
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

... hanno ridal as bruce wayne batman in the justice league movie...

bruce wayne:  .. the inductiveness hypotheses.. ahh.. two words that go together.. is their such a thing as a deductive hypotheses...

Diana:  .. deconstructionism?...

Superman: .. oh Daaa.. oh daa mwlshisuni..

bruce wayne:  I pretend I know what i'm talking about.. that's how I became the batman..

Diana:  that's how I pretend I know what i'm doing wisdom of Athena and all that.. and became batman.. imen.. wait.. whuzzit.. what he said..

bruce wayne: ... if everyone was Batman the world would be a happier place...

Superman: I've often thought if everyone was a nietzschian superman like me the world would be a happier, gooder place to live in..

Diana:  you know what I think on the matter..  no one on the planet is a better person than me...

bruce wayne:  an auspicious start to the justice league.. the best people on earth...

hal Jordan: .. and I am the worst man in Dublin..

Diana: .. so why don't you stay their, hal...

hal Jordan:  because Dublin's no longer my precinct.. oh God.. yes yes it still is as long as their irish whisky for the milleneum.. emerald irish whisky..

superman:  you're my kind of guy, hal...

Diana: .. hehehehe... mine too, hal, yer one of my favourite people.. don' mind me.. i'm just being Diana..

superman:  a little of which goes a long way.. c'mere Diana..

Diana:   ... - leans over the table - wait - walks around the table.. - okay, superman, so .. what?...

superman:  never mind.. i'm just being facetiously affectionate..

Diana:  the best kind of affection from Superman...

bruce wayne:  we're going to have to be ready for a war soon...

Diana:  wait.. what?.. I thought we were rebels without causes not warriors.. sniff...

bruce wayne: .. we might have to be both..

Diana:  snorf..

superman:  i'm neither a rebel.. sorry bruce. or warrior.. sorry Diana.. bruce .. forget which i'm sorrier for..

Diana:  the warrior thing is over for me.. oi eim an Nigerian tamil tiger now..

hal Jordan:  the tamil tigers are Nigerian?..

Diana: .. YES.. they ARE.. I know that well because I know POLITICS...

superman:  okay.. so we're already recruiting a Nigerian tamil tiger in Diana..

Diana:  YES.. Superman.. we  ... ARE... my days of fighting with the IRA are OVER.. too tough a crowd for me.. although I remember Michael Collins was very diplomatic with Churchill when Churchill needed access to northern Ireland for.. military locations.. bases... was it?.. not sure.. Michael Collins was very accomadating.. sniff.. Churchill said de Valera in the same repeat situation was more like me.. all about the negotiation...

bruce Wayne:  .. I think we're going to need you to be a lot like de Valera, Diana..

Diana:  ready, set,.. GOOO!!!....

screenplay scene for the justice league movie written by hanno ridal..

if harry Knowles can post this dialogue scene on his website....

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