Vandal Savage
Vandal Savage, the immortal tyrant, has been witness to humanity's growth from the dawn of civilization, and his desire to control mankind has led him into conflict with many heroes of the DC Universe.
The Vandal Savage wiki last edited by BJWise on 05/17/17 08:55PM View full history
Current Events
After he and his teammates on the Demon Knights successfully defend the town of Little Spring from the forces of the Questing Queen, the team moves on while Madame Xanadu explains the relationship between herself and Etrigan and Jason Blood.

In prehistoric times, a caveman named Vandar Adg led the Blood Tribe, a Cro-Magnon tribe. He encountered a mysterious meteorite, and was bathed in its radiation. This radiation wrought a change in him, affording him amazing intellect and immortality. Since this time he has claimed to be numerous famous and vicious leaders, and to have been close with numerous other famous people through history. He has been in conflict with possibly every one of Earth's heroes over the years, usually as a result of his plans to control the world
Vandal Savage was created by Alfred Bester and Martin Nodell.
Character Evolution
Silver Age / Earth Two

Prior to the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Vandal Savage was a resident of Earth-Two, though he was made aware of Earth-One relatively early in his life. He was introduced as a villain for the Justice Society of America, and specifically for the first Green Lantern, Alan Scott. He continued as an enemy for the JSA into the Silver Age, making occasional appearances throughout that time. Also in the Silver Age his arch enemy, Immortal Man, was first introduced, a man with a similar origin to Savage who battled him through the years. They continued as enemies until the Crisis erased Immortal Man from existence, and he was replaced by a new arch enemy, Resurrection Man.
Modern Age / New Earth

After the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths, Savage found himself hardly affected by the event, aside from gaining more enemies. Knowing his developed hatred for the Justice Society, the re-installation of a new team consisting superheroes within the modern time known as the Justice League, quickly gained Savage’s attention to where he didn’t hesitate on forming a group of villains to make an attack on this new team so that they wouldn’t pose any threat towards Savage’s future goals. Yet, none would gain any more hatred from Savage than the supposed new Immortal Man, which was the mysterious Resurrection Man. After his recent fallout with the Justice League, Vandal Savage decided to take care of each member individually, starting with the newest Flash (Wally West). Even though Savage made a surprising attack on the hero, his second attempt to kill off the hero found itself failing with Savage falling to his supposed death.
Far from being dead, Savage eventually returns as a threat to Wally when the hero discovers street thugs with the exact same speed powers as he. It turns out to be the immortal's attempt at taking over the city by peddling the addicting speed drug known as Velocity 9 as an advantage to control his own superpowered army to help accomplish his goals. Injecting the same drug into himself, Flash still manages to defeat Savage, but at a cost as Wally finds himself temporarily powerless. Savage once again finds his powers at a loss as he rapidly begins to age. Feeling that he must avenge himself against the Flash, Savage almost manages to fulfill his goal as he shoots the hero at point blank range, but with one of his mortal nemeses Immortal Man helping the hero, Savage’s goal of killing Flash is foiled while Savage slowly begins to waste away.
Post-Flashpoint / Earth 0

