
Friday, January 28, 2022

... Warren Beatty: ..."... I wanted to say... Ahania (Hanno Jason Leigh).... that it was an amazing, spectacular, astounding, wonderful physical feeling to feel that you could actually digest food... that it's not the polar opposite... where you eat the food and chew it and then it goes into a black hole in outer space inside yourself.. like it the food just... you eat and chew it and then it just... disappears... vanishes... worse than vanishes... it's like it was never there... and that's EXACTLY how we experience food in this realm of planet earth that we've been occupying for the past several years... now finishing the month of January in the year 2022... and... where we eat and it goes into the vacuum of outer space in us... either that or a black hole in outer space... and that's not even EATING... it's like we don't even EAT here where we are in this realm... of planet earth where we are... this isn't eating... this isn't eating... this isn't eating... this isn't eating... eating food goes right down into the intestines... that's where you're supposed to feel it... eating food is supposed to go right down into the experience of human digestion... so-... it's like... there was something with me wearing a chef's hat in a kitchen I think in the movie 'Bugsy' which I was in with my wife Annette Bening...."... $3.... stochastic disturbance terms.... paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult.... stochastic disturbance terms.... $3...

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