
Thursday, June 20, 2019

.. hi-finesse - embrace the pain.. the music of.. The Queen of Fables and her Pact with Trigon (Ian Mckellen) and her collective Pact with the Mass of Women of the DC movie universe....

…. "embrace the pain" .. is the music of... Ian McKellen is not playing Trigon.. Ian McKellen is not playing BlackBriar Thorne..

… Matt Damon is playing Trigon....

… it's the mass of women of the DC universe who know ..

                    .. that the women are to blame.. and it is the women who have to pay.. innocent or guilty.. it is the women who have to pay.. the mass of women of the DC universe know this..... so does Trigon (Matt Damon)… so does..

              … Ahania Blacksmith (Hanno Jason Leigh)….

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