
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

... Zaora-Mara, the wife of General Zod (Ralph Fiennes).. is played by Sunyata Herzegovenia, the beautiful silver-grey pigmentation woman of .. sob sob sob... of Position Music - Crimson Blaze.. of the visual of that music.. of the visual of that music of "Crimson Blaze"..... in all 108 Superman movies directed by Steven Spielberg.. and beyond.. into the 102 / 103 Superman movies directed by... sob sob sob.. directed by.. Scorcese....

… Zaora-Mara (Sunyata Herzegovenia).. is finally the one who .. singlehandedly... she brutally butchers and kills .. every single person behind every single one of these Talkbacker-voices.. she does not consider a single one of the persons behind the Talkbacker Voices.. to be an innocent person.. not a single..

          .. one...

…. Angelina Jolie is so disappointed in Leo.. she is so self-scathingly, so self-laceratingly disappointed in Leonardo de Caprio...

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