
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Charles Xavier.. and the John Huston future indixses.. indexes...

Charles Xavier: .. and what is oil...

John Huston: .. the future, charrrlless.. the future..

Charles Xavier: - recollecting, his monologue - :  and the future was all it was - todd pitt Louis voice - for their was nothing else.. and the present SEIZED - speaking like a saint paul evangelist - I say SEIZED The future .. no wait.. the present.. the future SEIZED the present.. ahgh ah hah.. - like albert finniy in annie - and wait.. and BLINNDDDEDD me... to the realities of the present.. like a white light..

nude black canary:  - sniff boo hooo - I was a white light?...

Charles Xavier: - and and .. it was just like .. hope was in the tunnels.. in gaza like underground tunnels.. which would arrive like thunder present tense.. and it is all like .. in the end the blur the Gordon Pym pink white mist of opaCITY was .. Floyd..

Charles Xavier: ... and it was nothing but Floyd.. for their was a future which was a present made sour.. and the uncanny x-men had not yet begun.. and I was yet to design what was it?.. mysterio.. eclipse.. mastermind.. what was that telepathic oracle helmet... was it an oracle helmet.. which I was to design in the future.. so it could rich out to thousands of people.. a bit.. differently than I already had...

Charles Xavier: .. you see.. my telepathy can tell time into the future.. my telepathy can do linear projection into the future the FUTUREE...

john Huston: .. ahh yess.. oil ... oil.. oil swirlings are the swirl vortex VORRTEX into the future.. from.. the present..

Charles Xavier:  .. and that... mu friend.. is a .. is then the future indeed a vortex tense grammar.. a grammer of vortex vortex?.. is the future... is the future a vortex into the present.. for a telepath.. is it an oil swirling vortex..

john Huston:  oil.. my good friend.. oil...

Charles Xavier: ... and how many coordinates make it into the swirl.. is the oil swirling a map of coordinates.. a very landscape of coordinates... from the future into the present..?..

john future:  .. future indexes a fiery embryo irl oil swirling...

Charles Xavier: .. this is it... the future.. for i know a man in a glass booth...

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