writer: George perez
Nude megan gale aka witwee nude diana
aka jar-jar binks diana aka “you're looking for trouble naked diana
nude wonder woman: “Hi, so” -curdling her throat - “soooo, why
have we called you here. Ohh, I'm so excited. You look like such a
gentleman,.. See, we need you. It's as basic as that. Where would
the” - fingure gesturing quotation marks - “ 'superheros' be
withour the supervillains. Reading self-help books to get themselves
out of the abysmal doldrums of lowwww self-esteem. We need you to
make us important. It's all a game, see. I love the game. I love
it, Max, don't you. That's why you call yourselves the Royal Flush
gang, 'cause you understand. You look me in the eye and you get the
understanding, that we're all, superheros and supervillains, in the
same boat, Like, that scene in Bulworth, remember, where Warren
Beatty stops talking about the “issue”s in the middle of a debate
and says, like “We're not really enemies, or rivals, You're a
Republican and I'm a Democrat but we're all on the same page. Or it
was he was Republican and they were a Democrat. I can't Remember,
But that's the point, see, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter who
wears what hat. It doesn't mater whether I'm a supervillain or a
superhero, it doesn't matter for you either. We're all together in
this. It's all media. We're all in the same boat. So what we want,
what we NEED, is for the Royal Flush gang to attack the Justice
league. And nobody wins, right. Or if we win, well get you off,
don't worry. You can do that, Max, right? We NEED the publicity.”
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