
Monday, May 1, 2017

The very, very, very, very first Wonder Woman trailer was directed by Patty Jenkins-1.. I believe.. it has the image of Diana Prince re-settling her eyeglasses.. she's gal godot..

The second Wonder Woman trailer.. now universally understood as the literal first Wonder Woman trailer.. I believe this Wonder Woman trailer was wholly 1000% directed by George Miller.. from an older Wonder Woman he was filming.. with scenes with an original actress who was playing Wonder Woman before Gal Godot was hired..

The Third Wonder Woman trailer.. understood to be the .. the second.... was also in fact wholly directed by George Miller.. this trailer should have the scene where Diana Prince throws a smoke bomb into a shed-office...

The official Third Wonder Woman trailer (in fact the fourth).. was directed almost entirely by Martin Scorcese...

   .. (medusa frank).. zoom medusa .. meusdeus...

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