wonder woman: - and by the greek megan gale - : .. the greek culture of my embryo womb is an indian maya.. a womb of deceit my embryo soul is .. a fetus soul I am for I am born of deceit.. and woman who are born mothers may feel themselves the womb of deceit when they give birth.. as if the histrionics of birth are deceit incarnate.. like piana-keys of cries of deceitful womb are the mother's cries of childbirth.. silly mother.. silly womb.. silly womb-Diana...
steve trevor: .. you have such wisdom in your.. sorry... sorry.. may I say in your amazon archives of your ISIS library...
wonder woman: .. I think you have to.. say it just like that....
steve trevor: .. I just can't help but feel the present-day corporate organization known so well in france called ISIS is like a library organization going back to the burning of the library in ancient Alexandria.. as if the legacy of ISIS is the legacy of Thoth.. and is the legacy of the amazons going back to ancient egypts.. back when they amazons were serpent warrior ancient Egyptian magicians who had the statuses of priestesses in ancient Egypt..
wonder woman: you knew me.. so well.. I am such a .. serpent goddess.. such an eve serpent I am..
dialogue for the very first FIRST@@!!! Wonder Woman movie written by hanno ridal for the megan gale sisters and one special cousin named hanno likul...
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