
Saturday, June 6, 2020

Dark Cybergoth mix the enigma TNG.. is the quintessential, official music of.. in a movie called.. "Villains divided".. just- it's.. "Villains divided".. Steven Spielberg's / Sophia Copolla's fourth Superman movie which they co-direct together.. a movie with the title.. "Superman; man of tomorrow; chapter four- Villains Divided".. a Golden Age movie.. 1st series.. 1st series.. in this movie.. at the very, very, very beginning of this movie... comic book expert-writer Alan Moore has a new best friend.. none other than.. Nude Superwoman (Nude Savanna Samson).. who arrives and promotes her presence at 'The Daily Planet'.. where a man who mysteriously introduces himself as 'Tom Lamont' (Kevin Spacey) introduces himself to Perry White (George Clooney).. at the exact time that an exact Doctor Manhatten-esque .... Nude Superwoman (Nude Savanna Samson).. is hovering in the air .. luminescent and brilliant-shining-nude superwoman (nude savanna samson) looking.. she's hovering in the air in the Daily Planet offices... just like Doctor Manhatten in his introduction to the general populace in Alan Moore's / Dave Gibbons's "Watchmen" comic book... and.... all of this happens before ANY public cognizance / cognisance.. whatsoEVER of a Superman.. or even the public being able to form the word 'Superman' in the very texture of their minds .. of the mind of the public... itself.. a Nude Superwoman (Nude Savanna Samson).. arrives.. before this ever happens.. long, long, long, long before a Superman (Brandon Routh) ... EVER .. arrives... a Nude Superwoman (Nude Savanna Samson).. has arrived.. and what happened is this.. a funny thing.. Perry White (George Clooney).. finds the name .. the mysterious name.. "Lois Lane".. on his Daily Planet internet database... the name 'Lois Lane' is frought with Freemason-esque.. Kate Croy-esque archival intrigue and labyrinthine mystery.. such is the case with the name.. "Lois Lane".. for Perry White (George Clooney)... (.. he hasn't encountered in his life.. a young, wise-beyond-her years, holy spirit innocent woman named.. as well.. named.. Lois Lane (Victoria Brianne Lane Hill).. he hasn't met her yet in his life.. at all.. at all...)... thru expert Arthur Conan Doyle-level detective work.. Perry White's (George Clooney's) .. investigations.. of the Kate Croy-esque Freemason-esque name.. "Lois Lane".. it all leads to him .. encountering.. Nude Superwoman (Nude Savanna Samson).. while he's in the Daily Planet offices with a man (Kevin Spacey) who possesses the mysterious name.. 'Tom Lamont'.. while she Nude Superwoman (Nude Savanna Samson).. hovers brilliantly like a white, silver-shining nude female porcelain angel.. she's levitating ... just like a Doctor Manhatten... in the closed, claustrophobic.. Daily Planet offices... and she shortly becomes expert-comic-book-writer Alan Moores's very, very, very best buddy in the whole wide world.. as the two of them... do the public, Nasa-oriented, Pentagon-promoted public circuit.. together .. just the two of them... all of the lenghty aforementioned.. in the 12-hour.. "Superman; man of tomorrow; chapter four- Villains Divided", directed by Steven Spielberg, Sophia Copolla .. and.. sob sob sob.. and Scorcese.. sob sob sob.. a Golden Age 1st series... movie.. sob sob sob... a Golden Age 1st series.... movie.. sob sob...

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