
Thursday, January 23, 2025

.. track 4.. of disc one.. track 4.. of disc one.. of "The World of Hans Zimmer... a symphonic celebration".. track 4.. of disc one.. is the official, quintessential music of.. Hanno Raudsepp: ..".. Steven Spielberg.. Mr. Spielberg.. Sophia Coppola.. the two-codirectors of 'Superman: man of tomorrow: chapter one'.. I think an eleven hour movie.. the very first Superman film ever directed by you.. Steven Spielberg.. co-directed by film revelation Sophia Coppola.. director of 'The Virgin Suicides'.. for this very, very first Superman film which you both direct together.. Steven Spielberg.. after Krypton.. where what.. if something terror-beyond-comprehension-and-unspeakable-horror is still happening with actor Ralph Fiennes.. even for several years from now.. if that is even.. possible.. if that's.. possible.. in terms of what I can only describe as the Ethernet-Voice of actor Ralph Fiennes being conducted into the neurochemistry of specifically chosen individual persons.. and.. a horror-terror-unspeakable-beyond-unspeakable Ethernet-Voice of actor Ralph Fiennes (I can only think of calling it an Ethernet-Voice.. I don't know what else to call it..).. this actor Ralph Fiennes his Ethernet-Voice being channeled into our.. into specific people's neurochemistry.. in North America.. (only.. in North America?.. poor Ralph Fiennes.. poor, poor, poor, poor Ralph Fiennes.. even.. maybe.. beyond comprehension for poor, poor Ralph Fiennes.. beyond North America.. unthinkable.. unthinkable.. across the whole continent of North America.. still.. unthinkable.. unthinkable.. for one man.. actor Ralph Fiennes.. or.. as it seems.. actor Ralph Fiennes being more than one man... for these poor, poor, poor men who are actor Ralph Fiennes.... it is.. that.. the Ethernet-Voice (I can only think of calling it that).. of actor Ralph Fiennes.. saying horrific, unspeakable things.. (.. completely not the fault of the person himself Ralph Fiennes.. or the men who together are actor Ralph Fiennes.. not the fault of Ralph Fiennes at all).. if this horror-terror of an Ethernet-Voice of actor Ralph Fiennes saying sadistic beyond-comprehension unspeakably sadistic things to people who have been chosen to have this actor Ralph Fiennes Ethernet-Voice channeled.. into their psyches.. into their neurochemistry.. into their minds.. consciousnesses.. into their very.. souls.. poor Ralph Fiennes.. poor so very blameless of this terror-sadism-horror Ralph Fiennes.. I am only talking about what I am going through personally in my.. in something that I honestly don't think is just.. is only.. my schizophrenia.. could.. about sixteen or seventeen years ago or so.. I studied the internet information about.. the Illuminati.. it is now the year 2025.. and right now I cannot remember anything that sixteen or seventeen years ago I studied on the internet about the Illuminati.. I only have a vague recollection that the Illuminit was.. pure terror.. just.. pure terror and horror.. so.. based on this present-day vague recollection.. I wonder if what is going on in my own personal neurochemistry.. in my own personal psyche with what I am calling the Ethernet-Voice of actor Ralph Fiennes.. is not any schizophrenia that I even possess whatsoever.. and instead is a terror-horror Force of.. the Illuminati.. I remember when I was reading about the Illuminati sixteen or seventeen years ago on the internet.. there was something that for a reason that now sixteen or seventeen years later a reason I honestly can not even state or define or even know.. that this sixteen or seventeen years ago for me there was a reason.. this reason.. a reason I don't now know.. why this this Illuminati seemed so world-consuming.. so apocalpytic and overwhelming.. and the most absolute authority on planet earth.. and.. if.. perhaps no longer than me.. because my wonderful nurse Karen and my wonderful prescription-psychiatrist in Belleville, Ontario.. his name is Doctor McPherson.. they have finally found some pills for me that seemed to have cured my psyche of horror-terror-sadistic-voices.. and I'm not sure if this is permanent.. but today.. today is either the day of January the 23rd or January the 24th of the year 2025.. today.. has been so rapturously free my psyche that is my minds and emotions that is of any terror-horror-sadism voices whatsoever.. that.. I really have a deep feeling in my core that this may finally be a permanent condition for me.. because of my wonderful prescription-psychiatrist Doctor McPherson in Belleville, Ontario and my wonderful nurse Karen finally finding me some pills that.. have healed my mind and my emotions and my soul.. for today in a feeling in my core that feels so very permanent now.. so.. sorry.. Mr. Spielberg.. I forgot that I was talking to you.. if the horror for actor Ralph Fiennes.. or for the men who are together actor Ralph Fiennes.. if the horror for them does not end.. and if the sadism of the actor Ralph Fiennes Ethernet-Voice doesn't end for my friends.. like kendra tammuz wilkinson.. a dear, dear, beloved, sacred, goodness-soul-pure-ophelia-artemis soul friend of mine aka kendra tammuz wilkinson.. if the sadism of the Ethernet-Voice of actor Ralph Fiennes does not end for her.. which I can't even.. place into my head.. it's something I can't fit into my mind.. such a reality of life for her.. it's that.. until the horror-terror-sadism of the Ethernet-Voice of actor Ralph Fiennes ends.. the filming of the life of General Zod (Ralph Fiennes) on planet Krypton before the destruction of Krypton.. should really through this neurochemistry-dictated-film-footage-filming of us all living our lonely or hopeless-not-lonely lives alone with our families at home.. the life of pure horror and soul-terror of General Zod (Ralph Fiennes) on planet Krypton before the destruction of planet Krypton.. this soul-horror of General Zod (Ralph Fiennes) on Krypton causing infinite soul-loathing in General Zod (Ralph Fiennes) for everything and for the whole totality of everything that is General Zod (Ralph Fiennes).. This is his life on Krypton.. there is more.. I think there is something