
Monday, August 5, 2024

... Nick Fury (Peter Gallagher): ..".. Here we go... here we go..." .. .. .. .. .. Hanno Alexander Raudsepp: ..".. Today is.. August the 5th, 2024.. a Monday.. and I'm not sure what happened with me today.. I was late taking my medications.. it was about three o'clock in the afternoon... the span of time being from three o'clock to four o'clock and five o'clock in the afternoon.. and during this span of time I was having what I would describe as a horrific time.. with my mind.. a pyschologically horrific time.. and.. I had already thought about no longer taking medications at all anymore.. and then.. in this span of time approximately between three o'clock four o'clock and five o'clock in the afternoon.. I was having the most awful thoughts.. the most awful, terrible thought processes.. and.. then I finally walked slowly home from the Tim Hortons coffee shop that is about twenty minutes walk away.. before that I'd been in Subway Restaurant.. I call it a restaurant.. the local Subway.. Restaurant.. I call it a Restaurant.. a Subway Restaurant.. I finally walked home but took only two cogentin pills.. no clonazepam or escitalopram.. and the cogentin pills just two cogentin pills which I took... i then went to bed and fell asleep.. the two cogentin pills which I took just two cogentin pills.. that's all.. that's all.. they really seemed to have a pacifying, peace-instilling, miraculous effect on my mind.. that's cogentin for me personally.. for me.. personally.. I don't know how taking cogentin would effect.. someone else.." .. .. .. ..

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