
Saturday, October 9, 2021

... copy-and-pasted from.... I think.... from.... .... I think... I hope... that's right... $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3... ....

"Doctor Who" Dalek (TV Episode 2005) Poster Doctor Who (TV Series) Dalek (2005) Billie Piper: Rose Tyler Showing all 34 items Jump to: Photos (10) Quotes (24) Photos Billie Piper in Doctor Who (2005) Billie Piper in Doctor Who (2005) Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper in Doctor Who (2005) Bruno Langley and Billie Piper in Doctor Who (2005) Bruno Langley and Billie Piper in Doctor Who (2005) Billie Piper in Doctor Who (2005) Billie Piper in Doctor Who (2005) Billie Piper in Doctor Who (2005) Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper in Doctor Who (2005) Nicholas Briggs and Billie Piper in Doctor Who (2005) Quotes Dalek : Open the bulkhead, or Rose Tyler dies. The Doctor : You're alive! Rose Tyler : Can't get rid of me. The Doctor : I thought you were dead. Dalek : Open the bulkhead! Rose Tyler : Don't do it! Dalek : [to the Doctor] What use are emotions if you will not save the woman you love? Rose Tyler : [Rose is confronted by the Dalek] What are you waiting for? Dalek : I feel your fear. Rose Tyler : What do you expect? Dalek : Daleks do not fear, must not fear. [shoots wildly twice, missing Rose completely] Dalek : You gave me life. What else have you given me? I am contaminated! Rose Tyler : Hello. Are you in pain? My name's Rose Tyler. I've got a friend, he can help. He's called the Doctor. What's your name? Dalek : Yes. Rose Tyler : What? Dalek : I am in pain. They... torture me, but still they fear me. Do you fear me? Rose Tyler : No. Dalek : I am dying. Rose Tyler : No, we can help. Dalek : I welcome death. But I am glad that before I die, I have met a human who was not afraid. Rose Tyler : You don't have to do this any more. There must be something else, not just killing. What else is there? What do you want? Dalek : I want... freedom. Dalek : Why do we survive? The Doctor : I don't know. Dalek : I am the last of the Daleks. The Doctor : You're not even that. Rose did more than regenerate you. You've absorbed her DNA. You're mutating. Dalek : Into what? The Doctor : Something new. I'm sorry. Rose Tyler : Isn't that better? The Doctor : Not for a Dalek. Dalek : I can feel. So many ideas. So much darkness. Rose, give me orders. Order me to die. Rose Tyler : I can't do that. Dalek : This is not life. This is sickness. I shall not be like you. Order my destruction! Obey! *Obey*! O-BEY! Rose Tyler : Do it. [the Dalek self destructs] The Doctor : Rose, get out of the way now! Rose Tyler : No! Cause I won't let you do this. The Doctor : That thing killed hundreds of people. Rose Tyler : It's not the one pointing the gun at me. The Doctor : I've got to do this, I've got to end it. The Dalek's destroyed my home, my people. I've got nothing left. Rose Tyler : Look at it. Rose Tyler : I'm begging you, don't kill him. You didn't kill me. Dalek : But why not? Why are you alive? My function is to kill. What am I? What am I? Dalek : Are you frightened Rose Tyler? Rose Tyler : Yes. Dalek : So am I. [first lines] Rose Tyler : So, what is it? What's wrong? The Doctor : Don't know, some kind of signal drawing the TARDIS off course. Rose Tyler : Where are we? The Doctor : Earth, Utah, North America. About half a mile underground. Rose Tyler : And... *when* are we? The Doctor : 2012. Rose Tyler : God, that's so close. So I should be... 26. [the Doctor flicks a switch and lights flood the area] Rose Tyler : Blimey! It's a great big museum! The Doctor : An alien museum. Someone's got a hobby. They must've spent a fortune on this. Chunks of meteorite, moon dust... that's the milometer from the Roswell Spaceship. Rose Tyler : That's a bit of Slitheen! That's a Slitheen's arm, it's been stuffed. The Doctor : [to a classic Cyberman head in a glass case] Ah! Look at you! Rose Tyler : What is it? The Doctor : An old friend of mine... well, enemy. The stuff of nightmares reduced to an exhibit. I'm getting old. Rose Tyler : Is that where the signal's coming from? The Doctor : Nah, it's stone dead. The signal's alive. Something's reaching out. Calling for help. [the Doctor lightly touches the glass. Immediately, an alarm goes off and they are promptly surrounded by armed security all pointing their guns at them] Rose Tyler : If someone's collecting aliens, that makes you Exhibit A. [the Doctor grins at them. Cue opening] Rose Tyler : Go on then, kill me. [pauses] Rose Tyler : Why are you doing this? Dalek : I am armed! I will kill! It is my purpose! Rose Tyler : They're all dead because of you! Dalek : They are dead because of *us*! The Doctor : So you're just about an expert in everything, except the things in your museum. Anything you don't understand, you lock up. Henry van Statten : And you claim greater