
Monday, August 26, 2024

.. Dark Epic Hip Hop - Dance of the Dark Queen - the enigma TNG.. as well as being the "Orora Joins Magneto" fulcrum-pivot music-theme.. the "Orora (Francesca Lodo) joins Magneto (Daniel Day Lewis)" music-theme.. aka.. "Dance of the Dark Queen (Orora Francesca Lodo)" .. .. .. also.. Dark Epic Hip Hop - Dance of the Dark Queen - the enigma TNG.. is also.. equally.. the music-theme of.. the quintessential, official, music-theme of.. Moira MacTaggart ("English Patient"- Juliette Binoche).. and.. of.. the following lengthy.. reality.. about her.. as played (in my fantasies of role-casting for an Uncanny X-men movie).. as played by English-Patient Juliette Binoche..... There is utter bliss and rhapsodic subtle joy in the sounds Moira MacTaggart makes with her mouth when she talks about severely inexpensive groceries to Charles Xavier.. to Patrick Stewart's Charles Xavier.. This isn't fair to Juliette Binoche, who's playing Moira MacTaggart.. at all.. (at least in my dream-fantasy-fanfic world Juliette Binoche is playing Moira MacTaggart for a Scorcese- directed Uncanny X--men movie).. I'm thinking.. though.. that it may not just be cheaper, more inexpensive prices for groceries that concerns Juliette Binoche's Moira MacTaggart.. there may be something deeper, more arcane.. to it.. than that.. it may be that the specific grocery market that has these severely inexpensive groceries.. may sell.. a much more.. pleasant.. frozen pizza.. sorry.. than the frozen pizza that Patrick Stewart's Charles Xavier has been having.. in the sense that Patrick Stewart's Charles Xavier has been having the more inexpensive, cheaper variety of frozen pizza but this frozen pizza isn't all that.. pleasant.. to eat.. and.. it's possible that Moira MacTaggart's joy at the uniquely inexpensive groceries.. is.. that.. these groceries are.. different.. from a unique grocery market that may sell severely inexpensive frozen pizza that.. possibly.. may be of much superior.. quality.. sorry.. than the inexpensive, cheaper frozen pizza that Patrick Stewart's Charles Xavier has been eating.. Patrick Stewart's Charles Xavier would be crestfallen if he ever told Juliette Binoche's Moira Mactaggart.. that one of his favorite subjects was superheroes and superhero movies.. and that one of her favorite subjects was groceries.. that would be so wrong if he said that to her... he won't.. also.. she is truly intellectual but in a deeply, deeply secret arcane way about everything she says.. about her exhaustive litany of information about seemingly mundane details about.. -.. something that is fundamentally.. -.. subjects.. that are.. agriculture?..-.. rural..?.. .. .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Moira MacTaggart (Juliette Binoche): ..".. I don't think Doctor Laura is all that informed about the subjects that are my personal.. specialty.. these are things that aren't her.. field.." .. .. .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. in the inwards of the above URL .. .. .. watch?vivien = night-noun-Test-1-energy-9-australia-Oval-universe-sensorium .. .. .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

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