
Friday, September 4, 2015

eric hollywood magnus is doc holliday is doc hollywood eric magnus...

eric doc Hollywood magnus:... what's up doc producers..

producers:.. this is the memo we need..

eric doc:  what memo.. I no need no memo.. but this is what we don't need..

producers:  a memo..

eric doc magnus:  eeyyessith.. we are already ready to rumble the oh Hollywood machine

nude winona:  .. I am ready for my nude scene the first in twenty thirty forty years of my existence..

eric magnus: .. ahh winona I'm so glad you could make it.. it's been a long time since the crucible.. so sorry I scared you.. ahhhh!!... I have tourettes.. I don't.. I don't talk TALK like this.. I was a right pig orion iron pig iron mighty young joe bastard of steel cretin soul when I socked it to you and scared you in the cruci - something about that didn't come out right...

nude winona ryder:  .. it SOO helped me be a much better actress when you did your steely irish American gang of new York state upon me soul god's finger.. fingah me god..

eric magnus: .. I don't get it.. I just don't .. I never felt I was in the scene..

nude winona ryder:  .. in the moment?.. I was.. all method imen..

eric magnus: .. no.. sorry you don't get my mimic meaningless ned ol'l ned.. I am in time reflex time travel secret reflex...

nude winona ryder:  ohhh.. my pubis time travels dark justice league..

eric magnus: .. ahh.. yes gottat get that justice league movie out before it's too late and we lose audience interest in comic book movies...

nude winona ryder: .. can I yet play wonder woman in batman versus superman?

eric magnus:  .. that's gal's or rhena's game in town.. maybe i'll write a wonder woman movie for you Diana winona on youtube..

nude winona ryder:  ahhh.wwww.. thatszz ..s o swee- whaahh?..

eric magnus: .. youtube is the generation of the future.. youtube will soon be devil icon no more.. pixels pixels and more pixels.. pac man generation.. man.. part - tee..

nude winona ryder:  part - tee hehehe tee heheehee

eric magnus:  teeh hee hee

early uncanny x-men movie scene dialogue by chris Claremont for Daniel day lewis and winona..

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