
Monday, April 13, 2015

greg rucka never wrote "sacrifice"... maxwell lord was meant to be from the very beginning of greg rucka's comic book run a character much like jonah, based on greg rucka himself, his reader's identification..

greg rucka was so horrified by a death threat against veronica cale on the dc forums.. at wonder woman's hands.. that he stopped writing veronica cale altogether.. veronica cale was the character villain who was supposed to be behind the omac project.. she was a pharmaceuticals CEO after all...

greg rucka also never wrote the dreadful poison ivy vs. clayface issues.. it was just supposed to be a single issue about clayface meeting poison ivy in the capacity in clayface's capacity as a park inspector who was just meeting poison ivy to have a talk with her about making sure poison ivy's care of children in the park was not a vanity project, or had no even minor aspect of vanity to it.. the whole single clayface poison ivy issue was supposed to be a long conversation... just dialogue.. no fighting whatsoever.. they would depart as friends..

editoritial interference just as this by the feminazi mafia which runs DC and marvel comics is the norm.. the writers are very much decent men just like you...

you advice a change of location for the headquarters of DC comics.. Dan Didio's headquarters in Cuba, production and distribution in Mexico, where the writers and artists do their work, in Mexico..

remember.. remember Big Brother Mexico and its naked women.. change the location of the Wonder Woman movie shoot filming to Mexico.. have Wonder Woman be filmed completely in Mexico.. including the peter Gabriel song with wonder woman's deliriously ecstatic in the streets of new York city in the middle of traffic and the hustle and bustle of city markets.. mexico should look like new York much more than ground zero present day new York looks like the new York you want..

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