
Monday, May 29, 2017

Hercules was the last of the Titans..

Hercules.. after the age of Prometheus.. found out about Ain't it cool news.. and he knew that Ain't it cool news had to plumb the subsoils.. the very undergrowth of sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-busculture.. it had to go sub-bus did ain't it cool news.. Hercules knew this.. it had to be a herculean bus.. it had to be a CPU.. Hercules had to know the CPU.. he had to know the tic-toc clock of the Computer.. he had to know n/p diodes did Hercules did.. most of all.. Hercules had to know broadband.. and he had to know the donkeypress bandwith of donkeypress newsarama.. Hercules.. he had to .. make Ain't it cool news.. with Harry's help.. into joomla.. joomla.. joomla.. Hercules had to turn Ain't it cool news from a mountain into a molehill again.. so the talkbackers would be ants again.. mere ants.. mere ants. mere ants to old Harry Lime Hercules.. a true British Limey..

Kevin Sorbo is Hercules in Scorcese's movie, "William Marston's Wonder Woman"...

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