so terrifying going on with the legacy of author M. Scott Peck ever since the vile, disgusting way that M. Scott Peck talked about people who were supposed to have a condition that I believe is completely fabricated.. a condition that I believe has no basis in reality whatsoever.. the condition called 'Narcisstic Personality Disorder'.. on the internet in the year 1999 I believe but it may maybe have been in the year 2000 that M. Scott Peck.. that there was a vile, disgusting, heinous quote from M. Scott Peck about people who had narcisstic personality disorder (of course NO ONE has narcisstic personality disorder because this condition does not even exist in any sense whatsoever in human reality and in all definitions of the word 'reality'..).. I think there is something so horrific going on with actor Michael Rosenbaum who played Lex Luthor on 'Smallville' with such profound, deeply felt and Macbeth-level tragedy, nuance, power, metabolism.. actor Michael Rosenbaum truly is the equal of the astonishing Sam Worthington who played Macbeth opposite another equally astonishing.. actress.. actress.. Victoria Hill.. who played his beloved Lady Macbeth in a truly electrifying performance.. sorry.. Mr. Spielberg.. I forget again that I was talking to you.. until the horror of the legacy of what must honestly be the legacy of M. Scott Peck no longer consumes once more the Ethernet-Voice aka the Ethernet-Reality of actor Michael Rosenbaum.. I recently saw actor Michael Rosenbaum.. on youtube talking so beautifully about the fans of Smallville and being so very charming and just so REAL and so very good a person.. (.. he was with the beautiful Kristen Kreuk but something must be going on with voice-to-text or text-to-voice software and lip-synching with something I saw her say about the role of Michael Rosenbaum on 'Smallville'.. sorry.. Kristen Kreuk.. real sorry.. sorry Michael Rosenbaum.. I know you're really good friends with Kristen Kreuk..).. it's.. it's also.. Alison Mack?-.. Chloey on 'Smallville'.. and actor Michael Rosenbaum.. reports of their relationship recently in an article I read on the internet about maybe a year and a half ago maybe it was a year and a half ago that I read something disturbing about actor Michael Rosenbaum not being nice to Alison Mack in a sense where he represented moral authority.. I may have read this in an article on the internet maybe.. - was it?.. -.. a year and a half ago or so.. I'm not sure if this relates to something that through what I really don't believe amounts to me just having schizophrenia something that is what I still.. insist.. on calling the Ethernet-Voice of now actor Michael Rosenbaum aka 'Lex Luthor' on 'Smallville'.. something.. again.. Illuminati?-.. but I'm not sure if this relates to.. I mean actor Michael Rosenbaum.. if this what is going on with actor Michael Rosenbaum and actress Alison Mack.. if this relates to the legacy of M. Scott Peck.. ever since M. Scott Peck and the totally-fabricated condition of Narcisstic Personality Disorder talked about so terrifyingly on the internet in the year 1999 or the year 2000.. I think one of those two years at least that's when I was reading about this infuriatingly fictional fabricated condition.. it may be a deep intuition in me that relates actor Michael Rosenbaum in terms of the terrifying horror-terrifying Ethernet-Voice of actor Michael Rosenbaum in terms of once more being channeled into the psyches and consciousnesses and emotions and very souls of specifically chosen individual persons.. (.. by the Illuminati?..).. that relates actor Michael Rosenbaum in this respect to the legacy of M. Scott Peck.... okay.. sorry.. Mr. Spielberg.. for not adressing you in all due politeness more directly.. it's that.. if this legacy of M. Scott Peck (if that's what it actually is).. consuming actor Michael Rosenbaum aka 'Lex Luthor' on 'Smallville'.. in terms of what I heard from.. what I call.. his Ethernet-Voice.. (aka Ethernet-Reality).. if this M. Scott Peck legacy (if that what it is).. continues consuming actor Michael Rosenbaum in this.. (esoteric?-.. is that the word.. ).. - esoteric sense?-.. for the next several or many years.. then.. maybe for the next several years.. Steven Spielberg while filming the horror-life of General Zod (Ralph Fiennes) on Krypton.. could also simultaneously exclusively focus on filming the life of Clark (Brandon Routh) in Smallville.. before he meets Lex (Michael Rosenbaum).. before he meets and befriends him.. in Smallville, Kansas.. the life of Clark (Brandon Routh) filmed exclusively for several years.. or for several, several years.. in Smallville, Kansas.. before he meets Lex (Michael Rosenbaum).. and befriends him where the two of them truly become best friends.. in Smallville, Kansas.. so filming Clark's (Brandon Routh's) life exclusively before that first meeting.. for the next several or several, several years.. from the beginning of this year, 2025.. and.. what I am thinking of if this is respectful to actor Michael Rosenbaum.. is in the middle of this filming of Clark's (Brandon Routh's) life in Smallville, Kansas.. you might hear the heaving breathing and only that of young Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum).. the heavy M. Scott Peck-soul-consumed breathing of young Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) in Smallville, Kansas.. and only that of his presence for this film document of the life of young Clark (Brandon Routh) in Smallville, Kansas.. if this proposal is respectful to actor Michael Rosenbaum.. in terms of the pain of his consciousness and soul this very day.. and.. now.. for years to come..?.. Mr. Spielberg?.. co-director Sophia Coppola..?..." .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult winona 'The White Queen' ryder monica 'Nocturna' bellucci angelina 'Jack Cole's Zelda' jolie scarlett 'Golden Age Black Widow (Margaret Attlee?)' johasson savanna 'Nude Grail' samson victoria 'Lois Lane' hill embeth 'lena luthor' davidtz nikita 'lena thorul-colby luthor' bellucci.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

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