
Sunday, October 29, 2023

.. copy-and-pasted from.. from.. .. .. .. an article written by Paul Sutter..

What is multiverse theory? References By Paul Sutter published August 23, 2021 Do we live in a multiverse? Maybe, maybe not. View of a cityscape with it's reflection above, depicting parallel worlds. If the multiverse exists, there could be another you somewhere out there, doing exactly what you're doing now. (Image credit: Getty Images) Jump to: Theoretical evidence Physical evidence Life in the multiverse Additional resources Multiverse theory suggests that our universe, with all its hundreds of billions of galaxies and almost countless stars, spanning tens of billions of light-years, may not be the only one. Instead, there may be an entirely different universe, distantly separated from ours — and another, and another. Indeed, there may be an infinity of universes, all with their own laws of physics, their own collections of stars and galaxies (if stars and galaxies can exist in those universes), and maybe even their own intelligent civilizations. It could be that our universe is just one member of a much grander, much larger multitude of universes: a multiverse. Related: 10 wild theories about the universe CLOSE THEORETICAL EVIDENCE OF THE MULTIVERSE The concept of the multiverse arises in a few areas of physics (and philosophy), but the most prominent example comes from something called inflation theory. Inflation theory describes a hypothetical event that occurred when our universe was very young — less than a second old. In an incredibly brief amount of time, the universe underwent a period of rapid expansion, "inflating" to become many orders of magnitude larger than its previous size, according to NASA. Inflation of our universe is thought to have ended about 14 billion years ago, said Heling Deng, a cosmologist at Arizona State University and an expert in multiverse theory. "However, inflation does not end everywhere at the same time," Deng told Live Science in an email. "It is possible that as inflation ends in some region, it continues in others." Thus, while inflation ended in our universe, there may have been other, much more distant regions where inflation continued — and continues even today. Individual universes can "pinch off" of larger inflating, expanding universes, creating an infinite sea of eternal inflation, filled with numerous individual universes. In this eternal inflation scenario, each universe would emerge with its own laws of physics, its own collection of particles, its own arrangement of forces and its own values of fundamental constants. This might explain why our universe has the properties it does — particularly the properties that are hard to explain with fundamental physics, such as dark matter or the cosmological constant, Deng said. "If there is a multiverse, then we would have random cosmological constants in different universes, and it is simply a coincidence that the one we have in our universe takes the value that we observed," he said. Related: Cosmology: Revealing the story of the universe The biggest piece of evidence for the multiverse is that life exists, particularly intelligent life capable of making cosmological observations. Certain aspects of our universe seem special and important for supporting life, such as the longevity of stars, the abundance of carbon, the availability of light for photosynthesis and the stability of complex nuclei, said McCullen Sandora, an affiliate research scientist at the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science. But "all these features are typically not the case if you get handed a random universe," Sandora told Live Science in an email. "The multiverse offers one explanation for why all these features are favorable in our universe, which is that other universes exist as well, but we observe this one because it's capable of supporting complex life," Sandora said. In other words, so many things had to line up just right in our universe that the existence of life seems improbable. And if there was only one universe, it likely shouldn’t have life in it. But in a multiverse, there are enough “chances” for life to appear in at least one universe. But this theory is not especially compelling, so most scientists remain skeptical of the multiverse idea. Artistic depiction of the multiverse: multiple universe "bubbles" with countless galaxies inside them. Multiverse theory suggests that inflation may not occur at the same rate everywhere. Individual universes may "pinch off" other expanding universes, creating an infinite sea of inflating universes. (Image credit: Getty Images) PHYSICAL EVIDENCE OF THE MULTIVERSE Many scientists have tried to find more physical, hard evidence for the multiverse's existence. For example, if a neighboring universe happened to be close to ours long ago, it may have collided with our universe, creating a detectable imprint. That imprint could be in the form of distortions in the cosmic microwave background (the light left over from when the universe was a million times smaller than it is today) or in strange galaxy properties in the direction of the collision, according to the Early Universe blog published by University College London.But all of these types of searches have come up empty, so the multiverse remains hypothetical. Related: If we live in a multiverse, where are these worlds hiding? Deng is searching for evidence of the multiverse by looking for special kinds of black holes that could be artifacts of pieces of our universe that separated into their own universe via a process called quantum tunneling. If some regions of our universe separated this way, they would have left behind "bubbles" in our universe that would turn into these unique black holes, which may still exist today, according to Deng. "The potential detection of these black holes can then point to the existence of a multiverse," Deng said. LIFE IN THE MULTIVERSE Perhaps the most mind-bending implication of the multiverse is the existence of doppelgängers. If there really are an infinity of universes but a finite number of ways to arrange particles in any individual universe, then the same patterns are bound to be repeated, eventually. That would mean that at some incredible (but finite!) distance, there would be an exact copy of you reading an exact copy of this article. And because there would be an infinite number of universes, there would be an infinite number of these exact scenarios all happening simultaneously, according to the Institute of Physics. Related: What would humans know if they lived in a multiverse? If this makes you feel a little uncomfortable, then perhaps it's reassuring to know that the multiverse has not been proven to exist … yet. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Learn how to make a multiverse, from author Paul Sutter in his #AskASpaceman series. Read "In Search of the Multiverse: Parallel Worlds, Hidden Dimensions, and the Ultimate Quest for the Frontiers of Reality" (Wiley, 2010) by John Gribbon. Read more about why a multiverse might exist, according to astrophysicist and science communicator Ethan Siegel. Live Science newsletter Stay up to date on the latest science news by signing up for our Essentials newsletter. Your Email Address Contact me with news and offers from other Future brands Receive email from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors By submitting your information you agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy and are aged 16 or over. Paul Sutter Paul Sutter Astrophysicist Paul M. Sutter is a research professor in astrophysics at SUNY Stony Brook University and the Flatiron Institute in New York City. He regularly appears on TV and podcasts, including "Ask a Spaceman." He is the author of two books, "Your Place in the Universe" and "How to Die in Space," and is a regular contributor to, Live Science, and more. Paul received his PhD in Physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2011, and spent three years at the Paris Institute of Astrophysics, followed by a research fellowship in Trieste, Italy.

.. and article copy-and-pasted from the website "Truthout".. This article was written by..By HP Albarelli Jr & Jeffrey S Kaye , TRUTHOUT Published August 11, 2010 this article is from the URL...

