
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Emma Frost.. The Betrayal of Emma Frost.. The Uncanny X-men 8: The Fall of the Mutants..

Emma Frost thought... no.. she wasn't ready to be a pure, decent person yet.. who.. sob sob.. dressed respectably... she had arrogantly thought she was.. she with calm, sage, muted pride joined a five or four member line-up of the Uncanny X-men as an official member.. because she thought it was time.. and it was and

              - ------------- GRIDLOCK!!!! ------------------

   .. it wasn't.. not nearly enough.. Be'elzebub: ..".. not nearly enough..."

... emma frost: ..".. ten thousand dollars for the caramel secret.. Be'elzebub.."

.. Be'elzebub: ..".. not enough.. still not enough.."

.. emma frost: ..".. I just saved the show "Kim Possible" and made it a commited show to charming, cheery children's television programming.. I made a trillion dollars for doing that.. they gave it to me.. but they said it was liquid.. liquid cash.. I think you can access it.. Be'elzebub.. with your powers.. it's yours .. the whole trillion.. if .. if you can access it.. do I have the caramel secret now.."

Be'elzebub:..".. still not enough.. not nearly enough..."

.. emma frost: ...  - puts her hands knotted nervously together in firm, shaky resolve on the table - .. ".. I am resolved.. I will give.. anything..."

.. Be'elzebub: - in Laurence Olivier Othello-voice - ..".. anything..?.."..

 ... (medusa frank)... (zoom medusa)...

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