
Monday, October 14, 2024

.. the enigma TNG - Destination Zero.. is the official, quintessential music of.. Nude Cloud (Savanna Samson): ..".. sob sob sob sob.. poor, poor Hamas.. according to an article I'm reading on the BBC website.. "Hamas military gunmen" are supposed to have killed one thousand and two hundred people in an attack upon Israel on the date of October the seventh.. I think.. in the year.. in the autumn.. of the year.. 2023?- .. .. this CAN'T be true.. I-.. I saw two leaders of Hamas on CNN on videotape on CNN.. during the.. during what became known as Operation Cast Lead by Israel in the years of 2008 and 2009... I saw those two leaders of Hamas sending a video message on CNN.. and they were so peaceful and sad and-.. and civilized.. and.. I had such peaceful feelings about Hamas seeing those two spiritual leaders of Hamas speaking on video from Hamas in Gaza on CNN.. in the years 2008 and 2009.. in that era.. in that-.. era.. and.. I can only think of poor, poor Hamas in peaceful terms.. I'm Cloud.." .. .. .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult nicole 'jeand dewolfe' kidman gal 'gerry duggan lorna dane' godot savanna 'Rogue of the Uncanny X-men' samson holly 'Nude Mystique' madison kendra leigh 'philippa sontag' wilkinson.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3.. .. .. .. .. in the inwards of the above URL .. .. .. .. vivien = 5-Folk-ovaltine-illuminati Muscle-luthor Zatanna-Sensorium e(x)onerate-Hale-Missing .. .. .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult winona 'The White Queen' ryder monica 'Nude Zaladane' bellucci angelina 'madelyne pryor' jolie.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Saturday, October 12, 2024

.. Hanno Alexander Raudsepp: ..".. I'm really not sure about the clonazepam.. about taking.. the clonazepam.. the clonazepam pill.. which may even now.. I'm not sure.. the single pill of clonazepam which I take every day might now be a double dosage of clonazepam.. in a single pill.. in a single.. pill.. and.. I'm really really not sure about the clonazepam.. because clonazepam is prescribed for.. epilepsy.. clonazepam is an anti-epileptic.. and.. I'm still pretty sure I don't have epilepsy.. I also take two pills of cogentin.. each day.. each.. day.. and cogentin is prescribed for parkinson's disease.. and I don't have parkinson's disease either.. and.. and.. there has always been something about the cogentin that.. makes me wonder.. makes me wonder about it's effect.. on my mind.. where I feel like the cogentin has.. a sinister effect.. on my mind.. but.. this night.. this night.. while I was at Subway Restaurant.. I had one of the most terrifying attacks of Voices in my mind that I can remember.. and of.. a terrifying.. feeling.. consuming me.. and I wonder if.. that is caused.. by the clonazepam.. I came home and I took only two pills of cogentin.. and the two pills of cogentin in a truly miraculous way brought peace to my mind.. just taking two pills of.. cogentin.. In the past while I've been taking all four pills.. the escitalopram, the clonazepam and the two pills of cogentin.. really early, early in the nightime hours of the morning.. and.. I think I'm going to stop taking the clonazepam and escitalopram from now on.. and only take cogentin from now on.. I know that cogentin is prescribed for parkinson's disease.. and I don't have parkinson's disease.. but.. but.. but.." .. .. .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss 3-year old rachel summers 3-year old megan d. iseult winona 'The White Queen' ryder savanna 'Rogue of the Uncanny X-men' samson holly 'Mystique' madison bridgette 'alison blaire of the Uncanny X-men' marquardt gal 'gerry duggan lorna dane' godot megan 'issue #271 Magistrate Tam of Genosha' gale amber 'issue #270 Magistrate Tam of Genosha' heard.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Hanno Alexander Raudsepp: ..".. It was too much.. it was too much.. just only taking two cogentin pills in the afternoon of between three and four o'clock in the afternoon.. taking two cogentin pills in that time.. it was too much.. about an hour later I took the pill of clonazepam and the pill of escitalopram.. from the plastic cannister where I had put those pills.. and that brought peace to my mind.. I'm not sure what happened to me yesterday at Subway Restaurant where a terrying feeling overwhelmed me along with.. Voices.. Voices.. I'm not sure where that terrifying feeling came from.. but.. that was when I was taking the four pills.. clonazepam.. escitalopram.. and two pills of cogentin.. I'm not sure how many miligrams of each medication that is.. sorry.. sorry.. and.. I was taking those four pills early in the nightime hours of the morning.. and maybe now.. from now on.. storing all the pills in a plastic cannister.. maybe now from now on I'll take all four pills around three o'clock or so in the afternoon.." .. .. ..