Truthout is an indispensable resource for activists, movement leaders, and workers everywhere. Please make this work possible with a quick donation. Bobby is seven years old, but this is not the first time he has been subjected to electroshock. It’s his third time. In all, over the next year, Bobby will experience eight electroshock sessions. Placed on the examining table, he is held down by two male attendants while the physician places a solution on his temples. Bobby struggles with the two men holding him down, but his efforts are useless. He cries out and tries to pull away. One of the attendants tries to force a thick wedge of rubber into his mouth. He turns his head sharply away and cries out, “Let me go, please. I don’t want to be here. Please, let me go.” Bobby’s physician looks irritated and she tells him, “Come on now, Bobby, try to act like a big boy and be still and relax.” Bobby turns his head away from the woman and opens his mouth for the wedge that will prevent him from biting through his tongue. He begins to cry silently, his small shoulders shaking and he stiffens his body against what he knows is coming. Mary is only five years old. She sits on a small, straight-backed chair, moving her legs back and forth, humming the same four notes over and over and over. Her head, framed in a tangled mass of golden curls, moves up and down with each note. For the first three years of her life, Mary was thought to be a mostly normal child. Then, after she began behaving oddly, she had been handed off to a foster family. Her father and mother didn’t want her any longer. She had become too strange for her father, whose alcoholism clouded any awareness of his young daughter. Mary’s mother had never wanted her anyway and was happy to have her placed in another home. When the LSD Mary has been given begins to have its effects, she stops moving her head and legs and sits staring at the wall. She doesn’t move at all. After about ten minutes, she looks at the nearby physician observing her, and says, “God isn’t coming back today. He’s too busy. He won’t be back here for weeks.” From early 1940 to 1953, Dr. Lauretta Bender, a highly respected child neuropsychiatrist practicing at Bellevue Hospital in New York City, experimented extensively with electroshock therapy on children who had been diagnosed with “autistic schizophrenia.” In all, it has been reported that Bender administered electroconvulsive therapy to at least 100 children ranging in age from three years old to 12 years, with some reports indicating the total may be twice that number. One source reports that, inclusive of Bender’s work, electroconvulsive treatment was used on more than 500 children at Bellevue Hospital from 1942 to 1956, and then at Creedmoor State Hospital Children’s Service from 1956 to 1969. Bender was a confident and dogmatic woman, who bristled at criticism, oftentimes refused to acknowledge reality even when it stood starkly before her. Never miss another story Get the news you want, delivered to your inbox every day. Email* Despite publicly claiming good results with electroshock treatment, privately Bender said she was seriously disappointed in the aftereffects and results shown by the subject children. Indeed, the condition of some of the children appeared to have only worsened. One six-year-old boy, after being shocked several times, went from being a shy, withdrawn child to acting increasingly aggressive and violent. Another child, a seven-year-old girl, following five electroshock sessions had become nearly catatonic. Years later, another of Bender’s young patients who became overly aggressive after about 20 treatments, now grown, was convicted in court as a “multiple murderer.” Others, in adulthood, reportedly were in and of trouble and prison for a battery of petty and violent crimes. A 1954 scientific study of about 50 of Bender’s young electroshock patients, conducted by two psychologists, found that nearly all were worse off after the “therapy” and that some had become suicidal after treatment. One of the children studied in 1954 was the son of well-known writer Jacqueline Susann, author of the bestselling novel “Valley of the Dolls.” Susann’s son, Guy, was diagnosed with autism shortly after birth and, when he was three years old, Dr. Bender convinced Susann and her husband that Guy could be successfully treated with electroshock therapy. Guy returned home from Bender’s care a nearly lifeless child. Susann later told people that Bender had “destroyed” her son. Guy has been confined to institutions since his treatment. To their credit, some of Dr. Bender’s colleagues considered her use of electroshock on children “scandalous,” but few colleagues spoke out against her, a situation still today common among those in the medical profession. Said Dr. Leon Eisenberg, a widely respected physician and true pioneer in the study of autistic children, “[Lauretta Bender] claimed that some of these children recovered [because of her use of shock treatment]. I once wrote a paper in which I referred to several studies by [Dr. E. R.] Clardy. He was at Rockwin State Hospital – the back up to Bellevue – and he described the arrival of these children. He considered them psychotic and perhaps worse off then before the treatment.” (This writer could find no case where any of Bender’s colleagues spoke out against her decidedly racist viewpoints. Bender made it quite clear that she felt that African-Americans were best characterized by their “capacity for laziness” and “ability to dance,” both features, Bender claimed, of the “specific brain impulses” of African-Americans.) About the same time Dr. Bender was conducting her electroshock experiments, she was also widely experimenting on autistic and schizophrenic children with what she termed other “treatment endeavors.” These included use of a wide array of psycho-pharmaceutical agents, several provided to her by the Sandoz Chemical Co. in Basel, Switzerland, as well as Metrazol, sub-shock insulin therapy, amphetamines and anticonvulsants. Metrazol was a trade name for pentylenetetrazol, a drug used as a circulatory and respiratory stimulant. High doses cause convulsions, as discovered in 1934 by the Hungarian-American neurologist and psychiatrist Ladislas J. Meduna. Metrazol had been used in convulsive therapy, but was never considered to be effective, and side effects such as seizures were difficult to avoid. The medical records of several patients who were confined at Vermont State Hospital, a public mental facility, reveal that Metrazol was administered to them by CIA contractor Dr. Robert Hyde on numerous occasions in order “to address overly aggressive behavior.” One of these patients, Karen Wetmore, received the drug on a number of occasions for no discernible medical reason. During the same ten-year period in which Metrazol was used by the Vermont State Hospital, patient deaths skyrocketed. In 1982, the FDA revoked its approval of Metrazol. Here it should be noted that, during the cold war years, CIA and Army Counter-Intelligence Corps (CIC) interrogators, working as part of projects Bluebird and Artichoke, sometimes injected large amounts of Metrazol into selected enemy or Communist agents for the purposes of severely frightening other suspected agents, by forcing them to observe the procedure. The almost immediate effects of Metrazol are shocking for many to witness: subjects will shake violently, twisting and turning. They typically arch, jerk and contort their bodies and grimace in pain. With Metrazol, as with electroshock, bone fractures – including broken necks and backs – and joint dislocations are not uncommon, unless strong sedatives are administered beforehand. A November 1936 Time magazine article seriously questioned the benefits of Metrazol, citing “irreversible shock” as a “great danger.” The article described a typical Metrazol injection as such: “A patient receives no food for four or five hours. Then about five cubic centimeters of the drug [Metrazol] are injected into his veins. In about half-a-minute he coughs, casts terrified glances around the room, twitches violently, utters a horse wail, freezes into rigidity with his mouth wide open, arms and legs stiff as boards. Then he goes into convulsions. In one or two minutes the convulsions are over and he gradually passes into a coma, which lasts about an hour. After a series of shocks, his mind may be swept clean of delusions…. A patient is seldom given more than 20 injections and if no improvement is noted after ten treatments, he is usually given up as hopeless.” The Army, the CIA and Metrazol Army CIC interrogators working with the CIA at prisoner of war camps and safe house locations in post-war Germany on occasion used Metrazol, morphine, heroin and LSD on incarcerated subjects. According to former CIC officer Miles Hunt, several “safe houses and holding areas outside of Frankfurt near Oberursel” – a former Nazi interrogation center taken over by the US – were operated by a “special unit run by Capt. Malcolm S. Hilty, Maj. Mose Hart and Capt. Herbert Sensenig. The unit was especially notorious in its applications of interrogation methods [including the use of electroshock and Metrazol, mescaline, amphetamines and other drugs].” Said Hunt: “The unit took great pride in their nicknames, the ‘Rough Boys’ and the ‘Kraut Gauntlet,’ and didn’t hold back with any drug or technique … you name it, they used it.” Added Hunt, “Sensenig was really disappointed when it was found that nothing had to be used on [former Reichsmarschall] Herman Goering, who was processed through the camp. Goering needed no inducement to talk.” Eventually, CIC interrogators working in Germany would be assisted in their use of interrogation drugs by several “former” Nazi scientists recruited by the CIA and US State Department as part of Project Paperclip. By early 1952, the CIC’s Rough Boys would routinely use Metrazol during interrogations, as well as LSD, mescaline and conventional electroshock units. Metrazol-like drugs are still used in interrogations today. According to reports from several former noncommissioned Army officers, who served on rendition-related security details in Turkey, Pakistan and Romania, drugs that produce effects quite similar to Metrazol are still used in 2010 by the Pentagon and CIA on enemy combatants and rendered subjects held at the many “black sites” maintained across the globe. Observed one former officer recently, “They would twist up like a pretzel, in unbelievable shapes and jerk and shake like crazy, their eyes nearly popping out of their heads.” In 2008, at the behest of US Sens. Carl Levin, Joe Biden and Chuck Hagel and in reaction to a March 2008 article in The Washington Post, the Pentagon initiated an Inspector General Report on the use of “mind-altering substances by DoD [Department of Defense] Personnel during Interrogations of Detainees and/or Prisoners Captured during the War on Terror.” It is not known if the investigation has been completed. Among the more famous recent cases of the use of drugs upon prisoners concerns one-time alleged “enemy combatant” Jose Padilla, who had originally been accused of wanting to set off a “dirty bomb.” The charge was later forced, but Padilla was held in solitary confinement for many months and forced to take LSD or other powerful drugs while held in the Navy brig in Charleston, South Carolina. The government has gone to great efforts to keep the public uninformed as regards use of drugs on prisoners. In an article by Carol Rosenberg for McClatchy News in July 2010, Rosenberg reported that, when covering the Guantanamo military commissions trials, when the question of “what psychotropic drugs were given another accused 9/11 conspirator, Ramzi bin al Shibh, the courtroom censor hits a white noise button so reporters viewing from a glass booth can’t hear the names of the drugs. Under current Navy instructions for the use of human subjects in research, the undersecretary of the Navy is described as the authority in charge of research concerning “consciousness-altering drugs or mind-control techniques,” while at the same time is also responsible for “inherently controversial topics” that might attract media interest or “challenge by interest groups.” Dr. Bender Discovers LSD In 1955 and1956, Dr. Bender began hearing glowing accounts about the potential of LSD for producing remarkable results in children suffering mental disorders, including autism and schizophrenia. Bender’s earlier work with electroshock therapy had brought her into contact with several other prominent physicians who, at the time, were covert contractors with the CIA’s MK/ULTRA and Artichoke projects. Primary among these physicians were Drs. Harold A. Abramson, Paul Hoch, James B. Cattell, Joel Elkes, Max Fink, Harris Isbell and Alfred Hubbard. Some of these names may be familiar to readers. Dr. Abramson, a noted allergist who surreptitiously worked for both the US Army and CIA since the late 1940s, was the physician Frank Olson was taken to see, shortly before his murder in New York City in November 1953. About a year earlier, Drs. Hoch and Cattell were responsible for injecting unwitting New York State Psychiatric Institute patient Harold Blauer with a massive dose of mescaline that killed him. Dr. Elkes was one of the earliest physicians in Europe to experiment with LSD, having requested samples of the drug from Sandoz Chemical Co. in 1949. Elkes was a close associate of Dr. Abraham Wikler, who worked closely with Dr. Harris Isbell at the now-closed Lexington, Kentucky, prison farm, where hundreds of already drug-addicted inmates were given heroin in exchange for their participation in LSD and mescaline experiments underwritten by the CIA and Pentagon. Elkes worked closely with the CIA, Pentagon and Britain’s MI6 on drug experiments in England and the United States. Dr. Fink, who was greatly admired by Bender, is considered the godfather of electroshock therapy in the United States. In the early 1950s and beyond, Fink was a fully cleared CIA Project Artichoke consultant. In 1951, CIA officials under the direction of Paul Gaynor and Morse Allen of the agency’s Security Research Service (SRS) that oversaw Artichoke, worked closely with Fink in New York City in efforts to thoroughly explore the merits of electroshock techniques for interrogations. The CIA was especially interested in the use of standard electroshock machines in producing amnesia, inducing subjects to talk and making subjects more prone to hypnotic control. According to one CIA document, Fink told officials “an individual could gradually be reduced through the use to electroshock treatment to the vegetable level.” In addition to Fink, Bender also greatly admired the work of Dr. Lothar B. Kalinowsky, a psychiatrist who also consulted closely with the CIA on electroshock matters. Kalinowsky, who was part Jewish and had fled Germany in 1933, was Fink’s close friend and, like Fink, was widely recognized as an expert on electroconvulsive therapy. Kalinowsky met with the CIA’s Allen and Gaynor frequently and sometimes was accompanied by Dr. Fink at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, where he worked closely with Dr. Hoch. While it is clear from Dr. Bender’s papers that she also considered the early LSD work of “Dr.” Alfred M. Hubbard in Vancouver, Canada, to be “very substantial and beneficial,” it is important to state here that Hubbard was not a physician nor did he have any formal medical training. Hubbard, a jovial character who sometimes worked with the FBI and CIA, was a strong proponent of the use of LSD. Despite the fact that he had no medical credentials and once served time in prison for smuggling, he hoodwinked the Sandoz Chemical Co. into supplying him such ample amounts of LSD that he dispersed so widely and abundantly that he earned the title “The Johnny Appleseed of LSD.” Hubbard’s use of LSD in allegedly curing alcoholism is still cited today. How Hubbard so easily passed as a physician is unknown. Even a 1961 paper published by New York Medical College, Department of Psychiatry, and authored by Dr. A.M. Freedman, cited Hubbard’s LSD work with “children, primarily delinquents” to have been 85% successful.” Other physicians whom Dr. Bender consulted about the effects of LSD on children were Drs. Ronald A. Sandison, Thomas M. Ling and John Buckman. These three worked in England at both the Chelsea Clinic in London and Potwick Hospital in Worcestershire, outside of London. Sandison is credited with having been the first person to bring LSD into England, this in 1952 after he met Albert Hofmann in Basle, Switzerland, at the Sandoz Chemical laboratories. Hofmann handed Sandison a box of around 600 ampules, each containing 100 micrograms of LSD. Back in England, Sandison shared his psychedelic bounty with associates Drs. Ling and Buckman. Before the year was out, Sandison also turned Hubbard on to LSD, guiding Hubbard through his first trip. Sandison also began a new treatment program at the Gothic-looking Potwick facility that he dubbed Psycholytic Therapy. His program’s patients were mostly schizophrenics. In 1958, an LSD treatment unit was established at Potwick. Over the years, it has been reported that the CIA, MI6 and the Macy Foundation secretly helped finance the unit. Dr. Elkes helped by raising about $75,000 for the unit’s operation. For the next ten years the unit administered over 15,000 doses of LSD to about 900 patients. Drs. Buckman and Ling worked closely with Sandison in the Potwick unit. In 1963, Buckman and Ling wrote in a publication, describing “good examples” of the use of LSD in psycholytic psychotherapy: “The patients’ experiences under LSD have not supported Marx’s dictum that Religion is the opium of the people but rather that there is a deep basic belief in a Supreme Being, whether the religion background be Christian, Jewish or Hindu.” Dr. Buckman also worked at London’s Chelsea Clinic, often times treating adults and sometimes children. Buckman believed strongly that “frigidity” in women could be treated successfully with LSD. In 1967, he said of LSD: “Many therapists believe that a transcendental experience – a feeling that it is a good world and one is a part of it – is a curative experience in itself.” According to several informed sources in the London, for years MI6, the British intelligence service and the CIA closely monitored the LSD work conducted by Sandison, Ling and Buckman. Two Sisters, LSD and Dr. Buckman Marion McGill, today an attorney and college professor in the western United States and her sister, Trudy, were sent in 1960 by their parents to be interviewed by Drs. Ling and Buckman at the Chelsea Clinic in London. At the time, Marion was 13 years old and her sister was 15. Marion says that both her mother and father were “quite taken with the benefits of LSD and thought that we would also benefit from the drug.” Both parents had undergone a series of ten LSD “treatments” at the Chelsea clinic. Marion goes on: “As a 13-year old at the time, my decision-making capacity was very limited. I was, by nature, fairly compliant and docile, rather eager to please my parents. I understood nothing of what was being suggested for me and my 15 year-old sister – namely that we participate in some sort of ‘research’ that both our parents had also participated in. Whether the word ‘experiment’ was used, I don’t recall. The term ‘LSD’ was vaguely familiar, however, because my parents were ‘taking’ this drug as a form of ‘quick therapy’ – their term for it – that had been recommended by my uncle, a psychiatrist at a well known east coast medical school. Both parents needed therapy, in my view. While highly successful professionally, my father was a tightly wound, rather angry and insecure man, an accomplished academic, but an ‘industrial strength narcissist,’ as I later called him. My mother was a submissive, obedient, Catholic woman without much identity of her own, other than being a doctor’s wife. “My sister and I, however, were about as ‘normal’ as any two teenagers could be. We were at the top of our classes in school; both of us had lots of friends, participated in extra curricular activities. We didn’t need ‘therapy.’ We were told we would get a day off from school after each overnight stay at the clinic for this LSD. It was perhaps the prospect of a day off from Catholic girls’ school that persuaded us to do it. I wasn’t aware of making a ‘decision.’ The purpose of this program was never explained. There were to be 10 sessions – once a week for 10 weeks. I believe they started in January 1960. “The experiences at the clinic where the LSD was administered were quite strange. There was a brief ‘interview’ by Dr. John Buckman, asking banal questions about health issues (none), but providing no information about what to expect from the LSD. There was no mention, for example, of hallucinations or perceptual distortions or anything frightening. I was not informed of any persistent effects, such as nightmares. Certainly the possibility of lasting damage was not mentioned. The word ‘experiment’ was not used. There was, in other words, no informed consent whatsoever. I was not told that I could refuse to participate, that I could quit at any time (as provided in the Nuremberg Code). Since I was below the age of consent, my parents would have been the ones to agree to this. Indeed, they were the ones to suggest that we be used in these experiments. It would not otherwise have happened. But my parents would never discuss this in later years and never explained why they did it. “During the 10 sessions, each of which involved an injection, my sister and I were kept in separate bedrooms, darkened rooms, usually with someone present in the room, but I don’t know who the person was. Occasionally, my mother was also present. At times, I was so frightened by the hallucinations that I screamed and tried to escape from the room. I remember once actually reaching the hallway and being forcibly put back into the bedroom by my mother. I saw a wild array of images – nightmarish visions, occasionally provoking hysterical laughter, followed immediately by wracking sobs. I had no idea what was happening to me. It was terrifying. “There was no effort to counsel us during or after each of these sessions. There was no ‘debriefing,’ no explanation of what was happening or why this was being done to us. Why I did not refuse to participate after I first experienced it, I don’t know. But as an adult and later as a professional medical ethicist, I recognized this lack of resistance as a function of childhood itself. Most children who are victims of parental abuse do not know how to resist. They fear rejection by parents more than they fear the abuse, it seems. The ‘power differential’ is huge between parents and children and the dependence on parents is virtually absolute. We were also, living in London at the time, away from our friends. My sister and I had been told not to talk about what we were doing. We were Catholics, obedient to parents, etc. Our father was a doctor, after all – it was hard to grasp that he would do harm to us or that our mother would. Children just don’t think this way initially. A child’s dependency usually means trusting one’s parents or caregivers. “Although each individual session was often terrifying, any lasting effects of the LSD unfolded gradually. In the weeks immediately following the final session, I experienced frequent nightmares – visions of crawling insects, horrible masks, etc. I couldn’t sleep. I was afraid to shut my eyes. I became afraid of the dark. My parents were dismissive and unsympathetic. Their attitude was, in some ways, more disturbing to me than the experiments themselves because it meant that my parents had known full well that the experience would very likely be frightening – and hadn’t cared. “I discovered that my parents were dishonest and unfeeling in ways that I could not comprehend. They told my sister and me never to talk about the LSD experiences, never to disclose what had happened in London. This further ruptured our relationship with them, a relationship that was, by then, permanently damaged. I was still dependent on them, however and so was my sister. “Two years after these experiments, during her freshman year in college, my sister suffered a nervous breakdown. I don’t know the extent to which the LSD may have precipitated this. But my parents’ response to what was probably a mild breakdown from which my sister could have recovered, was coercive and drastic. She had been asking questions about the LSD at this time. She was angry about it. We both were. We talked about it together, but I was afraid to confront our parents. My sister was not. The angrier she became, the more she was ‘diagnosed’ as a ‘psychiatric’ case and the more medication she was given. To this day, my sister is heavily medicated. She never fully recovered from that first episode. “Our parents responded to my sister’s anger in a way that frightened me further. I also felt tremendous guilt for not being able to prevent the horrors that my sister endured. Once she was ‘classified’ as a psychiatric patient, she was lost. Everything that was done to her in the name of ‘treatment’ seemed to me to be a form of ongoing abuse and torture. “The fact that our father was a prominent, internationally known and widely respected physician – and his brother, who had introduced us to this LSD horror, was a prominent, internationally known and widely respected psychiatrist – made it impossible to expose them or go against them. Their reputations were more important to them than the health and well being of my sister. “My own response was simply to leave home. I never trusted my parents again after the London LSD experience. I discovered many other ways in which my father and my uncle lied, covered up, dissembled and eventually threatened me, in order to keep this story from being told. “On a positive note, the experience informed my career choices in both human rights and medical ethics, but it also made me alert to the ways in which academic medicine was – and is – corrupted by the drug industry itself and by the continuing abuse of human subjects to further the development of drugs as weapons – both for interrogation potential and also, more subtle behavior control on a massive scale. My own experience also sensitized me to the special vulnerability of children and teenagers in the medical environment. “Even when I subsequently confronted my father with the evidence that LSD had been tested by the CIA for use as a military weapon in the 1950s and 1960s, he dismissed his participation by saying that it was an ‘enlightening experience, like visiting an art gallery.’ When I pointed out that this was not my experience as a child, he dismissed it, including the presumption that I must be a ‘conspiracy theorist’ to propose such a thing. At the age of 91, he finally admitted that it had perhaps not been a very good idea to subject my sister and me to LSD. “Dr. Buckman and Ling were knowing participants in ongoing intelligence-based work with mind altering drugs. I ‘met’ Buckman in London when I was 13, but encountered him again years later at the university medical school in the United States where he was on the faculty. “I went to see Dr. Buckman in his office. I asked him what he thought about the ethics of using children in an LSD experiment. At first, he didn’t seem to realize who I was. I identified myself as one of his ‘subjects’ and gave him my business card as a Medical Ethicist and lawyer. He was clearly shocked, stood up, refused to talk to me and told me to leave his office. Shortly thereafter, I received a phone call from my father. His brother, the psychiatrist and colleague of Dr. Buckman, had been alerted to my impromptu visit. Subsequently, both my uncle and my father threatened me, saying they would make sure I lost my university faculty position if I disclosed anything publicly about the LSD experiments in London. “‘You will never work in bioethics again,’ they said. “The response of all these men to the threat of disclosure indicates their lack of ethical scruples, their lack of empathy, their own pathology. I don’t know what the exact term would be, but I suspect there is a form of psychological ‘doubling’ at work – the sort of thing that was described in [Robert Jay] Lifton’s book, The Nazi Doctors who were able to ignore their Hippocratic oath to ‘first, do no harm,’ and to inflict unimaginable horrors on their fellow human beings. “The loss of my sister has been a life long source of sorrow for me. I attribute it to the LSD and its cover up, whether the chemicals themselves ’caused’ her disintegration or not. In law this is called a ‘contributing cause.’ I learned that people cover up the most awful things, not just within a family but within communities, within universities, within ‘polite society.’ There is probably no absolute barrier that will prevent these things from being done, but they have to be exposed and called out for what they are, whenever they occur.” Dr. Bender’s LSD Experiments on Children Shortly after deciding to initiate her own LSD experiments on children, Bender attended a conference sponsored by a CIA front group, the Josiah Macy Foundation. The conference focused on LSD research and featured Dr. Harold A. Abramson as a presenter. In 1960, Abramson conducted his own LSD experiments on a group of six children ranging in age from five to 14 years of age. A few short months after the Macy Foundation conference, Dr. Bender was notified that her planned LSD experiments would be partially and surreptitiously funded by the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology (SIHE), another CIA front group then located in Forest Hills, New York. The Society, headed by James L. Monroe, a former US Air Force officer who had worked on top-secret psychological warfare and propaganda projects, oversaw about 55 top-secret experiments underwritten by the CIA. These projects involved LSD, ESP, black magic, astrology, psychological warfare, media manipulation, and other subjects. Apparently, Bender’s work with children and LSD raised some concerns at the CIA’s Technical Services Division (TSD). A 1961 TSD memo written to Monroe questioned the “operational benefits of Dr. Bender’s work as related to children and LSD,” and requested to be kept “closely appraised of the possible links between Dr. Bender’s project and those being conducted under separate MK/ULTRA funding at designated prisons in New York and elsewhere.” In 1960, Dr. Bender launched her first experiments with LSD and children. They were conducted within the Children’s Unit, Creedmoor State Hospital in Queens, New York. The LSD she used was supplied by Dr. Rudolph P. Bircher of the Sandoz Pharmaceutical Company. (Dr. Bircher also provided Bender with UML-491, also a Sandoz-produced product, very much like LSD but sometimes “dreamier” in effect and longer lasting.) Her initial group of young subjects consisted of 14 children diagnosed schizophrenic, all under the age of 11. (Because diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia, autism, and other disorders have changed over the decades, one cannot assess what actual conditions these children really had.) There were 11 boys and three girls, ranging in age from six to ten years old. Jean Marie is almost seven years old. She came here nearly a year ago after her parents abandoned her to the care of an aunt who had no interest in raising her. Marie, who prefers to be called Jean, is shy, withdrawn, and distrustful of most adults she encounters. There are reports she may have been sexually molested by her uncle … Despite her withdrawn nature she smiles easily, and enjoys the company of other children. After receiving LSD on three occasions earlier this month, Marie ceased smiling at all and lost any interest in others her age … In the past week, she seems to have become easily agitated and has lost any interest in reading, something she seemed to very much enjoy before treatment. In a published report on her 196 LSD experiments with 14 “autistic schizophrenic” children, Bender states she initially gave each of the children 25 mcg. of LSD “intramuscularly while under continuous observation.” She writes: “The two oldest boys, over ten years, near or in early puberty, reacted with disturbed anxious behavior. The oldest and most disturbed received Amytal sodium 150 mg. intramuscularly and returned to his usual behavior.” Both boys were then excluded from the experiment. The 12 remaining children were then given injections of 25 mcg. of LSD and then days later were each given 100 mcg. of LSD once a week. Bender’s report states: “Then it was increased gradually to twice and three times a week as no untoward side-effects were noticed…. Finally, it was given daily and this continued for six weeks until the time of this report.” Bender’s findings and conclusions concerning her LSD experiments indicated she found the use of the drug promising. Bender reported: “In general, they [the children] were happier; their mood was ‘high’ in the hours following the ingestion of the drug … they have become more spontaneously playful with balls and balloons … their color is rosy rather than blue or pale and they have gained weight.” Bender concluded: “The use of these drugs [LSD, UML-401, UML-491] … will give us more knowledge about both the basic schizophrenic process and the defensive autism in children and also about the reaction of these dilysergic acid derivatives as central and autonomic nervous system stimulants and serotonin antagonists. Hopefully these drugs will also contribute to our efforts to find better therapeutic agents for early childhood schizophrenia.” In an article published in 1970, Dr. Bender reported on the results of LSD dosing upon “two adolescent boys who were mildly schizophrenic.” She reported that the boys experienced perceptual distortions. They thought the researchers were making faces at them, that their pencils were becoming “rubbery,” and one boy reported the other boy’s face had turned green. The boys began to complain that they were being experimented upon. Even so, Bender and her associate continued the two male adolescents on a regimen of 150 mcg. per day, in divided doses, of LSD. While one of the boys supposedly “benefited very much,” Bender reported that he later returned to the hospital as “a disturbed adult schizophrenic.” The other boy kept complaining that he was being experimented upon and they stopped giving him LSD, not because of the drug’s effects itself, Bender explained, but “because of the boy’s attitude towards it,” which she attributed to “his own psychopathology.” Dr. Bender’s LSD experiments continued into the late 1960s and, during that time, continued to include multiple experiments on children with UML-401, a little known LSD-type drug provided to her by the Sandoz Company, as well as UML-491, also a Sandoz product. Bender’s reports on her LSD experiments give no indication of whether the parents or legal guardians of the subject children were aware of, or consented to, the experiments. Without doubt, parents or guardians were never informed that the CIA underwrote Bender’s work. Over the years, there have been multiple reports that many of Bender’s subject children were either “wards of the State” or orphans, but the available literature on the experiments reveals nothing on this. The same literature makes it obvious that the children had been confined to the Creedmoor State Hospital for long periods of time and that many, if discharged, needed “suitable homes or placements in the community.” There is also no evidence that any follow-up studies were conducted on any of the children experimented upon by Dr. Bender. Today, Dr. Bender is best known and highly regarded in some circles as the creator of the Bender-Gestalt Test, which measures motor skills in children. On Bender’s use of LSD on children, Dr. Leon Eisenberg said years later: “She did all sorts of things. Lauretta Bender reached success in her career long before randomized controlled trials had even been heard of. She didn’t see the need for trials of drugs because she was convinced she knew what worked.” (See: “A History of Autism: Conversations with the Pioneers” by Adam Feinstein, Wiley-Blanchard, 2010.) Many other physicians speaking privately were far less diplomatic in condemning Bender’s LSD work, but, still today, many are reluctant to criticize her, and, remarkably, many of the aging stalwarts of the arguable “virtues” and “potential” of LSD continue to cite her work with children as groundbreaking science. Today, nearly 60 years beyond the horrors of Dr. Bender’s CIA-sponsored experiments on children, few people are aware that they were conducted. For most people, regardless of their awareness of the experiments, it is difficult to fathom how intelligent, highly educated physicians and scientists could partake in such brutal, uncaring, unethical and illegal experiments on children. What was the basis of their motivation? Was it the quest for some sort of elusive medical grail? Was it for economic gain? Or was it simply the result of a misguided search for knowledge that appeared so infinitely important that any sense of compassion and respect for human rights and dignity was cast aside in the name of a higher goal or good – a search at times so exhilarating with the sense that one is at the precipice of a momentous discovery that any semblance of respect for humankind was thrown aside? One can easily come to any and all these conclusions simply by reading the professional papers of such scientists and researchers. Not once do any of these papers express concern for the subjects at hand or denote any pangs of conscience at violating any oaths, codes and statutes regarding patient rights, human rights or human dignity. That America’s most shameful period of human experimentation, the years 1950 through to about 1979, came on the heels of the making and adoption of the Nuremberg Codes only adds to the shame and hypocrisy. Today, human experimentation is still aggressively conducted by US government-sponsored and employed physicians and scientists regardless of those codes, which came directly out of the shocking madness of the Nazi era. That government-sponsored experimentation still occurs makes a mockery of any governmental efforts, however valid, to protect people from science run amok – and a nation that uses its young, its children, for such pursuits is a nation whose commitment to human rights and democratic principles should be seriously questioned and challenged. (The names Marion McGill and that of her sister Trudy, are pseudonyms. Marion is a highly respected attorney and college professor, who asked that her real name not be used in this article. All other names in this article are real.)

