
Monday, May 1, 2017

Is this the main, opening theme-credit music of the newmedia fictional show, "E.N.G"... starring Mark Humphrey and Cynthia Belleview .. when it comes back...

Bruce (David Cubit): .. - on the show "E.N.G...- ...".. i'm just seeing this new item.. and I'm thinking .. how does it make a woman feel.. every single time.. every single time.. she sees on the news that a woman's been violated, humiliated, hurt, abused, battered... agghhh.. that word.. "battered".. that word .."battered".. that .. wohhoord.. "battered"... I can't believed how many times they use that word about women.. "battered".. a woman's been.. ahhh.. sorry... i'm so .. sorry.. and then to read statistics on the internet and find out that almost all the violence is against women... how does that make a woman read .. every single time he reads that or sees that on the news.. every single time it happens that she sees that news item.. item.. item.. item.. I don't mean it in a feminist-sense.. I mean it.. like .. how it would feel if I was a man and I saw it on the news always every single time every single time saying that it was a man who'd been raped, violated, battered, abused.... agghhh..."

Mac: ..".. sorry.. Bruce.. maybe I shouldn't say this.. I've read many statistics on the internet .. which say that the vast majority of people who are killed are men.. by men .. by men.."

Dan: ..".. that doesn't make me feel that good.."

.. "E.N.G"

.. starring   ... in this order of Cast

                     Art Hindle..... Cynthia Belleview... Mark Humphrey    Sarah Bostford... David Cubit(?)..

 .... (medusa frank)...

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