
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

"Star Wars; Episode 48 - The Bulwark Empire", directed by Scorcese...

Anakin Skywalker (Hanno Ridal):..".. it's a ruthless design that has .. arrived like the gentlest, milk-thunder... as if all of us rebels and Alliance-shysters with our rebell-alliance chilish games and wasn't it a Great Lord of the Gentle Rhubarb Sith who said that when we become adults we must put away childish things.. and we never did.. the rebels never put away their childish rebel toys.. even as the Alliance.. we were.. childish rebels .. so self-destructive.. we were so relentlessly, even viciously self-destructive as leaders and governors of the Rebel Alliance.. we annihilated ourselves.. we transformed ourselves into Jedi-abysses.. their was no such thing as a Jedi warrior who was not a Jedi-abyss.. a hopeless abyss of a Jedi Knight pretending making pretences of hapless personhood.. and now.. the adults have arrived.. The Empire...."

Jaina (Claire Danes):.. ".. heh.. it's really cool though, isn't it.. the Empire is back and now in full charge of the proceedings.. kind of like everything is back to the awesomeness status-quo.. I still hope that my da will let me drive the Milleneum Falcon tho.."

Han Solo (Harrison Ford): - arriving -.. "... don't count on it..."

scene written by screenwriter Hanno Jason Leigh.. with the beautiful last name of Jennifer Jason Leigh.. and her grateful permission to use her last name as my .. official screenwriters name...

The Bulwark Empire is .. Canada.. Canada.. Canada..

              The Bulwark Empire is Canada...

"Star Wars; Episode 48 - the Bulwark Empire", directed by Scorcese.. is.. Thomas Mann's "Doctor Faustus".. in the original German.. in the original German...

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