
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Clark Kent talks to actor, Harvey Keitel, in... "Superman; man of tomorrow; chapter one", directed by Steven Spielberg and Sophia Copolla...

Clark Kent (Brandon Routh):.. ".. Harvey... I want to talk about.. "Bad Lieutenant".."..

Harvey Keitel:.."... please do.. Clark.. please.. please do.. so graciously.. so.. so graciously...."

Clark Kent (Brandon Routh):..".. it's that.. It's the movie.. "Bad Lieutenant" is THE movie.. THE movie that you can watch.. teh movie that is pure, unadultered Dostoevsky.. that is what "Bad Lieutenant" .. as it's advertised on the cover of the videocassette.. that I rented from a video rental place.. on the cover of the videocassette of "Bad Lieutenant".. with a riveting, vivid photograph of you.. Harvey Keitel.. the word... underneath or beside the title "Bad Lieutenant" .. are .. wait.. uh.. Thief.. Killer.. many, many other such words of that ilk.. but those are the only two I can remember.. the very last word in the column of words is "Killer"... but he's not.. that's actually ENTIRELY inaccurate about the movie.. you don't kill anyone .. at all.. in "Bad Lieutenant".. they went overboard promoting your character as the ultimate Dostoevsky character in that movie.. Harvey Keitel.. that's what I wanted to say.. it's THE movie... "Bad Lietenant".. based on how it's promoted on the cover.. is the movie .. you can actually.. watch.. the movie in which Harvey Keitel plays a police detective who is a thief.. it means.. that if you yourself have stolen in your life.. YOU CAN WATCH THIS MOVIE.. "Bad Lieutenant".. the Dostoevsky thing with theft.. yeah.. It's Dimitry.. it's Dimitry Karamazov entering the ultimate psychological debt-labyrinth of his own identity as being someone who finally.. seems.. to be.. a thief.. it's.. "

Harvey Keitel:..".. what- what- what-.. but Clark.. people can't watch this movie.. Clark.. I can't believe what this .. what watching this movie.. did to you.. Clark.."

Clark Kent (Brandon Routh):....".. it's what you tried with such agony of soul to do with this movie.. Harvey.. to make a movie that people who have themselves stolen CAN SEE.. and.. it's that.. I respect taht infinitely about you, Harvey Keitel .. I'm sorry.. it's that.. their's a scene in a movie where.. you stop two girls out driving their father's car without his knowledge.. you ask .. or you tell.. sorry.. one of the girls... this is heinous.. really heinous.. you order.. this is heinous.. you tell her.. to show you her posterior.. you use the "a" word about her.. and she turns around and lifts up her skirt.. and she.. does.. I turned away and didn't watch the scene at all when that scene happened.. I'm not sure how.. but I saw the other thing you do.. when you tell the other girl to do tongue gesticulations like she's having oral sex.. it's that.. this is the .. these are teh scenes you did Harvey  Keitel that mean you don't think you can be an actor anymore.. and .. it's that.."

Harvey Keitel:.. "... Clark.. I played a scumbag in this movie.. I played a COMPLETE scumbag in this movie.."

Clark Kent:.. ".. maybe.. it's like.. when you are driving the two teenagers who raped a nun... when you're driving them to a place .. a bus station .. where they can safely leave the city.. you call them .. you say.. how can anyone do something like that.. you call them scumbags.."

Harvey Keitel:.. ".. - what..?.. but -.."

Clark Kent:..".. it's that .. it's because YOU'RE character in this movie is a scumbag.. it's that you calling THEM scumbags doesn't mean anything at all.. it has no effect on the viewer whatsoever.. you still drive them to the bus station at the end of the movie.. and you give them as much money as you have on you.. and you see them on the bus where they safely leave the city.. "..

this scene between Clark Kent (Brandon Routh) and actor Harvey Keitel, playing himself... happens as maybe one of the very first Metropolis scenes in "Superman; man of tomorrow; chapter one", directed by Steven Spielberg and Sophia Copolla... this being... Steven Spielberg's very, very first Superman movie...

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