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

.. talkbacker-schizophrenia-voices: ..".. harry!!!.. it's how Lorna Dane used to have a ribald, raucous, physically engaging sense of humor specifically so very specifically with Legion.. LEGION.. Xavier's son Legion.. she cared for him.. she loved him.. she said the grody things she said about her own body in converse with him Legion.. it meant something.. to her.. and so very deeply.. to him.. to-.. to him.. Legion.. Legion.. Legion.. in old CHRIS CLAREMONT X-men comics.. the Bruce Davison HE KNOWS..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult The White Queen Emma Ms. Frost maggie hyacinth ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. Havok Alex Summers (Hanno Ridal Raudsepp): ..".. it's-.. it's Jubilee (Kendra Leigh Wilkinson)..- sob.. she's so beautiful.. she's such a beautiful young girl.. she's so nice.. she's so very, very, very nice as a human being.. I mean.. I can't believe how.. how quintessentially.. nice she is.. and.. she's Wolverine's (Hugh Jackman's) best friend.. and.. he loves her.. and.. I can't even.. I mean.. I don't have Wolverine's (Hugh Jackman's) physical courage.. not even close.."....-.. Storm (Francesca Lodo): ..".. No one does.. Alex (Hanno Ridal Raudsepp).. no one does..).. Havok Alex Summers (Hanno Ridal Raudsepp): ..".. thanks.. Orora (Francesca Lodo).. I just-.. I just-.. I just-.. I can't even.. imagine.. what he's.. what-.. what he's.. I can't even verbalize.. ".. Storm (Francesca Lodo): ..".. I know.. I know.. I know.. the horrific truly horrific physical suffering that he's gone through.. that he has so with infinite courage endured.. suffered..".. Havok Alex Summers (Hanno Ridal Raudsepp): ..".. thanks, Orora (Francesca Lodo).. it's Jubilee (Kendra Leigh Wilkinson).. she's holy.. she's sacred.. she's a sacred, compassionate, gentle soul.. a gentle, compassionate person.. Jubilee (Kendra Leigh Wilkinson)..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss 3-year old megan d. iseult rachel summers 9-year old megan d. iseult angelica jones The White Queen Emma Maggie Hyacinth Ryder Zaladane Selene the Black Queen (Monica Bellucci / Daniella Amavia)... Orora (Francesca Lodo): ..".. Wait.. it is Selene the Black Queen (Daniella Amavia / Monica Bellucci (?)) who has physical courage equal to Wolverine's (Hugh Jackman).. what she has physically suffered.. endured.. the horror.. the horror of what she has physically.. suffered.. endured.. exact.. to Wolverine's (Hugh Jackman's) physical suffering.. the horror.. the horror of what happened to the infinitely physically courageous Selene the Black Queen (Daniella Amavia / Monica Bellucci)..".. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

