The Killing Joker movie..
nude liggle girl nude steve trevor female joker nude female: and and and ye togods ye still think it MEANS something.. all the wars rolls Royce wars get a FORD.. a war to end all words over giraffe poles.. over the telephone phony war bell matrix.. ding dong get a gong.. the bitch joker is dead dead DEAD.. I am a nice ass honey.. I am a honey ass war.. TELEPHONE WARS.. FUUUuuuccckkkk... I am a nude telephone.. BELLL... I am Nazi bell .. I am scum.. I am a telephone bean ball.. I am balls network bell.. the SECOND WORLD WAR happened after BELL .. because of BELL telePHOOEENEE... a phony PHONY filth war was the sequel to world war one.. ONE.. war to end them all .. one war to guide them.. one war to bring and end.. and in the darkness bind them.. aha AH AH.. the joker is not nude for nothing.. commissonier GORDON.. look at your baby blue girlfriend DAUGHTER's naked nude fat FAT plump pudding butt ASS... nude Barbara Gordon is all ASS... yikes..
commissioner Gordon: BAARBAAARRAAA!!!!
nude female FEMINAZI nude scum joker is played by nude scum Julia Roberts nuuiIIDddee...
gary oldman is gomer pyle commissioner Gordon
nude bare ass Alicia silverston is nude bare ass Barbara Gordon..
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