
Monday, February 23, 2015

URGENT MESSAGE to the eldest brad pitt

make sure everyone .. that is.. arrange that everyone has winter jackets before they are brusquely, truly rudely told to leave.. and not allowed back to get winter jackets.. some of them aren't even aware of what's going on when they are told to leave the room after room.. they just go out and suddenly aren't allowed back to get winter jackets .. the powers that be honestly DON'T CARE if they freeze to death outside.. MAKE SURE.. brad pitt.. that everyone anticipates this that EVERYONE anticipates this that they are going to be told to leave CIA headquarters and to go outside maybe by a bridge I'm not sure and simply told to go outside.. that it's over.. make sure MAKE SURE everyone is given a winter jacket first.. winter jackets should be available it's just a matter of everyone knowing they are going to be forced out of the room by psychopathic women who won't let them back in and don't care if they freeze to death outside... they just have to KNOW especially ESPECIALLY very recent recruits.. that they are going to all be going out outside from the installation just as if its another day just another ordinary day.. just another ordinary occurence.. a message from CIA agent hanno...

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