
Monday, September 14, 2020

Mortal Kombat X theme - the enigma TNG.. is the quintessential, official music of.. Ahania (Hanno Jason Leigh): ..".. I think Traing missed her appointment for my IM by about a week.. so that I had not had an IM for the duration of more than two weeks.. and I felt.. resultantly.. I started feelig.. Winston Churchill's black moods.. I felt hate.. I felt the deep deep depression of pure hate.. inside me.. for the Voices.. when I'm under the full influence of two weeks of medication every two weeks.. I don't feel hate.. I feel rage.. I feel pure, unadultured, bloodcurdling rage against the Voices.. but I don't feel hate.. I don't feel the pitch-black abyss of hate that I feel.. for the Voices.. when all the medications have been depleted from my system.. and when their are no medications whatsoever in my system... it's hard to explain the difference between my pure, unadultured, bloodcurdling rage against the Voices... which I feel fully under the influence of an IM every two weeks precisely... fully under the influence of medications for my schizophrenia.. the difference between that.. and a literal FEELING-conviction that I have.. that all the medications have been completely depleted from my system.. and the resultant depressive pitch-black hate that I feel.. for the Voices.. like black-pitch cool ponds of hate.. inside the sensation-matrix.. of my personal inward consciousness..."... $3... stochastic disturbance terms... paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss... stochastic disturbance terms... $3...

Mortal Kombat X theme.. the enigma TNG.. is also the quintessential, official music of.. Richard Lane (James Marsden): - in the year 2009 -.. ".. hanno.. I have some bad news for you... they cancelled Geoff.. they cancelled the Geoff Johns Superman.. of Infinite Crisis.. I know exactly what you're going to say.. hanno.. Brandon Routh must play the Geoff johns Superman of Infinite Crisis.. that is the one Superman he must play.. and they cancelled that Superman.. it means Brandon Routh can't play Superman yet.. it means the internet can't announce.. at ALL.. that Brandon Routh is playing Superman.. I would almost.. just about.. panic.. about that happening... about the internet.. announcing that Brandon Routh is playing Superman.. after we lost Geoff.. after.. after we lost Geoff.. and.. incontrovertably.. are not going to get him back.. are not going to get him back.. not.. not in this lifetime.."... $3... stochastic disturbance terms... paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3...

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