
Saturday, June 2, 2018

The 9 minute mark and 13 minute mark of "Cronus" is the Scorcese / Thaddeus Killgrave theme.... the below YouTube music Video URL...

Thaddeus Killgrave / Scorcese:..."... And their is one Lex Luthor who I actually love.. but I hold him sacred.. and he's.. heh.. he's me.. he's the Mario Puzo Lex Luthor who popped right out of a Mario Puzo novel of an immense long, long, long, long screenplay for Christopher Reeve's Superman the motion picture.. of the late '70's.. and I really like this Lex Luthor.. I really like him.. I like this nervous way of talking he has.. like he's the Woody Allen Lex Luthor.. and .. I know.  I know .. Christopher.. Christopher Reeve .. I know the Superman of that Mario Puzo screenplay.. is just .. hateful... he's unspeakably, obscenely hateful to this Lex Luthor .. at the very, very, very end of the screenplay.. I still .. just kind of ... feel .. this so charming pulp '30 era novel Lex Luthor... like .. he's me... like.. he's me.. and I believe it is two people.. The Queen of Fable's .. who's powers rival Darkseid's.. The Queen of Fable's and Darkseid.. are the two people .. who have the power .. to transform men.. to literally transform a man .. into one of the .. Lex Luthor's.."...

Alexis Luthor (Michael "William" Rosenbaum):.. - he pauses, is silent, and then -.. ".. What if Mario Puzo... the brilliant, brilliant writer Mario Puzo who wrote about the Italian Mafia like no one else in the whole twentieth century.. what if he.. really wished to play Lex Luthor.. what if the things that so horrifically, like razor-sharp-inward visceral sensation.. the things that horrified him Mario Puzo so, so, so much about "The Godfather".. about his novel .. "The Godfather".. what if he thought he could fully address what HAPPENNED with that novel... if he PLAYED Lex Luthor.. if he Mario Puzo PLAYED Lex Luthor in the very first real Superman movie ever made.. in the Christopher Reeve Superman motion picture.. in the same exact sense that by her in great part silent performance in Ridley Scott's Hamlet as Ophelia, Kate Winslet feels.. she KNOWS she can EXPLAIN what happened with the pedophilia in a movie with Kate Winslet against a male teenager when she played a Nazi War Criminal in "The Pianist"... in the same exact sense that Nicole Kidman explained EVERYTHING so, so amazingly with her truly brilliant method-acting in Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut".. about the Nicole Kidman self-avowed ghastly female pedophilia in a movie-entertainment magazine... how Nicole Kidman had a panic attack a prolonged panic attack where she could not stop laughing in the most painful, pain-wracked laughter ever witnessed in cinema.. in Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut".. Lex Luthor had a nervous laugh in Mario Puzo's screenplay for 1977 or 1978's Superman the motion picture... the same way that Kate Winslet CAN.. and Nicole Kidman DID.. explain their respective serious, horrific apparent pedophilia in these movie's .. and Ridley Scott's Hamlet movie HAS to come out.. in the same sense.. Mario Puzo thought the HORRIFIC thing that had happened with the very FIRST chapter of "The Godfather".. could be explained exclusively thru some very expert acting by Mario Puzo AS Lex Luthor.. a Lex Luthor HE wrote.. for himself.. also.. if Mario Puzo didn't necessarily look like Lex Luthor.. maybe ... back then .. in that area of the States.. no one actually knew what the Lex Luthor of hte comics.. looked like.."..

dialogue / monologues written by Hanno Jason Leigh.. as screenwriter "Hanno Ridal"...

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