... actor Daniel Day Lewis: - in the winter of the year 2009 -..".. hanno.. it's Chris Claremont.. he's worried about so many X-men characters.. hanno.. it's Havok right now for Chris Claremont.. he found Draco Malfoy Havok... he's really deeply worried about him... he doesn't want him to get hurt.. it's.. there's something distinct.. special.. about Havok.. about this Draco Malfoy Havok.. hanno.. Chris Claremont is phasing Havok out of the comics.. hanno.. he's doing that with a lot of X-men characters.. it's.. it's Havok who.. Chris-.. it's that.. hanno.. he wants Havok to only be in X-men comics distributed to safe towns.. safe cities.. hanno.. I want to help him with that.. hanno.. there are an awful lot of X-men characters Chris is worried about.. right now.. it's Havok.. all he can think about is Havok.. right now..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 8-year old kate croy kate moss 14-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss 3-year old megan d. iseult rachel summers 9-year old megan d. iseult angelica jones The White Queen Emma Ms. Frost maggie hyacinth ryder Zaladane the Black Queen Selene Monica Bellucci.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3.. I don't even know what stochastic disturbance terms even are or if three dollars is even-.. logical.. to say.. about.. anything.. with.. anything.. with.. stochastic disturbance terms.. I seriously, intensely, severely struggling with my textbook of econometrics.. I know that the word "stochastic" means "random variable".. that's the one thing I sort of know..

... track 3... track 3... of "shout: the very best of Tears for Fears"... track 3... is the official, quintessential music of... nude "Gia"- angelina jolie: ..."... sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob.. please please please please let me play Shanna the wife of Ka-Zar for Scorcese's- Uncanny.... I think Brad Pitt is playing Ka-Zar for Scorcese... I really think he is... sob sob sob sob.. please please please let me play Shanna.. his wife.. Shanna.. his beautiful, beautiful wife.. Shanna..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult maggie hyacinth ryder monica bellucci.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Monday, October 23, 2023

.. track 8.. track 8.. of the soundtrack composed by Hans Zimmer for the movie "Dune".. track 8.. is the official, quintessential music of.. the ferocity of Legion (Crispin Glover).. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult maggie hyacinth ryder monica bellucci.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. Antti Martikainen - Corruption.. is the official, quintessential music of.. "Hanno Jason Leigh (Hanno Ridal Alexander Raudsepp) aka "Volcano.. in the future's- Sophia's- Uncanny.. Sophia Coppola's future Uncanny X-men movies... $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old kate moss.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3.. .. in the inwards of the above URL.. watch?vivien = 71-ovaltine guess-Return - 3-retro-e(x)oneratable-years-0.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. track 1.. track 1.. of the soundtrack composed by Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL for the movie "Batman versus Superman; dawn of justice".. track 1.. is the official, quintessential music of.. Al Pacino is Trevor Fitzroy.. in Scorcese's- Uncanny.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult The White Queen Emma Ms. Frost maggie hyacinth ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. track 1 Megan Gale wonder woman.. track 1 Megan Gale wonder woman.. track 1 Megan Gale wonder woman.. track 1.. of "shout: the very best of Tears for Fears'.. aka.. the famous Tears for Fears song- "Mad World".. is the official, quintessential song of.. David Bursztein (oh no.. I think I'm misspelling his last name).. co-star boyfriend to emmanuelle beart in the movie 'La Belle Noiseuse", directed by Jacques Rivette.. David Bursztein (I still think I'm misspelling his last name).. he is Winona Ryder's official male co-star when she stars as Jami.. in "The Bionic Woman", directed by Bernard Rose and Sophia Coppola.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult The White Queen Emma Ms. Frost Maggie Hyacinth Ryder "Madelaine Herzog"- madeleine hyacinth ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. track 22.. track 22.. of the soundtrack composed by Hans Zimmer for the movie "Dune".. track 22.. is the official, quintessential, pain-agony music of.. Selene, The Black Queen (Daniella Amavia): ..".. what.. is happening.. to me..".. (Scott Lobdell; issue #301 of 'The Uncanny X-men').. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss.. stochastic distubance terms.. $3..

... track 2... track 2... of the soundtrack composed by Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard for the movie "The Dark Knight"... track 2... is the official, quintessential music of... Who is Michael Weathers... and Harry Knowles (software paradigms) versus Michael Weathers.. .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. Silver Sable (Savanna Samson): ..".. Boomerang (James Woods).. no one in the milky way galaxy and far beyond understands the labyrinth of MK-Ultra better than you.. Boomerang (James Woods).. RHINO (Nicolas Cage)!!!-.. oh you big, powerful, intelligent lunk.. Russia has seeped into your soul and oh yes in Hedrick Smith's book 'The Russians'.. he explains that it takes months literally months for a train to traverse the geography of Russia.. and all that Russian geography is in you .. Rhino (Nicolas Cage).. Jessica Drew (Winona Horowitz).. your love for your boyfriends is the equal of my love for my Mr. Unmentionable.. oh yes.. Mr. Unmentionable is Finnegans Wake.. it's.. he's.. we'll all have to meet him someday.. and survive that meeting.. literally.. historically..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss 3-year old megan d. iseult 9-year old megan d. iseult angelica jones The White Queen Emma maggie hyacinth ryder The Black Queen Selene Zaladane Monica Bellucci.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Friday, October 20, 2023

.. copy-and-pasted from .. .. .. .. .. .. is it Prelate Havok (Brad Pitt) who shot Jean Grey (Winona Ryder).. ?.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude beautiful kate moss.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Phoenix Force No Caption Provided It was assumed Jean Grey died after Havok shot her, but instead, the Phoenix Force saved her and left her in a comatose state. Still, Jean was thought to be dead, which gave Sinister a chance to experiment and unlock Jean's true potential as the Mutant Alpha, aka the first mutant ever to exist in the Age of Apocalypse timeline. Jean would later lose her Phoenix and mutant abilities after a plan gone wrong with the clone of the Scarlet Witch.

... Prelate Havok: ...'... alex (hanno ridal alexander raudsepp).. I am May Welland maggie verver- pledged to prevent.. the suicide of Mystique (Holly Madison)..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude beautiful kate moss 3-year old megan d. iseult 3-year old rachel summers 9-year old megan d. iseult angelica jones maggie hyacinth ryder emma frost zaladane the black queen selene monica bellucci.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Monday, October 16, 2023

.. Legion (Crispin Glover): ..".. Havok (Hanno Ridal Alexander Raudsepp).. I am criminally insane.. it's part of my mutant DNA.. I talked to Mystique.. I talked to Lorna Dane.. I talked to Rogue.. I mean.. it's what Lorna Dane told me about the atrocity-ridden verbiage of my language toward these three woman.. it's what Lorna Dane told me about that.. I mean.. how can she verbalize the way she does.. I just got so.. criminally insane.. in what I said about these three beautiful women.. it's.. " .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. Lara (Emmanuelle Beart): ..".. it's who my son Kal-el (Brandon Routh) is as an adult man.. as.. as.. Clark (Brandon Routh).. Clark (Brandon Routh).. he is.. impenetrable.. invulnerable.. formidable.. he is.. stoic.. he is.. a fearless man..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult maggie hyacinth ryder The White Queen Emma Monica Bellucci Zaladane.. stochastic disturbance terms.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart): ..".. ahh.. Lorna Dane seems like a common name among female mutants.. the Lorna Dane (Embeth Davidtz) we know.. she is so gentle, so spiritually vulnerable.. she is so GOOD.. she's a good person.. the best of people she is.. she is the most decent of people.. and.. oh.. oh.. another woman named Lorna Dane (Emma Dumont).. I see the unbridled, bloodcurdling agony on her face.. I see.. something that happened with a poor dog she loved.. that's what I see.. with this other truly agonized and tormented Lorna Dane (Emma Dumont).. she is a beautiful soul.. as well.. the name Lorna Dane means beautiful soul.. and she is.. this beautiful Lorna Dane (Emma Dumont) with the soul of Medusa.. another female mutant Lorna Dane (Megan Gale).. she is brave and heroic.. I mean.. they all are.. it's.. I can't.. explain.. how this Lorna Dane (Megan Gale).. how she is brave but painfully shy.. should I say she is brave and painfully shy.. rather.. and.. another Lorna Dane (gal godot).. she is the friend of cats and mice.. and she sees such reconciliation between those two species of animal.. mice and cats... this Lorna Dane (Gal Godot).. she thinks mice and cats can be friends.. oh.. she is so.. wise beyond her years.. she is another beautiful soul Lorna Dane (gal godot)..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult The White Queen Emma Ms. Frost Maggie Hyacinth Ryder Zaladane The Black Queen Selene monica bellucci madelyne pryor angelina jolie.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Saturday, October 14, 2023

