
Monday, June 1, 2015

beginning of the Killing film projector..

The bruce wayne and the nude little girl nude female joker, now flesh-toned, pretty, and hair ever so slightly tinted with green vagina green.. are walking thru a carnival.. she is clothed in nothing but flowers and litmus silver.. she is wearing a lollipop around her breastsnipples.. she is a flower child nuke.. they are having the best of times.. the worst of times.. a tale of to cities her breasts in tow.. the vermarch.. a killing joke..

the killing joker female marches nude to fun singing "Tuesday afternoon"  she is so happy so beautiful so beautiful.. a marching nude joker female nude renoiresque happy painitng... the joker is a female nude hippie happy with painted joy.. a painted queen.. a nude Harley Quinn.. doctor Quinn nude medicine woman nude..

through a fairy we go a fairy we go.. a ferry boat a ferry boat.. daaaviiid feeerrrieee... a fairy boat a fairy boat for a queen ray Bradbury carnival..

the nude female joker:  "soomeeethinggg wiicckeed thiisss wayyy commmesss... maacbeethh nude witches..."

Stormclouds vetums nude litmus stormclouds not amoebeas red..

The titles "the Killing Joe... the Killing joke".. the titles float toward the screen to nude nightingale mist.. like nude mist.. to the sounds singsong of the moody blues "tueessdayyy afftteerrnooon"  .. a carnival magic nude killing joke.. a photograph pleasant.. smile.. nude Barbara..

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