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

.. Marvel Comics Loki (Ralph Fiennes): ..".. I really, really, really want to study clonazepam.. so I can.. help people.. because.. I think.. this is the year 2024 in the autumn of this year.. the year 2024.. and clonazepam somehow.. - cogentin?.. - cogentin?.. what about the cogentin which you take together with the clonazepam.. and what about the escitalopram.. that's what Balder (Hanno Ridal Raudsepp) takes.. I don't know how many milligrams of each medication.. of the medication he takes.. but for his schizophrenia.. his.. diagnosed.. schizophrenia.. he takes one pill of escitalopram.. one pill of clonazepam.. now a double dosage in a single pill.. of clonazepam.. of clonazepam.. recently.. recently.. a double dosage of clonazepam in a single pill.. recently.. recently.. is what he takes.. together with him.. this is daily.. this is the medication he takes.. daily.. he also takes two pills of cogentin.. daily.. daily.. and I was so scared for him over the cogentin.. because.. it's the scary words in your mind you have about your best friends.. your nearest and dearest.. this seems to be caused by cogentin.. it seems to be.. it seems to be.. it seems.. to be.. this has been Balder's (Hanno Ridal Raudsepp's) mental condition for a very long time.. him having scary, abusive words about his nearest and dearest in his mind.. and.. the truly scary momentum in his mind of these words.. like a dungeon his mind.. like a dungeon his mind.. all the cogentin-..?.. all from.. the cogentin..?.. It's that.. I wonder about clonazepam.. cogentin is prescribed for parkinson's disease.. and clonazepam is prescribed for epilepsy.. and.. something.. I intuit.. I-.. I intuit something that may have happened with.. do medications begin-.. as.. -.. agriculture..?.. I wonder.. I don't.. even know.. I'm supposed to be this genius-intellect and I don't even know these things.. and.. a couple of years ago or so I read about an impending World Food Crisis.. announced by the World Health Organization.. the WHO.. and.. and.. I'm wondering about something like an awful disaster that may have happened in distribution or production.. the fabrication.. do you call it-.. the fabrication.. of these medications.. some awful disaster happening with.. clonazepam.. clonazepam.. I intuit something happening with.. clonazepam.. and-.. what.. about.. -.. cogentin?.. I wonder why I never think about the escitalopram.. the three medications which Balder (Hanno Ridal Raudsepp) is taking for his schizophrenia.. escitalopram.. clonazepam.. and cogentin.. I wonder why I never think about the escitalopram.. and my focus.. like a laser.. like my mind focused like a laser on.. the clonazepam.. which he's taking.. I care about him deeply.. the clonazepam.. it's what I wonder about Balder's (Hanno Alexander Raudsepp's) truly compassionate, caring prescription-psychiatrist.. whether.. it's.. even wondering.. if the clonazepam.. if it is the clonazepam which Balder (Hanno Ridal Raudsepp).. has been taking.. that is truly awful-disaster-clonazepam.. then.. if that's true.. if that's true.. if that's.. true.. could his compassionate prescription-psychiatrist have maybe arranged some latent deeply, deeply buried chemicals inside this awful-disaster-clonazepam.. some deeply, deeply buried chemicals inside this clonazapam.. some deeply, deeply, deeply, deeply buried chemicals which may have some long-term.. effects of beneficience..?.." ... .. .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult winona 'The White Queen of the Hellfire Club' ryder monica 'Nude Zaladane' bellucci angelina 'nude madelyne pryor' jolie.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