... Mystique (Holly Madison): ..."... Havok (Hanno Ridal Alexander Raudsepp)... when you don't take the pills... you get angry.. and you enter text on your website.. that comes out of your anger.. that comes out of.. you getting angry.. but now you've taken the pills I think two days.. one day.. one day.. or two days now.. and what you have now is collected rage.. controlled rage.. and it is that controlled rage that is now entering the text on your website.. where this controlled rage.. from the pills.. from the pills.. makes you a lot more.. mentally acute as to what text you enter on your website.. your text on your website becomes.. more acute.. no more the product.. of getting angry..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult maggie hyacinth ryder monica bellucci angelina "Gia" jolie.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Havok (Hanno Ridal Alexander Raudsepp): ..."... No.. the pills are making me inwardly irrational.. I must stop taking them right away.. right away.. for good.. ".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 9-year old megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

... Mystique (Holly Madison): ..".. Havok (Hanno Ridal Alexander Raudsepp).. I want to warn you.. I don't trust Lorna Dane (Embeth Davidtz).. this nice act she has going.. this being too nice.. that's Longshot (Johnny Depp).. or a three year old girl like rachel summers (3-year old megan d. iseult).. but this being way too nice.. or.. no.. being too too nice.. that's Longshot (Johnny Depp).. that's Longshot's (Johnny Depp's) thing.. and Lorna Dane (Embeth Davidtz) wants to make it into a Lorna Dane (Embeth Davidtz) thing.. out of vanity.. maybe even out of female vanity.. if I even know what female vanity is.. I think Lorna Dane (Embeth Davidtz) is very, very self-interested.. and that she's following all of Longshot's (Johnny Depp's) cues about how to be nice.. how to be too nice.. how to say all the too nice things.. and then.. Holy Ishtar and Tammuz only know what Lorna Dane (Embeth Davidtz) is planning once the claws come out..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old kate moss 3-year old rachel summers megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones megan d. iseult The White Queen Emma Ms. Frost Winona Ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Friday, October 13, 2023

... issue #271 Magistrate Tam (Megan Gale): ..."... what is a trombone made in Hungary.. in the horrific Hungary of Lazlo and Elizabeth Bathory.. would a trombone made in this country.. in such a country.. be.. a different.. kind.. of trombone..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult The White Queen Emma Maggie Hyacinth Ryder Selene the Black Queen Zaladane Monica Bellucci.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. Anti Martikainen - Corruption.. is the official, quintessential music of.. issue #270 Magistrate Tam (Amber Heard) and Magistrate Summers (Hanno Ridal Alexander Raudsepp).. both Magistrates of Genosha.. in the issue #270 era of Scorcese's- Uncanny.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude wide-awake kate moss 3-year old megan d. iseult 3-year old rachel summers 9-year old megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones The White Queen maggie hyacinth ryder Zaladane the Black Queen Selene monica bellucci.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3.. .. watch?vivien = 71-ovaltine guess-Return - 3-retro-e(x)oneratable-yes-0.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 3-year old scarlet witch 48-year old nude wide-awake kate moss 3-year old megan d. iseult 3-year old rachel summers 9-year old megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones the White Queen maggie hyacinth ryder Zaladane the Black Queen Selene monica bellucci.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. Spider Man 3: Main Titles - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack.. is the official, quintessential music of.. Second Soul is Silver Sable.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult maggie hyacinth ryder monica bellucci.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3.. .. in the inwards of the above URL.. watch?vivien = Illuminati-kafka energy-Ovaltine your-distant-Volk-8-jesse-Gus-guess.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult maggie hyacinth ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Thursday, October 12, 2023

.. Lorna Dane (Embeth Davidtz): ..".. the stink of evil emanates from me.. there is a woman who is supposed to be Lorna Dane.. but she can't be.. this Lorna Dane (Emma Dumont).. there is no way she can actually BE Lorna Dane.. no way at all.. I think she's supposed to be an example I'm supposed to follow.. and because I'm weak.. or because I'm.. weakened.. or because I have been weakened.. by.. by pills.. medications.. I do-.. follow her.. to become just like her.. and therefore I become someone who can never even have BEEN Lorna Dane.. I become someone who can never be Lorna Dane.. either.. have been.. or be now.. or be now in the future.. ever.. ever.. it's like I'm not Lorna Dane.. because of this imposter Lorna Dane (Emma Dumont).. who honestly CAN'T be Lorna Dane.. because it is very simple.. Lorna Dane is nice.. and just that.. she's the nicest person.. and that's all..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss rachel summers 9-year old megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones The White Queen Emma Ms. Frost maggie hyacinth ryder Zaladane The Black Queen Selene monica bellucci angelina "Gia" jolie scarlett 'Scarlet Zen' johansson savanna 'rogue' samson holly 'maddie franklin' madison gal 'diana prince' godot.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Eclipse: ..".. Havok (Hanno Ridal Alexander Raudsepp).. you might someday feel so sorry for this Lorna Dane (Emma Dumont).. I hope that can start right now.. considering how many police officers.. she.. encountered.. and opposed.. how many.. how many.. just about only.. police officers.. just about only.. the police..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss 3-year old megan d. iseult rachel summers 9-year old megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones The White Queen Emma Frost maggie hyacinth ryder / madelaine ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

... Damned Anthem - Final Countdown.. is the official, quintessential music of.. Jubilee (Kendra Tammuz Wilkinson): ...".. I need kendra in my life.. what I'm suffering right now.. physically suffering right now.. I need kendra in my life.. I-.. I do.. I really, really do..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss 3-year old megan d. iseult rachel summers 9-year old megan d. iseult angelica jones The White Queen Emma Ms. Frost maggie hyacinth ryder Zaladane The Black Queen Selene monica bellucci nude angelina "Gia" jolie.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3.. .. watch?vivien = pons-Energy Forklift-e(X)oneratable gus-Ovaltine-tiger-distant_you-0.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old kate moss megan d. iseult maggie hyacinth ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

... track 22 haydnn.... track 22 haydnn... of Hans Zimmer's Oscar-winning soundtrack to the movie "Dune"... track 22 haydnn... is the official, quintessential music of... actor Daniel Day Lewis: ..."... it's-... it's-... it's-... Embeth Davidtz is playing my wife as the magdalene... I'm playing Erik Magnus and she's playing my wife... the magdalene... the magdalene... and... I have to expunge.... erase... the terrifying Daniel Day Lewis John Proctor from this... because... he was a terror... and she can't... I can't believe that my wife... the wife of Erik Magnus... would be frightened... of me... her husband... I have to take unspeakable, drastic measures... to ensure against... this inevitability... especially... finally... conclusively... with the John Grisham Embeth Davidtz... with the Gingerbread Man Embeth Davidtz... who truly is a holy spirit... a spirituality made essence...".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss 3-year old megan d. iseult rachel summer alisa ibiza shore 9-year old megan d. iseult angelica jones... stochastic disturbance terms... $3...

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

... Lorna Dane (Embeth Davidtz): ..."... Lorna Dane (Emma Dumont)... you never owned a dog as a little girl.. that is a filthy lie... Lorna Dane (Emma Dumont)... Havok (Hanno Ridal Alexander Raudsepp) had a telepathic arrangement with that very sentient dog... the police officers told the parents how sorry he was that he yelled at that dog and the parents explained that to they young girls in the family... the young girls believed the parents because the parents were on the side of the young girls in no small part because the police officers were on the side of the parents who owned that dog and the police officers were also on the side of the dog he yelled at and they explained how sorry he was that he did that... you don't know what police corroboration for something involving the family dog means what it means to the parents and what it means to influencing parents in what they tell their children.. because you hate the police.. you hate all police Lorna Dane (Emma Dumont) and I hate you for that... now... I don't want a sociopath like you to be Lorna Dane any longer... "... $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult The White Queen Emma Ms. Frost Maggie Hyacinth Ryder... stochastic disturbance terms... $3...

.. Nude Lorna Dane (Embeth Davidtz): ..".. sob.. Havok.. I've always liked police officers.. I love them.. they've come to my house and they've made me feel so safe.. and they're so respectful to me.. I don't understand this other serial killer emma dumont lorna dane.. we share a name that I now that now makes me feel sick inside.. I always thought that the name Lorna Dane was just like the name Winona Ryder.. that's it!!.. -.. sob... Havok.. I don't think the Establishment is going to let me keep that name for long.. and that's already a biological intestinal reality for me..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude wide-awake kate moss 8-year old kate croy kate moss 14-year old susan-atkins-esque poison ivy kate moss 3-year old rachel summers 3-year old megan d. iseult The White Queen Emma Ms. Frost Maggie Hyacinth Ryder Zaladane The Black Queen Selene Monica Bellucci Nude Angelina "Gia" Jolie.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

