
Sunday, January 17, 2021

.. Track 5.. of "The best of Depeche Mode - Volume 1".. Track 5.. a song called.. "Shake the disease".. is the official, quintessential music of.. of.. "Rovok".. "Rovok".. the shipping of.. Rogue (Savanna Samson).. and.. and Havok (Hanno Raudsepp).. the scorcese-directed equivalent of.. "Reylo".. is.. is... "Rovok".. just like.. sob sob sob.. the Australian talk-show host.. Rove who is such a spectacular, amazing friend to-.. to Megan Gale.. to the Australian Megan Gale.. and... a woman: .. -.. ".. oh my God.... ROVE!!.. ".. Rove: .. ".. oh geez.. MEGAN I'M SORR-.. ".. Rovok.. Rovok.. Rovok.. just like.. Reylo.. Reylo.. Reylo.. Rovok... it is Pyro.. the same exact, precise same young actor who played him.. played Pyro.. in the Brett Ratner-directed.. "The X-men 3; The Last Stand".. he Pyro sends Rogue on her very, very first assigment for the Uncanny X-men.. way back when he was unequivocally.. (... thanks David Begelman and the Don Mills library... for the word... 'unequivocally'.. I know I misspelt the word..).. unquivocally.. Pyro was going to be an assigned member of the Uncanny X-men.. he sends Rogue (Savanna Samson) on her first assigment.. when he.. recruits her.. all-apropos.. as an official female Uncanny X-men member.. he sends her to.. to use her unique DNA-powers.. to absorb the fabric and texture of reality itself.. so that she can warp and bend the fabric of reality... enter the realm of the Days of Future Past.. but Rogue's mutant-power absorption powers being as unstable and actually truly deviant as they are.. she enters a truly bent and warped Days of Future Past reality instead.. a reality where Havok (Hanno Raudsepp) is a Kylo Ren-scale-and-degree Villain.. but except he in this Days of Future bent and warped reality.. he Havok (Hanno Raudsepp).. is far, far, far more of a villain than Kylo Ren conceivably EVER was!!.. and Rogue is Rey in this reality.. Rogue (Savanna Samson) is Rey in this reality.. and she fights Kylo Ren Havok (Hanno Raudsepp) with sharp gash-razor-sharp fragments of rock.. in this Days of Future Past bent and warped realm.. and he ends up causing the unintentional death of his beloved brother.. Jared (Lauri Raudsepp).. in this realm.. Kylo Ren Havok (Hanno Raudsepp) does.. he does.. he-.. he does.. and he Kylo Ren Havok and Rey Rogue (Savanna Samson) have a deadly, merciless fight with razor-sharp shards of hard rock.. cut from the mountain.. cut from the mountain.. and she ends up slashing his Kylo Ren Havok (Hanno Raudsepp's) face horrifically.. causing a horrific disfiguring scar and she also breaks his Havok Kylo Ren's (Hanno Raudsepp's) jaw.. and breaks some of his ribs.. in this fight.. (.. my "mugging".. which I truly feel guilt about even at ALL calling by the word.. "mugging".. a-.. a "mugging".. sorry.. real sorry.. to the.. "mugger".. or.. or-.. "muggers".. this filmed by "Serpico- the story of Ahania Blacksmith and Kathy Kane"- director Sean Penn.. when that.. "mugging".. was going to be a documentary scene in that movie.. also captured by Bayshore Bank close-circuit camera footage.. on the street.. of the sidewalk.. of- the.. the sidewalk... by Old Highway 2 formerly Dundas.. of-.. of Old Highway 2 formerly Dundas... where that footage and the medusa-ion footage of the "mugging".. of my.. my-.. "mugging".. all that footage possessed by Sean Penn.. and-.. and Tim Burton.. ?.. is superimposed and merged.. and-.. and photoshopped together with Savanna Samson Rogue of.. of "Rovok".. her being merged.. superimposed over the image of.. the.. sorry real sorry buddy.. pal.. the "mugger".. who I gave him teh the actor's name.. "James Tyler".. sob sob.. "James Tyler".. sob sob sob sob sob.. Daniel Day Lewis said about him.. in a sacred voice.. he Daniel Day Lewis said.. ".. poor tiger.. poor tiger.. ".. he.. "James Tyler".. was himself brutally.. savagely mugged where he was physically battered by a mugging right after.. sob sob.. real sorry.. "promptly".. ?.. terrible way to say it.. the word.. "promptly".. with apologies to the word "promptly".. sorry.. real sorry to the word.. "promptly".. "promptly".. his James Tyler's brutal, savage mugging where he was brutally battered happened right after my "muggin".. "promptly" after-.. "promptly" after.. so-.. yeah.. ".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

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