The words on the screen.. white letters on a black background .. are..
... ".. it is the 22nd century... It is the Gotham City of the 22nd Century... the era .. the world-era of the female perpetrator is over... the era of Microsoft edge, the internet Microsoft news-browser that reports a gender parity in violent crime, that reports an equal number of violent crime perpetrated by women as by men, the era of Microsoft edge is over and has been historically forgotten... the media that runs the planet asserts that the immense, overwhelming, Leviathan-scale majority of perpetrators of murder and sexual assault and theft are men.. and only the men.. the male gender... their is an implicit understanding that the only denizens of Hell .. of the Hell of the realm of the afterlife.. are men.. are people of the male gender... it is the 22nd Century.. people want to post on the internet.. but their souls feel to silent .. to silenced to do this.. ".. I can't live like this.. I can't live like this.. I can't live like this...".. Batman .. teh Batman who had been the result of a transfiguration, of a signature of a Bat-Covenant.. the Ahania Blacksmith Batman.. teh Ahania Blacksmith Bruce Wayne.. has teleported from the beginnings of the 21st century.. from the era of the Microsoft browser called. Microsoft edge.. Microsoft edge.. he has teleported to the beginning of the Nightmarish media-dystopia of the 22nd century.. and he is with us .. tonight...
"Gotham; Chapter Six"..
.. a movie directed by
Chris Nolan
and Tim Burton
and Geoffrey Wright ....
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