
Monday, August 12, 2024

.. Magneto (Daniel Day Lewis): ..".. I had a dream.. the dream was.. that I would choose.. whether we would all go.. to a serious reality.. or a silly reality.. I'd just been reading 'finnegans wake' by james joyce and.. I chose the silly reality because I was thinking finnegans wake silly.. but.. I mean 'finnegans wake' is a very serious book.. I think something happened where I then paused at the word 'silly'.. a 'silly reality'.. I'm not sure what I thought about the word 'silly'.. maybe my next thought was a name that may overlap in terms of spelling with the word 'silly'.. a character in 'finnegans wake' named Silvia Silence.. and.. Sil.. Silvia.. Sif?.. just thinking.. the Norse Goddess Sif.. Sil.. Silvia.. I'm just.. I wonder if James Joyce writes like that.. or.. or not.. or he does.. or.. the same or different.. it's.. like.. silly.. silly.. Alice in Wonderland is a very serious book.. but it's a children's classic that truly transports the child who reads it into a true wonderland.. a true land of wonders.. I'm thinking.. in that dream.. was I thinking of the word 'silly' and trying to figure it out.. did I finally choose a serious reality thinking that James Joyce's novel 'Ulysses' is.. like Dostoevsky.. and.. so maybe I chose the serious reality for us all to go to.. in this dream.. so where is the silly reality... I'm thinking.. where is it.." .. .. .. .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley megan d. iseult hyacinth 'Emma Frost' ryder monica 'Nude Zaladane' bellucci gal 'gerry duggan lorna dane' godot megan 'Malice in The Uncanny X-men comics' gale victoria 'victoria loves the Bogeyman' hill brianne embeth 'lilandra of the Shi'ar' davidtz antje ' faoru-ul' traue.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

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