and nude wonder woman god of peace nude goddess of peace eris .. nude Diana the prodigal daughter...
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the god of peace; I am the robot boy glugg of my nude moher.. nude mother.. I drink the air of oceans promise crammed.. I am a capon unfed...
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the god of peace: we're thru the looking glass - nue she is nude Diana - oh oh oh...
the god of war: so chuff versus glugg.. a word of war is it it is.. war versus peace.. chuff versus glugg.. white vine versus vinegar.. vinegar .. vinegar.. water water water salt...
the god of peace: .. and I will turn into an ash of pillar of salt if I DARE one day to look back.. sorry for shouting.. oh no.. I am nude.. - nude Diana of peace is nude - oh o h oh oh.... oh someday I will be a prince...
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