
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Peter Parker...

Peter Parker:  summer is here and waning readily into an autumn breeze climate.. we are swinging on rooftops between chimney's of grey crimson pallour.. we aer smaershing thru windows and chimneys and fire-escapes becorse wer cun.. the clouds are streaming red brilliance... was that a hair-blower...

nude Cynthia belleview nude gwen:  eeee screeee...

peter parker:  ahh.. right on time.. gee thet sounds callous.. I'm just so used to how delicately gwen screams..

nude Cynthia belliveau:  eeeee.. my hair my hair venom carnage have symbioted my hair it's become medusa hair and und is eiz STRANGLING me body nude and soul...

peter parker:  this looks like a job for spider-man...

nude Cynthia belliveau:  it can't happen too quickly this job.. it's a funny war-spider war... my radio-spider calling card belt is working radio blips pips at light speed... I hope he gets here soon.. my hair's a real mess...

peter:  ahhh... what?  hair?

nude Cynthia belliveau"  this is the real mess of carthage..

peter:   ahh .. some webbing will do the trick.. uh.. maybe not.. it gets worse..

nude Cynthia belliveau:  oh NO... the symbiotes are incorporating the webbing into their nano-tech vibes... pure batman and robin... my hair's even longer now.. now that webbing is involved..

peter:  ah I need a hoverboard...

nude cinthia belliveau:  i'll have to make do with my giganta-hair... it's looks too good already... funny hair.. funny hair...

nude uma arrives..

nude uma:  mary jane nude is here... I'm taking a bath in the skyhights of manhatten... bubbles and a razor-sharp hair-blower cord around my nude leg ... I have a twisted pubis....

peter:  uh.. mary jane.. this is not going to help...

nude uma mary jane nude Watson:  it will WILL.. by hick or by crick or Watson.. my leg is all twisted DNA because of this damn cord around it's nude curvature body nude me.. why is my bathtub I'm in nude hovering in the middle of the air between buildings anyway... my hairs all wet and tidy unlike uma Cynthia's nude mess of hair...

nude Cynthia:  pleeeaassezzzee.. stop being a bitch uma little mary.. I'm stuck in my usual modelling pose nude, party-girl.. before I get in my bikini, I need to soap my hair with uma..

nude uma mary jane nude:  before I get in my party dress, I need to soap my hair with uma...

peter parker:  uh, girls...

green goblin arrives..

green goblin:  game over .. it takes two to tango with the devil by the pale moonlight...

peter parker:  great, another guy I can't hurt...

green goblin:  nyam nyam... I am the devil you sayyy... I am ready for some action to party sky high..

the two nude girls nude Cynthia gale gwen nude and nue uma mary jane nude:  yayy party sky high...

peter parker;  time to do a party-hardy...

green goblin:  hardy-har - har...

nude Cynthia belleview:  whud abud my haiairiririrrrr...

nude uma:  make it stay STILLLL....

peter parker:  some of this is just beyond me...

doctor octopus:  right on time...  time to make me forget time.. venom has done his work for the sinister six.. glad you could join us, green goblin..

green goblin:  wouldn't miss it..

doctor octopus:  you will be reformed into a supervillain readily at the speed of moonlight..

nude Cynthia belliveau gwen nude:  my BUTT nude..

doctor octopus:  gwen Stacey.. your reformation into villainy is nigh.. I have now given you superpowers... with the help of my friend spidey..

spidey:   oboy..

doctor octopus:  you are no chess player spidey me boy.. but soon you will be a bobbie fischer.. fishing for nude women extradinoire..

spidey:  been their done that...

doctor octopus:  we are doing noire black on time back on black..

nude gwen Stacey: ah HAH.. I have superpowers now..

doctor octopus:  gwen Stacey, you now have time-travelling hair..

nude gwen Stacey:  wowww... cooolll...

doctor octopus:  careful.. no.. you don't have to be careful no more sweet gwen... the coordinates of hair pixels follow many dna streaming time streams like a double helix of rare minutes and hours... but the day's are way off.. weeks even.. maybe by months.. the pleated sheets of your DNA time-travel hair are pleated sheets of months entire...

nude gwen Stacey nude Cynthia belleview:  my nude body entire will carry and carriage this time conundrum..

doctor octopus:  yes your superVILLAIN or superHERO.. the choice is yours.. name will be "Time conundrum"..

nude gwen Stacey: woowww coooll.. I'm gonna have to rethink a lot of things before I make the choice for good or for bad..

spidey:  hey gwen I can help you .. with great power.. oboy .. somehow it just doesn't cover it with your superpower..

nude gwen Stacey: HAH.. cover my bare tits..

green goblin:  aww.. party's over..

doctor octopus:  I'm afraid so.. gwen sweet.. the choice is yours.. return to your handsome boyfriend.. he will help you on your guide of way..

nude gwen:  I love you petey.. the webbing did the trick..

green goblin:  trick or TREAT..

nude gwen:  return to your bath nude mary jane sweet..

nude mary jane still in the bath:  I am a sweet-ass whore.. maybe it'll get me some superpowers soon if I electrolyte myself..

green goblin:  ahhh...

nude winona nude gwen Stacey arrives comes in the second act...

Peter Parker:  Joshua nagy...

nude gwen Stacey older:  nude Cynthia belliveau

younger gwen Stacey nude:  nude winona ryder...

willem defoe:  green goblin

doctor octopus:  Alfred Molina..

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