knowledge? The Doctor : I don't need to make claims. I know how good I am. Henry van Statten : And yet I captured you. Right next to the Cage. What were you doing down there? The Doctor : You tell me. Henry van Statten : The Cage contains my one living specimen. The Doctor : And what's that? Henry van Statten : Like you don't know. The Doctor : Show me. Henry van Statten : You wanna see it? Rose Tyler : Blimey, you can smell the testosterone. Henry van Statten : Who exactly are you? The Doctor : I'm the Doctor and who are you? Henry van Statten : Like you don't know. We're hidden away with the most valuable collection of extraterrestrial artifacts in the world and you just stumbled in by mistake? The Doctor : Pretty much sums me up, yeah. Henry van Statten : Question is, how did you get in? Fifty-three floors down, with your little cat-burglar accomplice. Quite a collector yourself. She's rather pretty. Rose Tyler : She's gonna smack you if you keep calling her 'she'. Adam Mitchell : [Adam introduces Mr. Van Statten to Rose and The Doctor] This is Mr. Van Statten. Rose Tyler : And who is he when he's not at home? Adam Mitchell : Mr. Van Statten owns the Internet. Rose Tyler : Don't be so stupid. No-one owns the Internet! Henry Van Statten : [grinning] And let's just keep the whole world thinking that way, right kid? Rose Tyler : [alarm goes off] If someone is collecting aliens, that makes you Exhibit A. [the Doctor grins sheepishly] [the Doctor and Rose come across the head of a Cyberman in Van Statten's museum] The Doctor : Oh, look at you! Rose Tyler : What is it? The Doctor : An old friend of mine, well... enemy. The stuff of nightmares, reduced to an exhibit. I'm getting old. Rose Tyler : Stairs. That's more life it. It hasn't got legs. It's stuck. [they climb up the stairs] De Maggio : It's coming. Adam Mitchell : [Rose, Adam and De Maggio run up a flight of stairs to get away from the Dalek] Great big evil alien death machine, defeated by a flight of stairs! Is that clear? De Maggio : Now listen to me. I demand that you return to your cage. If you want to negotiate, then I can guarantee that Mr. Van Statten will be willing to talk. I accept that we imprisoned you, and maybe that was wrong. But people have died. And that stops, right now. The killing stops... have you got that? I demand that you surrender. Dalek : Elevate! [the Dalek begins to fly up the stairs] Rose Tyler : Oh my God! Henry Van Statten : The vault is sealed. The Doctor : Rose, where are you? Rose? Did you make it? Rose Tyler : [still inside] Sorry, I was a bit slow. [the Dalek pursuing her approaches] Rose Tyler : It's the end, Doctor. But it's not your fault... And you know what? I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Adam Mitchell : The thing is it's all true. Everything the United Nations tries to keep quiet. Spacecraft. Aliens. Visitors to Earth. They really exist. Rose Tyler : [who knows all this anyway] That's amazing. Adam Mitchell : I know it sounds incredible, but I honestly believe the whole universe is just teeming with life. Rose Tyler : [watching the Dalek being tortured] It's being tortured. Where's the Doctor? Adam Mitchell : Van Statten has agents all over the world looking for geniuses to recruit. Rose Tyler : Oh right, you're a genius? Adam Mitchell : Sorry, but yeah. I can't help it. I was born clever. When I was eight I logged onto the US Defence System, nearly caused World War Three. Rose Tyler : What? And that's funny is it? Adam Mitchell : Well, you shoulda been there. Just to see them running about... Fantastic! De Maggio : Adam, get her out of here. Rose Tyler : Come with us, you can't stop it. De Maggio : Someone's got to try. Now get out, don't look back just run! Adam Mitchell : [about the Doctor] Are you and him...? Rose Tyler : No. We're just friends. Adam Mitchell : Good. Rose Tyler : Why is that good? Adam Mitchell : [smiling] It just is. Dalek : I feel your fear Rose Tyler : What do you expect! Dalek : Daleks do not fear, must not fear! [shoots the wall next to Rose] Dalek : You gave me life, what else have you given me? I am contaminated! The Doctor : Next flight to Heathrow leaves at 1500 hours. Rose Tyler : Adam was saying all his life he wanted to see the stars. The Doctor : Tell him to go and stand outside, then. Rose Tyler : He is all on his own, Doctor, and he did help. The Doctor : He left you down there. Rose Tyler : So did you. Adam : what are you talking about? We've got to leave! The Doctor : Plus, he's a bit pretty. Rose Tyler : [innocently] I hadn't noticed. The Doctor : On your own head... Adam : [Rose and The Doctor step into the Tardis] What are you doing? She said cement. She wasn't joking - we're gonna get sealed in Adam : [walking towards the Tardis] Doctor? What are you doing standing inside a box? Rose?

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