
Saturday, September 5, 2015

... i'm going to have to make a long, long movie about how truly unfathomably, intolerably, abyssmally incompetant the CIA truly is..

.. it'll be called, "the gomers"...

written by will Ferrell, jack black, scott Thompson, mark McKinney, bruce mcCulloch, Kevin.. Macdonald?.. mcKidd?..... and dave foley..

directed by the same .. the at is .. by the writers...

the movie will also be called.. by another name when it's released... "SHIELD".. by the same writer/director team..

... make a TV series of it...

phil Coulson:..".. these clowns make the abwher look good..."

Bill Clinton, played by PHil Hartman, Darrel Hammond or bill Clinton:  I had one of the worst, even most evil tenures as president in the history of the US, but I laid the foundations after AFTER my presidency for something truly .. great.. oh.. man.. oh, man.. oh man.. oh man.. oh ma -....

Bill Clinton: George W.. was George W. Washington.. was George Washington.. George bush junior was.. but al gore would've been Lincoln..."

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