
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Gotham written by Hanno Raudsepp Tammuz.. the legend begins again with Batman and nude poison ivy...

A looming dark horror shadow follows Batman wherever he goes through the city, a shadow the size of a medieval tower, with black, consuming batwings like the arches and buttresses of medieval towers or castles. His shadow, his trailing ink trail trailing and wandering backward from his mind, like the wanderers lost shadow, leads behind him beyond his sight, his sight always forward looking always forward investigating with the most anylitical complexity at perspectives at such cubistic indirection that no indirection doesn't indicate another further indirection, a greater, more oblique, stranger angle of a further, stranger degree, into the further, more sinister, more backward seeking medieval regions of the minor key, shadows and fadings of strangeness, fading notes, perpetually fading notes, perpetual fadings of notes fading fadings of notes, like a diminuendo of darkenes, of receding shadows, receding degrees of shadows, for a thing can only fade or recede by degrees, by degrees and decays of one's soul, like a gradual radiation decay that fills a year with its decay, will Gotham's year with its shadow, the decay of Batman's fading, decaying soul, as a shadow behind him that looms every larger and vaster and wider throughout the city until it utterly envolopes it and consumes Gotham throughout the movie, this winding decay of shadow will communicate itself visually as Batman's widening shadow trailing into a wandering abyss behind him as he proceeds throughout the movie with his investigation. We will always see Batman as he wanders through the city, we will see his shadow getting larger and larger and more fearsome as it gets larger and we will be afraid for him as such being threatened by this larger fearsome shadow behind him that threatens to consume him consume his soul with terror if he turns around to see it, if he even turns around to look behind him for a moment, to feel the demon behind him, “Get behind me, Staan!”, to feel its voice telling him to recognize him, to see this soul, the painting of a spiritual woman, of a vulnerable, loving angel that will be consumed by the darkness by a most evil colours and dark evil patches of a painting if he turns around and looks behind him to see her, to see the painting he will make of her, the evil painting , if he looks at her directly, if he even once looks her directly in the eyes.

My, Hanno Raudsepp's, address is at 41 o'neil, Trenton, Canada...

Hollywood producers have my permission to write the aforementioned foregoing paragraph the entirety of the paragraph as screenplay dialogue, with the conversants chosen as they will, poison ivy, naked Pamela isley can be one of the conversants..

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