... Havok (Hanno Ridal Alexander Raudsepp): ..."... you're right... heh... Lorna Dane (Embeth Davidtz)... it is a scuba outfit... I don't even know why I would argue.. not agree with your instantaneous common sense... Lorna (Embeth Davidtz)...".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 49-year old nude wide-awake kate moss 3-year old rachel summers megan d. iseult rachel summers alisa ibiza-shore 9-year old angelica jones megan d. iseult The White Queen Emma Ms. Frost Maggie Hyacinth Ryder Zaladane Selene the Black Queen Monica Bellucci.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. The Goddess Tammuz: ...".. Hanno!!.. you were feeling an emotion... and then I told you you should take pills to stop that emotion.. you were talking to the Goddess Artemis savanna samson.. she was 19-years old... she felt such horrible, infinite loneliness because her parents were not at home.. and her parents are her very best friends in the whole wide world.. in the whole milky way galaxy and far beyond.. her parents are her very best friends.. just like once with you and Mike Demetro and Danny Soedirga and Paul.. and.. he parents were not at home.. and she was so very, very, very lonely that she was crying.. and you physiologically felt her infinite despair.. and.. HANNO!!!.. that's an emotion.. I do NOT tell you to take pills to quell that emotion.. and I did".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude wide-awake kate moss 8-year old kate croy kate moss 14-year old susan atkins poison ivy-esque kate moss 3-year old rachel summers megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones megan d. iseult The White Queen Emma Ms. Frost Maggie Hyacinth Ryder Madelaine Herzog madeleine ryder sunyata horowitz winona ryder 'john toldand's adolph hitler' winona ryder 'house of spirits'- winona ryder rainbow mist panda ryder winona ryder Zaladane Selene the Black Queen Monica Bellucci.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Sunday, October 8, 2023

.. The Goddess Tammuz: ..".. all those pills I hypnotized you to take.. hanno.. they were brain food.. for the future.. for the future.. for when you would stop taking them.. the pills.. finally.. I told you you could trust Doctor McPherson with your soul..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult holly madison issue #823 holly madison.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

... Nude Mystique (Nude Holly Madison): ..."... I'm going to Hell!!!... I'm going to Hell!!!... Zaladane (Monica Bellucci) really wants to go to Hell... She wants to be nude and tortured in Hell... she thinks it'll be exciting... titillating... tingling... me too... but... I think I'm going to Heaven... I don't want that... no... Mystique goes to Hell but it's unpleasant for her down there... I never was her... I'm Nude Holly Madison and I'm going to Heaven to be a younger sister to Havok...".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude wide-awake kate moss 3-year old megan d. iseult 9-year old megan d. iseult The White Queen Emma (maggie hyacinth minmei ryder).. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3.. the real paige guthrie is already in heaven and feeling.. always.. happy.. which she deserves..

... There's a reason Brianne is playing Princess Kitana...

... Zaladane (Monica Bellucci): - to the High Evolutionary (Julian McMahon) -..."... Hi-fi.. I know I'm going to Hell when I die... and... it's a lot more assured and solid for me than for many or actually for most people... Havok went into a rage against me and called me a worthless fuck which is exactly what a woman like me who is destined for Hell actually is and that's Havok who goes to Heaven when he dies... for eternity.. to forget this rotten to the core planet earth and to forget all of it and feel happiness for the first time in his life in Heaven... but I think I will ask God for Mercy after I die and am in Hell.. say that I don't deserve mercy in this respect which I don't... at all... I am still making Havok's life a living hell... and... I wish I were otherwise... but I am so... and... Hell is not a nice place I know... that's the one thing that makes me think...".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 Heaven-bent (Christopher Fry) paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude wide-awake kate moss 3-year old rachel summers 3-year old megan d. iseult 9-year old megan d. iseult.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. Juggernaut (Robert deNiro): ..".. ahhhh.. I can't be an actor.. the suffering that I feel is appropriate for me.. like.. I really, really want to feel viscerally like a bad person.. for long lengths of time.. months.. no.. no.. years.. a whole decade.. or.. I mean.. horrible, awful example for actors.. ".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult The Kiernon Gillen White Queen Emma Maggie Hyacinth Ryder Madeleine Ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. The Enigma TNG - Outsider.. is the music which plays during Cyclops's (James Marsden's) ferocious fury over the death of John Proudstar (Oscar Isaac) in Scorcese's- Uncanny.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult The White Queen Emma Maggie Hyacinth Ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3.. .. in the inwards of the above URL.. watch?vivien = 2-Agents west-distance energy-Volk-Kafka 2-Yoriba 8-Illuminiti.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseul The White Queen Emma Maggie Hyacinth Ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. Fort Nowhere - Wicked Game.. is the official, quintessential song of.. Nude Lorna (Nude Embeth Davidtz): ..."... Alex!!!.. The name 'Lorna Dane' is not that important to me... it's what the name is like... there is a woman name.. Lorna.. Dane.. She's like... Queen Elizabeth Bathory if she actually HAD done all those things... for real... and worth... Winona Ryder NEVER being able to play her in a movie... that's who this woman is... to even think-... I no longer call myself that name... I changed my name to Phoebe Ryder...".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult The White Queen Paige Guthrie Maggie Hyacinth Ryder... stochastic disturbance terms... $3... ... watch?video = return-9 Energize-0 Gus-volk-Luthor Noun-tiger zatanna-senses.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult The White Queen Paige minmei Guthrie maggie hyacinth ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

... Arkanis Sector - A war is coming... is the official, quintessential music of... Alexis Luthor (Michael William Blake Owen Tammuz Rosenbaum): ..."- kevin...".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude wide-wake kate moss 3-year old megan d. iseult rachel summers 9-year old megan d. iseult.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3.. .. watch?vivien = University-Luthor lex-Query-Universe Hale-tiger-Musk 05-Questions.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. Legion (Crispin Glover) is best friends.. best religious-buddies.. with Mr. Sinister (Michael J. Fox).. Legion feels.. he owes him his soul.. that he owes Mr. Sinister (Michael J. Fox).. everything.. absolutely.. everything.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult maggie hyacinth paige guthrie minmei ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Saturday, October 7, 2023

His Brightest Star is you.. is the official, quintessential music of.. Maggie Hyacinth Ryder: ..".. hanno.. I'm not playing The White Queen.. I'm not playing Black Widow.. the Sonia Svetlana Black Widow for Sam Raimi.. I'm not becoming actress Winona Ryder.. my one role.. as actress 'Maggie Hyacinth Ryder'.. is Paige Guthrie.. in Scorcese's Uncanny X-men movies.. that's my one role.. someone else.. the real Winona Ryder.. can play Adrianna Anderson and Fyenshya..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss 3-year old megan d. iseult rachel summer 9-year old angelica jones megan d.iseult Paige Guthrie Maggie Hyacinth Ryder Zaladane Selene, the Black Queen Monica Bellucci.. Havok: ..".. MONICA BELLUCCI.. YOU FUCK!!!.. YOU FUCK!!!..".. Havok is Justice and Decency.. the Monica Bellucci thing is still bad.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3.. .. in the inwards of the above URL.. watch?video = Volk-noun-Pons-Business_university-Oval-Universe Pencil-e(x)oneratable-Illuminati?..

... Hanno Ridal Alexander Raudsepp: ..."... I wonder if Hollywood celebrities have always been the cowards and betrayers in a war... The notable, notorious, radical exceptions to this are Sam Worthington, Victoria Hill, Embeth Davidtz, Arianne Zucker, Anne Hathaway, Christian Bale, obviously Kate Moss, Robert Pattinson, Gary Oldman and I really have to say this about one of the very nicest people aka Guy Pierce despite the atrocity of what happened with 'Memento', I love Christopher Nolan, finally obviously.. Florence Pugh, Tom Hiddleston in a huge leviathon way, Daniel Day Lewis where are you?, Scarlett Johansson you are so serious about the socially healing effects of your nudity in movies.... also Garett Hedlund (am I spelling his late name right), Levi Miller, Dakota Fanning, Tom Cruise, the actor who played Tom Cruise's son in 'War of the Worlds', I like Miranda Otto, Tom Cruise obviously is a true hero in any war, Angelina Jolie?-.. can it end?.."... $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss 3-year old rachel summers megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones 9-year old megan d. iseult The White Queen Maggie Hyacinth Ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Hanno Ridal Alexander Raudsepp: ..."... Chris Helmsworth is in his own special category of 'hero'.. so is.. oh no.. I forget the actor playing Hercules for Marvel Studios.. a young girl is saying.. what about Ciliam Murphy.. sorry.. Megan Gale is also in a special category of 'hero'.. and Gal Godot and Pedro Pascal.. oh.. oh.. oh no.. maybe I should forget about my war against celebries.. he's Pedro.. Pedro.. he played Max.. beautifully.. and the holy spirit Lucien Perez as his son Alistair Lord.. a young hero beyond heros..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss 3-year old rachel summers megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones megan d. iseult The White Queen Maggie Hyacinth Ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

... Track 8... Track 8... Track 8... of Hans Zimmer's Oscar-winning soundtrack for "Dune"... track 8... is the official, quintessential music for.. Hanno Alexander Ridal Raudsepp: ..".. I did like Gail Simone's post-crisis Catman.. I really liked him.. I thought he was wonderful.. powerful.. riveting.. compelling.. heroic.. courageous.. compassionate.. I couldn't have been happier.. and then he became a monster.. It was a betrayal...".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss 3-year old rachel summers megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones 9-year old megan d. iseult The White Queen Maggie Hyacinth Ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. Pro-life feminism must be pro-Playboy.. pro-Hugh Hefner.. pro-life feminism can only castrate itself if it is anti-Playboy.. anti-Hugh Hefner.. okay.. I know Hugh Hefner is supposed to be pro-choice.. pro-abortion.. pro-life feminism has to study Playboy and what if means for young boys when adult women who are literally sophisticated, aristocratic nude women in Playboy.. these women are historically angels from Heaven.. pro-life feminism must be in favour of this and promote it.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss 3-year old megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones 9-year old Megan d. Iseult The White Queen Maggie Hyacinth Ryder The Black Queen Selene Zaladane Monica Bellucci Angelina "Nude Gia" Jolie.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Dissect the Biology Teacher

.. Scott Summers (James Marsden): ..".. I am pro-life.. they.. the Voices.. do not need to tell me that I am not pro-life.. they.. The Voices.. do not need to make that choice for me.. I am making the choice to be pro-life.. I am making that choice about myself.. I am saying that about myself.. that I am pro-life.. The Voices do not need to decide that.. I'm deciding that..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss 3-year old rachel summers megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones 9-year old megan d. iseult The White Queen Maggie Hyacinth Ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3.. Monica Bellucci must clarify that she is pro-life.. This is imperative..