Savage's first appearance in the post-Flashpoint world is as a member of the rag-tag group called the Demon Knights. A group of individuals who happened to be in the same area when a massive army under the command of the Questing Queen and Mordru aims to smash through the town of Little Spring to get to Alba Umbra, a mysterious city. Vandal's appearance in Demon Knights is a contrast to his previous appearances as he provides much of the comic relief of the book. While he still posses great strength and skill of arms and leadership skills as he ends up being the traininer and commander of the small garrison of Little Spring, Vandal appears to be thinking mostly with his stomach, such as reacting with gleeful delight when dinosaurs crash into the inn, claiming he hadn't eaten one in centuries. Vandal however still has his darker sides and unknown to the other Knights, he was once close to the Questing Queen, but was banished for kissing her.
In the present time, Vandal Savage is seen imprisoned and interacting with his daughter Kass Sage until the Forever Evil event allows him to break free and join the Secret Society of Supervillains. On a mission for them, he attempts to open Pandora's Box as one with a dark heart but it is shown he has some compassion left in him. He vowed to get revenge on Pandora and almost succeeded. Vandal also helped out his old friend Capucine in her quest with Swamp Thing to find the Sureen. Recently, Vandal has been forcibly recruited into Justice League United to deal with an anomaly comprised of every major European battle ever.
Major Story Arcs
Silver Age: Earth Two
Superman of Two Earths
After his recent battles with the Justice Society, Vandal would find himself trying to capture the members of the Justice Society, only to find himself being defeated by both Flashes, Jay Garrick and Barry Allen. After his recent struggles with both heroes, Savage eventually found himself stripped of his powers .Needing a way to restore his lost powers, Savage would come up with an elaborate plan on gaining his powers by means of the hero of Earth-2 and Earth-1 Superman, Savage eventually found himself fully accomplishing his life long goals. At first his struggles with Earth-2 Superman and their Justice Society found themselves defeating Savage and forcing him to gain powers with the Earth-1 Superman. Managing to accomplish this goal, Savage would use this energy to set time-bombs that changed and altered history to where Savage ruled the world. With born into a world where Savage was supreme ruler, as an infant he was given to Savage to act on his behalf, serving as a ward of the court. However this plan would find itself foiled when this realities Lex Luthor managed to restore Superman’s memory and cause the hero to restore the timeline to it’s proper order.
Even though Savage’s plans were foiled, both Superman and Savage knew that the world never learned of the events that just took place. It was this that Savage took great pride on as he knew the hero couldn’t bring him to justice because of how the world had knowledge of the crimes that was committed by Savage. Captain of an industry company, Savage found himself at another attempt of obtaining his goals once more. However, Savage was far from being finished with the only threat to his plans, which was Superman. It was after the combined effort of the team known as the Forgotten Heroes and Superman foiling Savage's plans to send a part of Metropolis into a prehistoric state, Savage managed to rid the hero by successfully using the media as a weapon for the Man of Steel. Claiming that Superman’s actions and powers was an act of irresponsibility and uncontrollable as he pinned the recent incident plus many more (which has been caused by Savage) on the hero. Even though this plan seemed successful and Savage was to find himself rid of Superman, it would be his own gloating that would find Savage’s plans backfiring on him. Exposing his plans and his true goals to Superman without the knowledge of this conversation being transmitted through a live audience. After his exposure and showing his true colors, the world would finally learn Savage’s true colors as the criminal mastermind found himself going into hiding once more.
Modern Age: New Earth
Two threats, two timelines, and the same man
Probably one of the most unique moments within Savage’s history was his attempt to cause a nuclear assault on Washington D.C, Metropolis, Brussels, and Singapore with the use of purchased Red Rocket armor. With the Titans attempting to stop Savage’s plans, he managed to individually take down each member and place them within a Red Rocket suit. Sending the heroes to their supposed deaths, it would be Tempest barely escaping and a biotech virus that was sent by both the mad tyrant Solaris and Vandal Savage from the future 853 century would find the suit steering off-course and hitting Montevideo, Uruguay. With the present day Savage unaware of this scheme and witnessing the devastating results from the virus, he believed that this was an attempt from the JLA, which also caused Savage to release his “blitz engines” that he secretly stored away since World War II. With not only his machinations failing, but due to the efforts from the future versions of the Justice League, his plans of nuclear assault and the killing of the remaining Titan members were foiled.Even though the present day Savage wasn’t a threat, there was still the threat of the 853 century Vandal Savage, as he and Solaris make their attempts on killing Superman Prime. As both JLA and their future counter-parts find themselves in a climatic fight against Solaris, Vandal knew that defeat was at hand and decided to manipulate Walker Gabriel into time traveling into the past and steal the time traveling gauntlets from the Flash while he was still in the present time. Managing to acquire the gauntlets after double-crossing Gabriel, Savage would attempt to use them to make his escape. But due to the Gauntlets being tampered with by Gabriel and the Resurrection Man, Vandal Savage found himself accidentally traveling to Montevideo, seconds before being struck down by the same Red Rocket armor that his past version meant to send towards Washington DC.
It is said that this was the exact moment of Vandal Savage’s real death. Even though it only happens in the 853 century, there isn’t any solid proof that this death may take place due to the possible fact that this Savage was from a different Earth within the future. It's also a fact that Savage within the present wasn't aware of this death at all.

Much like his recent history for making his second attempt on those who foiled and defeated Savage, it was that he always returned for bloodthirsty revenge. This time he had his eye’s set on the Titans, the team he nearly defeated and which he possibly believed was the cause of his plans being ruined when trying to cause a nuclear assault. By attempting on fulfilling his goals, Savage wanted his very own team, which served as a anti-Titans team. In order to accomplish the task, Savage would kidnap the Titans member known as Omen and force her to create the perfect team for him. Even though Omen did what Savage commanded, she secretly selected a team that would find itself quickly falling apart. Recruiting Gorilla Grodd, Lady Vic, Cheshire, Siren, and Red Panzar, Savage found himself with a team that was known as Tartarus.
Their first mission was to find the H.I.V.E Mistress known as Adeline Wilson. Savage wanted her for the purposes of using her blood for an immortality serum. After slitting her throat, Savage and his team would later find themselves going against the Titans which ended in a disaster. With Red Panzar dying in fight, Savage and his team managed to escape by shooting Cheshire and using her as a distraction, leaving her to be captured by the Titans. After learning the location of Omen, the Titans would quickly find her and and another fight with Tartarus that found itself quickly ending after Siren switched sides.
Immortal enemies
Throughout Savage’s long history, he has been known to see many as his personal enemy. Even though he’s just about fought every hero within the DC universe, there were only two people who held battles with Savage ever since gaining his powers from the meteorite. There would be no man that Savage could express any more hatred for than Mitchell Shelley, AKA Resurrection Man. Another group that was formerly known to be a threat against Savage would rise once more when trying to find their missing leader, the Immortal Man. As the group believed Shelley to be the missing Immortal Man, they would later discover differently when the real Immortal Man has been a captive by Vandal Savage for many years. Later, Savage, Immortal Man, and Shelley would learn the origins of their powers and their connection with each other as they find themselves against an alien threat with the same origins.
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