I have to say, Cumberbatch is a more convincing Cargill than Cargill. BNAT came unglued. I've known Cargill for a billion years in online time, and I know his mannerisms, tics and verbal habits like any of you would know a dear friend's... but if Cargill ever writes an autobiographical movie - Benedict would have to play the obviously more handsome and more charming version of him. Giggle. Benedict roasted Cargill better than any FRIAR'S CLUB Broadcast I've ever seen.
It was... hysterical - but more than that - another of AICN's own - one of us, google goggle, has had dreams come true.
That said, let's give it up to the man, and hope that we all don't have to roast him here when the film comes out next November! Massawyrm writing a Marvel film... The End is Nigh!
Keep it cool,
Here's what Cargill said on FACEBOOK:
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