
Thursday, August 6, 2015

nude tiffany fallon nude diana... the wonder woman: spirit of the earth screenplay...

nude tiffany fallon nude Diana:  the rising of my breasts like cream mountains with glacier ice on top are a war's contumely early self-mocking.. a self-mocking war are my breasts nude contumely.. knights top my breasts.. a sword my breast.. two swords my breasts.. a crossing mid-section between them.. two wars my breasts.. a nude war my nude body.. I am Diana nude...

nude donna troy:  this war is strange to me.. soo strange .. I am a Miranda nude.. I a stranger river of stranger stream clouds.. the cream of my pubis is a strange, eerie war mysterious.. a spy war my pubis.. my pubis a spy.. dew dew adieu.. adieu a spy my pubis dew...

nude Diana:  you are so beautiful in your eerie lake of donna nude troy... you are the glass mirror reflection of me a refracted colour of my soul nude.. may colours clours clouds of the rainbow are you.. you sweet prism you nude donna troy...

nude donna troy:  and a stranger prism their never was..

nude Diana:  and a stranger prison my nude body is a poddy with prison abdomen walls a stomach nude I behold in myself my belly red and fiery.. I am a nude woman fiery prison.. a prison of fire my nude body is.. I am a boy...

steve trevor sr."  the war is brought to the table..

steve trevor jr.  his son:  a war of tablenapkins..

steve trevor sr."  can you guarantee my safety in this war..

steve trevor jr.:  that would be my job yes.. as a senior commander..

steve trevor sr:  and it was my job to get you that job..

steve trevor jr."  heh.. don't remind me..

steve trevor sr.:  I think we both need a promotion..

steve trevor jr:  maybe i'll stay comfort ridden on the lower rungs of promotion.. I promote too easily.. don't need to get drunk on it..

steve trevor sr.:  ahh.. I can never get too drunk...

steve jr:  I don't like the feeling.. glad to see you're different..

steve trevor sr:  I gotz to be meeeee....

steve jr:  I know the feeling

major killgore arrives:  ahh.. I all present and accounted for I see.. world war II imen III is impending.. couldn't be more timely .. ahh world war three.. not a bad idea.. not a bad idea at all..

steve trevor sr chuckles.. steve trevor jr. looks non-plussed...

major killgore:  we serve grave powers greater than us.. we are merely lets we say puppets of these powers..

steve jr:  ahh.. humanity is no one's puppet... that would be a war crime..

major killgore: ahh.. a war crime you say.. but if we weren't puppets of great powers were where would be our heads... the alternative is.. unthinkable..

steve jr:  I follow Sartre 's thought..

major killgore:  but Sartre is going to hell earlier much earlier than thought before..

steve jr.:  thanks.. thanks for the warning.. I won't read him anymore...

steve sr:  .. I .. have.. their was .. radio .. interference.. while.. reading.. something.. sonar.. in .. the air..

steve jr."  I do not well understand you..

steve sr:  no.. nor me either..

major killgore:  we will have fewer and fewer allies in this war.. we've got to be together a well-stuck group.. otherwise we lose each other forever.. and become Sartre's in the nightmare dusk.. a dusk of horrors..

steve sr:  I may be already alone in the dusk ..

steve jr:  it was my job to keep you in the light.. I failed in many things and many many things in the future as well..

steve sr:  no the failure is mine and the failure of many other people entirely...

major killgore:  I will fail no more.. War's on..

nude Diana:  Ares is coming.. I can feel it.. he started a Super-State.. a techno-leviathan out of Hobbe's and Philip K. Dick's dreams.. a Blade Runner State Ares began.. Israel...

nude donna troy:  I will go to that state.. it becomes me.. a future state my state my condition nude a waterfall state I am..

nude Diana:  ahhh.. a waterfall state.. a waterfall politic.. over many rocks and crannies.. many many stones of Sisyphus.. a waterfall is a Sisyphus climbing..

nude donna troy:  that description is me eternal nude.. a nude sculpture waterfall am I...

nude Diana:  you are thus my mirror image.. my sweet breast against an ice nude sculpture you.. I am the organic against all things.. against all yous..

nude donna troy:  I will forever be ice..

nude Diana:  yess.. ice to my senses you are.. I am the cold inhuman organic.. you are the warm human inorganic .. you are a snowflake reflection to my inhuman coldness of pure feeling life..

nude donna troy:   I do as a nude woman sculpture nude crave the organic like a melting snowflake craving some substance to carve itself to .. you are a hewed beaty nude.. Diana nude..

nude Diana:  someday I will feel the true horrors of my flesh.. and the ravishing ares will have possess the true nude flesh of my soul in an ice-cold ravage snowstorm of ice.. in an ice storm my nude body flesh will be possessed by ares ben gurion...

Maxwell lord:  medicine.. fake medicine has ravished the world.. fake medicine is international.. fake droplets of fake soft promising dew of medicine and medical malpractice made tardy late and irrelevant.. their are no medical malpractice suits whatsoever today...  their considered illegal..

nude Diana:  medicine will someday carve and hew my body nude and not-so-nude d by medicine as it comes.. sniff boo hoo.. I miss Apollo.. he has been gone for at least two centuries...

Maxwell lord:  I very much wish to be that Apollo..

nude Diana:  maybe you can .. maybe you can..

max lord:  I begin to waste away the more I fail at networking.. I crave CRAVE the international .. advertising.. MUST get into advertising.. sorry so sorry for shouting...

nude Diana:  maybe .. maybe I can help..

max lord:  I've got to find all the little-leaguers.. make them a united nations...

nude Diana:  I CAN help.. hee..

max lord:  yes.. I believe you can...

nude Diana:  let's put out an add.. am AD... wanna be a villain.. be a little leaguer.. big bush league are the heroes.. be a little leaguer villain..

max lord:  - affectionately - ahh.. sheer genius.. wait let me write that down - gets a paper - okay be a villain wanna be.. - damn PEN won't work ink's dry... sorry real sorry for shouting... i'll get another pen - get's a second pen - oaky little leaguer pen - DAMN ink's dry with this pen too... ah a pencil .. CRACKED it damn damn damn...

nude Diana:  i'll remember hopefully with my phonetic celtic memory...

max lord:  it's okay don't worry ... don't worry about it.. I should remember.. DAMN.. it may have been very important.. I believe it was...

nude wonder woman:  nude tiffany fallon

nude donna troy:  nude Miranda kerr...

steve trover trevor sr. :  gary oldman

steve trevor jr.:  mikey Jerome..

major killgore:  warren beatty...

Maxwell lord:  hugh grant...

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