... track 6... track 6... of Hans Zimmer's Oscar-winning soundtrack to the movie "Dune"... track 6... is the official, quintessential music of... The Goddess Tammuz: ..."... harry... harry knowles... can you speak in an authentic Bugs Bunny voice... I think that'll help... a lot... so very healing... for all of telepathic humanity itself...".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss 3-year old megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones megan d. iseult.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. track 3.. track 3.. of Hans Zimmer's Oscar-winning soundtrack for "Dune".. track 3.. is the official, quintessential music of.. Brad Pitt is Prelate Havok in Scorcese's- Uncanny.. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss 3-year old rachel summers 3-year old megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones 9-year old megan d. iseult.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. track 3.. track 3.. of "The Best of Billy Idol".. track 3.. his famous, powerful song "White Wedding".. is the official, quintessential song of.. Lorna Dane: ..".. but killing is so terrifying.. they have to talk about stealing too?.. I can't even imagine what killing even is.. and why does stealing even MATTER.. in comparison.. I mean.. at all.. at all.. I just don't.. understand it..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult maggie hyacinth ryder monica bellucci angelina jolie.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Lorna Dane: ..".. Mackenzie Shirilla?-.. but I don't think that's killing.. what happened with the car.. I don't understand what happened with the car.. I don't.. UNDERSTAND.. what.. what.. what.. was.. supposed.. to.. have happened.. with the car..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult maggie hyacinth ryder monica bellucci angelina jolie scarlett johansson savanna samson holly madison gal godot.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Friday, October 6, 2023

.. Rupert M. Dockery (John Goodman): ..".. and you don't know what I think of someone as pure and gentle and compassionate as the Goddess Tammuz recommending that you intake filth like cogentin.. the honest cogentin that Doctor McPherson was giving you.. that you almost.. hypnotize you.. to take cogentin.. over and over again.. every day.. every.. day.. the cogentin that causes you to hurt people.. innocent people.. innocent, pure children who are equally pure and innocent and compassionate as the Goddess Tammuz herself.. and the cogentin causes you to hurt these children.. these innocent children.. and she tells you... I don't want to- say it.. no.. I mean.. she.. it's Moondragon (Cynthia Belleview).. I know that she becomes a sculpture of sand.. and then.. she crumbles at the touch.. and it's the Goddess Tammuz alone who causes this to happen.. because Moondragon (Cynthia Belleview) can't accept herself hurting innocent, special-to-God children.. and that's what the cogentin the Goddess Tammuz insists upon Moondragon (Cynthia Belleview).. that's what it does.. but see.. it goes deep rotten into you soul.. when this happens.. but Moondragon (Cynthia Belleview).. it causes her to vomit.. and it-..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. Scott Summers (James Marsden): ..".. It's just that.. Aglaia had a dirty soul.. it's.. that.. you have to know who Aglaia is.. all of Russia knows who Aglaia is.. Aglaia is deeply, profoundly spoiled and pampered and this made her.. arrogant.. okay.. it's how Dostoevsky wrote this.. wait.. I gotta talk about how.. it's not Sally Jessie Raphael or a book I think about young girls called 'Spoiled Rotten'.. it's.. how Dostoevsky.. doesn't even.. address any of that.. at-.. at all.. and.. like.. she can be arrogant and that's okay.. okay it's that she tells someone who is fighting desperately for his family every day of his life.. she tells him he has a dirty soul.. no.. she tells Prince Myshkin that.. so.. I forgot what I was going to say.. It was very important..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48 year old nude kate moss 3-year old rachel summers megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones megan d. iseult.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

.. Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart): ..".. Look.. I gotta talk about this.. about how special you feel when you.. feel special.. chosen.. the one.. and how.. I think.. what about NIghtingale Mist the second being.. the second.. what about Ahania being the Society Lex of earth.. two.. and sonia alexander being the Society Lex of earth.. one.. so.. one.. and two.. and Havok (Hanno Ridal Alexander Raudsepp) did not get his wish when he wished to no longer feel himself to be important.. that Illyanna Rasputin (Victoria brianne hill) was the special one.. she was the center of the universe.. she was the most self-aware one in the milky way galaxy.. and that his sense of self-awareness.. would.. greatly wane.. profoundly.. wane.. and he didn't get his wish.. it's like.. he began feeling more and more his importance.. like he wanted to be the center.. the one.. after he had specifically made the wish that he would feel in and as his whole consciousness on the very periphery of.. importance.. and the most important person at the very least in the milky way galaxy would be.. Illyanna Rasputin (Victoria brianne hill).. and he would not feel himself to be important.. at all.. or even.. self-aware.. aware.. of self.. he wouldn't feel.. awareness.. of self.. much.. and that wish.. the opposite happened with him.. instead.. and.. so.. so.. it's when.. that feeling of being special.. oh.. is that the same.. as the feeling of being self-aware.. is that the same as the feeling of being.. special.. of feeling.. as the one.. the centre.. of all things.. of reality.. wait.. maybe that is exactly what the feeling being self-aware is.. and.. so.. Havok (Hanno Ridal Alexander Raudsepp) is Lorna Dane's (embeth davidtz / gal godot's) boyfriend.. and.. ah.. okay.. Magneto.. sorry.. about that.. seriously.. I wish.. the boredom factor with Magneto.. except.. he's so.. good.. decent.. that it get's.. somewhat.. apathetic.. for him to always be like that.. it's just like William Stryker (Alan Rickman) saying 'PATIENCE!!.. PATIENCE!!'.. there was none with that.. because the apathetic sense of good and decency with Magneto was supposed to last.. for decades.. and.. many.. decades.. until.. the red crimson armor and helmet.. returned.. somehow.. when.. it's Magneto saying that what he sees as WAR.. and then.. what.. it was foolish the destruction of Asteroid M after he said that.. that is the foundations of him.. always.. always.. always.. being front and center and focal.. not.. forcibly being.. absent.. for.. forever.. like.. forever.. and.. his daughter Lorna Dane.. her family tells he she's special.. and she feels central to reality.. because she feels that self-awareness consciousness.. and how can anyone but you feel that.. then.. if.. see-.. if.. YOU.. feel that.. and that's-.. sob.. her.. she feels that.. so.. they.. butcher that.. destroy.. annihilate that in her.. maybe that's all it is.. with her name.. I can't talk like this about-.. what happened.. and Havok (Hanno Ridal Alexander Raudsepp) is her boyfriend..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss 3-year old rachel summers megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones megan d. iseult.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Thursday, October 5, 2023

.. track 3.. track 3.. of 'The very best of Billy Idol'.. track 3.. aka.. the famous, powerful, infinitely compelling song "White Wedding".. is the official, quintessential song of.. Hanno Ridal Alexander Raudsepp: ..".. Megan Gale.. would your poor poor poor young brother Jason.. in Heaven.. in.. in the afterlife.. feel better.. if you briefly and flashingly and dazzlingly played Talia al Ghul at the very beginning of Steven Spielberg (and Sophia Coppola's?).. very first Superman movie.. and then something.. I mean it's the wonderful Phil Jiminisez (Oh by God himself I don't know how to spell his name anymore..).. it's.. it's when he wrote Queen Clea as the leader I think of.. wait.. was it called.. Villains Incorporated.. and.. something.. I don't know what happened to her.. but I read allusions on DC message boards.. that.. she was transformed into a baby.. and then she was killed by Doctor Poison.. her baby-self was killed by Doctor Poison.. Doctor Poison is female.. and.. what if the Megan Gale Talie al Ghul is tranformed into a three year old girl.. played by three-year old megan d. iseult.. at the very beginning of Steven Spielber (and Sophia Coppola's) very first Superman movie.. and she is played for the rest of their Superman movies by 3-year old megan d. iseult and then in some time-phasing some time-shifting.. (caused by Brad Pitt's Hunter Zolomon?).. she becomes also at other times she becomes 9-year old megan d. iseult talia al ghul.. and then Megan Gale assumes the role of.. Jezebel Jet.. in these Steven Spielberg and Sophia Coppola Superman movies.. ".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. Hanno Alexander: ..".. sob sob.. baby Queen Clea-.. what?..".. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss 14-year old kate moss 3-year old rachel summers megan d. iseult 9-year old 9-year old angelica jones megan d. iseult.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Hanno Ridal Alexander Raudsepp: ..".. and today is Thursday, October the fifth.. and after what I wrote on my website today.. it is a good time for me to die.. and go to a better place.. a much better place.. a much, much better place..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

.. the people of planet earth: ..".. lex luthor (michael 'william blake' owen tammuz rosenbaum).. please kill us.. please kill us all.. we no longer can be alive.. we want to go on to live happily in another realm.. perhaps a realm much like a happy dream.. and.. there is right and wrong.. and the wrong of it is.. that it is wrong for us to continue to be alive.."..

... Havok Alex Summers (Hanno Ridal Raudsepp): ...".. what if the 9/11 terrorists weren't terrorists at all.. what if they to a one hundred percent degree... were heroes.... what if.. killing a thousand businesspeople was meant as a warning for something infinitely more horrific.. for something truly... sadistic.. the prosecution of the men of enron by those filthy prosecutors and those filthy women who regulated those men of enron... and I'm going to say something else.... I am fifty years old and not very long ago I was lying in bed and couldn't fall asleep and I wanted to die right then.. and I really wanted to die there in bed.. before the death of my father ever happens.. I wanted to die before my father ever.. died.. and.. I am not so.. I am not sure.. that in the very near future.. I am not going to feel that I wish I had already died quite some time ago.. and gone to.. a parallel reality.. maybe to.. a dream-realm..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 48-year old nude kate moss.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..