Bruce Wayne: ..".. and in the first two decades of the twentieth century.. medical practitioners DID force drugs on people .. drugs which were meds.. meds which were drugs.. and we all wonder .. WHAT happened.. how HOW did we lose the drug war so horridly.. did Bill Clinton lose the drug war.. was that the real reason he was impeached.. or that he .. impeached.. himself..?..."

Pamela Isley: ..".. but then.. Bill Clinton WON the war against drugs.. and then we were all shunted off into the beginning of the twentieth century.. to an era that preceded any war against drugs whatsoever... and this is Gotham.."

Doctor Poison's voice is heard on the radio..

Doctor Poison (her voice coming from the radio) : ..".. and I still .. can't believe... how much the parents collaborated with the Nazi's.. and how much the parents endorsed the actions of the Nazi's .. and how much the parents justified the actions of the Nazi's.. and when Nazi's started clubbing Jews on the streets... it was the mother's who said.. the Jews can't hit back.. if a Jew hits a Nazi.. that Jew gets sent to the slammer.. weren't those Nazi's actually reasonable .. these are the words of a mother of the Nazis era speaking of Jews being clubbed in the street.. and this is a recent statement.. of a few years ago.. and I think.. we're .. we've been transported all of Gotham City back to the Nazi era.. and Gotham City is a Nazi Europe.. and now that the parents have a second chance to be different .. the parents choose to be exactly the same Nazi-justifying, Nazi-endorsing people they were the first time this happened.. and I am Doctor Poison.. I have a radio-show.. but I may have already decided that I am going to start poisoning some of these parents.. "

Bruce Wayne: .."... I think.. it simply .. is up to me.. Bruce Wayne.. as an independent actor.. to make sure .. that parents like these.. mothers like these .. simply don't matter .. in the equation of stopping the Nazi Empire.. in the equation of stopping the Nazi's.. so that poisoning such mothers.. won't be necessary..."

Doctor Poison (on the radio) : ..".. and something else happened.. the Nazi's started making movie's .. foreign movie's .. which showed the actual killing of young men of bicycles .. by serious, seriously vicious female Nazi Officers.. and what the Nazi's did.. what they did.. see what they did .. see what that woman did.. you see what that woman did.. the movie said she was a French Resistance Fighter.. and that the innocent man this Nazi woman shot while he was riding a bicycle... that he .. was a Nazi.. and they showed this human atrocity in a movie and said it was a fictional movie about World War II.. and they said it was a powerful movie.. their was an ogre of a man.. he was also a Nazi.. a Nazi.. a Nazi.. who said that the people he knew that they.. that they.. ATE .. Nazi's.. that cannibalism was considered.. unavoidable.. and praiseworthy.. the man who said this in the movie was another Nazi ogre that they portrayed in the movie.. as a Jew.. as a Jew.. as a Jew.. as a victim of Nazi's.. they portrayed a man who had probably participated in the cannibalism of Jews.. in .. EATING.. Jews.. they portrayed the man who had done this.. as a man who fought Nazi's.. and ate Nazi's.. Nazi Jews.. Nazi Jews.. I don't believe that Jews sold out their own during World War II.. I don't believe Jews do that.. that's not what a Nazi Jew is.. a Nazi Jew is a Jew who is called a Nazi.."...

Hanno Raudsepp is Bruce Wayne

Winona Ryder is Pamela Isley

Cate Blanchett is Doctor Poison...

.. script for "Batman Dream of Eale 1".. written by Scott Snyder...

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