
Saturday, September 5, 2015

danny devito Oswald Cobblepot Penguin is an edith whartonian character.. walt whitman's leaves of grass.. pure leaves of grass. a book nude edith read a hundred times.. for starters.. like nude winona .. who may have in fact read catcher in the rye a thousand times...

micheal keatons in batman returns 2 or 1 rather sorry real sorry was the character much like woody allen a very young woody allen in a henry james novel .. woody allen or alan alda: guess which one... Roderick Hudson.. yessith ... woody allen roderich Hudson.. rich Hudson .. Richie rich was Roderick roderich Hudson.. his older brother obin wan Kenobi mentor.. sorry not actually obi wan shopenhauer who was too dark for a henry james herny novel.. poor lois and her spelling miszzsepplign.. alliances.. GOODbye GOODBYE>>... meichale Keaton yetssith wa s obi wan roderich Hudson in the henry james esque novel of the same name.. poor golu m lois... in BATMAN RETURNS THE @....

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