
Friday, June 21, 2019

.. scene-snippet between Janeanne Garafalo Myndi Mayer and Maxwell Lord Leonardo de Caprio in "William Marston's Wonder Woman", directed by Scorcese....

Myndi Mayer (Janeanne Garafalo):.." - Prince. .. she's Diana Prince.. that's her last name... I think it's  a really, really good one.. - heh.. Prince.. Diana Prince - she's Prince.."

Maxwell Lord (Leonardo de Caprio) walks in...

Myndi Mayer (Janeanne Garafalo):..".. Hi, Max.. she's Diana Prince now.. Diana of Themiscyra is now... ta-DA!!.. Diana Prince... Diana of Themiscyra is now Diana Prince.."

Maxwell Lord (Leonardo de Caprio):.." - ahh!! - like the Borgias..?.."

Myndi Mayer (Janeanne Garafalo):..".. please don't say 'like the Borgia's..'.. Max.."..

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