
Saturday, November 23, 2024

.. Emma Frost (Savanna Samson): ..".. Crispin Glover was so.. his acting was so deft, so adroit, so mesmerizing, so enigmatic, so enchanting in the role of Raskolnikov in the movie "Crime and Punishment (2002)".. that I wonder if the same Crispin Glover would want to play an equally crispin glover raskolnikov character in 'finnegans wake', directed by George Lucas.. if this character COULD actually be a seperate, individual character in the George Lucas- directed 'finnegans wake' movie.. a character.. a character.. a-.. a character?-.. a seperate character?.. - of James Joyce.. in finnegans wake.. named.. 'camelot, prince of dinmurk'.. played by raskolnikov crispin glover for George Lucas.. ".. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley less-than-one-year-old scarlet witch less-than-one-year-old kate moss 2-year old jubilation 'jubilee' lee 2-year old rachel tammuz 2-year old priscilla rich (william marston golden age) 2-year old kate moss 3-year old wanda maximoff 3-year old kate moss 3-year old wolfsbane 3-year old rahne 3-year old megan d. iseult 3-year old rachel summers 3-year old megan d. iseult 9-year old Firestar 9-year old megan d. iseult 1-year old angelica jones aka Firestar 1-year old megan 'angelica' d. iseult nicole 'jean deWolfe' kidman amber 'betty brant' heard holly 'raven "brunner" darkholme / maddie franklin (sob sob still maddie franklin "maddie" short for madison?)' madison bridget 'Nude Dazzler' marquardt kendra tammuz 'teenage jubilee' wilkinson.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

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