.. Crimson Blaze.. is the official, quintessential music of.. Richard Fisk (Michael Rosenbaum): ..".. Comic books are filth.. Comic books are greedy for the world itself.. Comic books want to possess and consume planet earth.. Comic books must be butchered and slaughtered until their putrid filth no longer can even.. become.. dreams.. and miracles.. and.. and promises.. " .. .. .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley less-than-one-year-old scarlet witch less-than-one-year-old kate moss 2-year old jubilation lee 2-year old Rachel tammuz 2-year old wanda maximoff 2-year old kate moss 48-year old Silver Age Priscilla Rich 48-year old Kate Moss 3-year old rachel summers 3-year old megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones 9-year old megan d. iseult maggie hyacinth 'The White Queen of the Hellfire Club' ryder monica 'Nude Zaladane' bellucci angelina 'Madelyne Pryor' jolie.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3.. .. .. .. .. in the inwards of the above URL .. .. .. watch?vivien = Luther-Business-0-queue-3-jesse Pub-Business-University-city Agencies .. .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult winona 'The White Queen' ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Monday, September 23, 2024

.. Nightwave 101 - the enigma TNG.. is the official, quintessential music of.. Dazzler (Bridgette Marquardt): ..".. I'm having.. intense.. intense.. memories.. from my past.. from.. all of our.. past.. and.. it's just that-.. these are.. things.. that haven't happened yet.. these memories.. from the past.. I'm having.. I wonder if-.. Cerebro?.. Magneto (Daniel Day Lewis)?-.. (copyright Bryan Singer?.. -.. and his screenwriters..?) .. .. it's that.. there is.. a good friend of mine.. in these memories.. of the past in the far future.. a good friend of mine.. he.. he told me.. that.. see.. he thinks.. believes.. that we all here.. on this earth.. reside.. that this earth we are on.. is George Bernard Shaw's Heaven in his play 'Man and Superman'.. and this also as such being a grim heaven.. where.. everything.. even just living.. breathing.. everything.. anything.. all day long.. feels.. like work.. like hard work.. that that is George Bernard Shaw's Heaven in his play 'Man and Superman'.. and this good friend.. very best friend of mine.. believed that this earth we were on was.. this George Bernard Shaw Heaven.. and.. it's.. all.. that.. like.. that.. Havok knows that he is going to Heaven.. because.. see.. so do I.. I also know that I'm going to Heaven.. both Havok and I know that about ourselves.. because.. see.. the Old Testament Earth is far, far, far, far away.. and this the actual authentic, central earth.. is the New Testament Earth.. and when the Old Testament God couldn't believe how horrific it was to continue to be the Old Testament God.. he appointed the Akkadian, Assyrian god Tammuz to be God in his place.. and Tammuz thus became the God of the New Testament.. so Tammuz is the God of this earth.. this New Testament earth.. and the Old Testament earth is so very far away.. it has to be.. it has to be.. that's so serious.. so honestly serious.. and.. Tammuz has spoken to Havok and me and told us both that he has seen our future and that we are both assured of a place in Heaven.. but.. something was going on with.. someone.. who was.. exactly the opposite of Havok.. where Tammuz it was like a labyrinth of confusion for Tammuz to talk to him.. and he.. my good friend.. my best friend.. along with Havok.. he.. it's the cogentin he was taking.. cogentin causes you to feel your soul is damned.. or cogentin causes a feeling like that.. at least.. and.. he.. my good, best friend.. he and Havok my two best friends.. they.. he.. it's like.. feeling like.. he's gone.. he's.. somewhere.. else.. and Havok is still trying to reach him.. and it's hard for Havok to reach him.. because.. see.. Havok is originally from the realm of the Days of Future Past.. and.. so.. my friend.. best friend.. he is from our New Testament Earth.. like me.. so it's like.. mission impossible.. for Havok to even.. compass.. sense.. understand in a sense of.. perception.. what my best friend what he his life.. was like.. it's so impossible to verbalize Havok situation here.." .. .. .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley less-than-one-year-old scarlet witch less-than-one-year-old-kate moss 2-year old jubilation lee 2-year old rachel tammuz 2-year old wanda maximoff 2-year old kate moss 3-year old william marston priscilla rich 3-year old kate moss 14-year old Poison ivy 14-year old Kate Moss 48-year old Janet van Dyne 48-year old Kate Moss Dazzler Alison Blaire Bridgette Marquardt Mystique / Ms. Marvel Holly Madison.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3.. .. .. .. .. in the inwards of the above URL .. .. .. watch?vivien = e(X)oneratable - Illuminati Business-ine(X)orable-44 kafka-return-pencil-Mortal .. .. .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult bridgette "Dazzler" marquardt holly "mystique / ms. marvel" madison gal "gerry duggan lorna dane" godot megan "issue #271 Magistrate Tam" gale.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..