
Saturday, August 15, 2020

enginetica - the enigma TNG.. is the quintessential, official music of.. Vanessa Redgrave.. is this okay.. is this.. okay.. because what if it really is your dream to play the fully white-black striking visual of.. the Silver Banshee.. I had a thought that when.. Siobhan McDougal (Vanessa Redgrave).. when she transforms into .. Silver Banshee.. she may transform into... a young beautiful woman, played by Amber Heard... and that this young, beautiful Silver Banshee (Amber Heard).. may somehow.. perhaps thru some river archipelago mysticism.. she actually physiologically.. has merged her spirit physical essence.. with Mera (Amber Heard).. so that she.. Silver Banshee (Amber Heard).. once a deeply attractive elderly lady... Siobhan McDougal (Vanessa Redgrave).. she actually.. as Silver Banshee (Amber Heard).. she actually.. she IS.. Mera (Amber Heard)... she actually.. IS her...

Enginetica - the enigma TNG.. is also the quintessential, official music of..

.. how about a scene when.. Silver Banshee (Amber Heard).. strolls.. wanders.. nonchalantly.. into.. The Zodiac Club.. of the 21st century... which has its origins.. in.. the secret society of the Zodiac Club.. at which astrology was investigated by... Jack Morgan (Robert Downey junior).. John G. Davis (Bruce Davison) aka latter-day Tom O'Neil (Bruce Davison).. and Zelda (Angelina Jolie).. in her persona as .. as Sabina Spielrein (Angelina jolie).. in the.. I think.. I think.. in the '20's.. ?.. -.. in the '20's.. ?...

.. what if Perry White (George Clooney).. did something with a mystical device.. derived originally from the  A-3.. used by the Germans in World War II.. a mystical device that code-translated.. thru ada software vocabulary... that code-translated.. the 21st century.. into a secret Zodiac pocket-miniature dimension.. so that.. by a parting-of-the-Red-Sea ocean sweep... the '20's.. the 1920's.. engulfed the world.. engulfed.. consumed.. the world.. 

.. perhaps.. perhaps to the music of.. Blacklight - the enigma TNG...


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