
Monday, June 23, 2014

Obama's wars Reuters news reel

Note from Batman: Batman honestly believes all cell-phones have a nanotechnological flesh-eating disease inside them, air-transmitable.

My, Hanno Raudsepp's, phone number is 1 - 613 - 394 - 6412

The Days of Future past has arrived.

Obama has been killed. By a white woman, her identity otherwise unknown. The nation is in mourning, although it always knew it would come to this. No one expected him to survive his second term as president, let alone his first. The nation has a lot to answer for. America killed Obama. Not the white woman. The white man, in this one case, is not guilty. Either. But with Obama out of the picture, what is left for the nation. It is in a tenuous position. Surrounded by enemies from all sides. At least none on its own continent. Phew. On to England, whose leaders at this stage may also be in japordy. From men or white women, we're not sure. But England could use a good assassin. All kidding aside, this spells doom for the nation. Mordor, none other than. We will be a prison country now, no one gets out alive. Joe Biden is next for the presidency, although he always though Hillary you-know-who could do a better job. We'll leave it up to him. For now, Joe Biden is president, a white man. Arrrrgh. We're back to square one. Oh, well, it couldn't last. At least a man is still president.

Written by an anonymous subscriber.

This is the white woman who killed Obama. I am a horrible, horrible person. I feel remorse, a lot of it. I'm to womanish to be an assassin, but its late for this kind of talk now. A mistake is a mistake. And I made a big one. And I only occupy middle-management in the corporate ladder. I needed to get ahead, I really did. And with man's encouragement, I finally did. Sort of. That man was Obama. I believed in him, we all did. Past tense. He was the hope for change, not me, although reading “Obama's wars”, what did that book mean anyway, may have given one pause. That book hardly mentioned Hamid Karzai. Or Hillary Clinton. Two very important people. The book did say Hamid Karzai was erratic, somewhat unstable. It paints a calmer view of Hillary Clinton, who wanted to reach out to moderate Taliban. Like Hamid Karzai. I think. Or maybe he was just buddies with the Taliban. I hope he'll be my friend. Ya, boss.

Written by The white woman who killed Obama.

This is the ghost of Obama. Phhheeeewwww. It's finally over. Maybe the next incarnation will be more promising. It was pure hell being president. I only went for the job because I was black. But now that that's out of the way we can get to business. Okay, so what's next on the memo- oh shit, right. This is gonna take a while to get used to. Oh, hi, Helen Thomas. Oh, jeez, you didn't leave me alone at my inauguration either. The circle has closed and you still can't get rid of the press. Man, these women are insane. Tell me about it. Oh, are we having a conversation. So, what did I do as president. I invaded Afganistan. No, that was someone else. I just concluded the invasion, which was more difficult. Maybe that was why I was assassinated, like Benezeer Bhutto. No, did she begin an invasion of Afganistan. No, she just empowered the wrong people. America had to finish what Pakistan started, doing it's double-game with America. Silly Pakistan. Sillier Bhutto. I guess I'll meet her later. Along with Henry Kissinger. Heavan's not so bad. So far. Unless America invades it. I guess we'll have to wait for the next president.

Written by the ghost of Obama

This is message from the terrorist who hijacked Air force one shortly before Obama was assassinated. Oh, man, I have a lot to answer for. Now, I know why they wanted to get Obama out of Washington, somewhere to Asia, I think. I forget. I wasn't supposed to even know where I was taking him. I was just following orders. The people who hired me threatened my family. I had no choice. But Obama could be hobnobbing with bigwigs in Asia instead of being well non-existant now if it wasn't for wittle me. I know he was meeting some people, important ones I think. Someone from Iran. Some guys from India. Someone from either Pakistan or Afganistan. I know Bill Clinton really wanted Obama to go, something about Camp David. I hope ol' Bill doesn't get assassinated to. There's only so much guilt one man can take. I'm just a bill, just a bill, just bill, and I'm going to capitol hill... just bill... call me bill.. poor o'l bill...

Written by the terrorist from an undisclosable country who highjacked the president's plane

The Canadian question. Hmmm. This will last a while. There is a report that the poor ol' bill pilot who absconded with Air Force One with the president inside was canadian. What is the canadian connection, if any. From all accounts Obama was going to an important, if little publicized, meeting in a place in Asia. Some people say Putin was planning on joining him at this meeting. What purpose could there be in disrupting this meeting, if there was any beyond maintaining Obama in Washington to be assassinated. Was there a dual-purpose in disrupting this meeting. Is it conceivable that the people who hired the pilot were unknowledgable of the impending assassination. That there were two nefarious organizations involved in both crimes, unaware of each other. It seems unlikely, but we can't be pre-emptively conspiracy-minded. There may have been no link between the two actions, however close together they- this is the dumbest thing I've ever written.. of course there was a connection! And a decidedly Canadian one. We can't just let off the Canadians just because they are Canadians. There are reports that a CIA of CSIS agent named Hanno Raudsepp who has written volumunious reports on Pentagon secrets is in fact a Canadian. The Canadians are not the quiet people we think they are. They have had a sinister leaning for socialist governments. No one of sane mind will debate the disastrous condition of Canadian health care, as if Canada is practicing economic sanctions against its own citizens. Is this the true face of socialism, as already horrifically demonstrated in the Russia of the twentieth century. Russia has already demonstrated designs against its socialist ally, Canada. But you can trust the communists to be communists. They elected Obama, after all. There are conspiracy theories Obama is an unwilling participant in a Russian Communist managed Washington. The premise of a dual invasion of both America and Canada by Russia seems staggering enough, but Russia is a big country. So is China. The Manchurian Candidate, anyone? No, wait, Manchuria is Korea, isn't it. I think. Oh, jeez, where is Manchuria.

Written by a concerning citizen.

Who is the mysterious and apperently naked Scarlett Johansson. A Mata Hari of the Milleneum. Why would she assassinate Obama. She is apperently a dangerious woman. There is no way this is about a movie role this time. But I doubt this is the first time she's killed someone. I've read about her in pentagon reports. She's evil and tragic in one special package, naked at that. She's even naked when she wears trenchcoats, sinister, brown trenchcoats, like some female version of John Constantine. I bet she smokes too. A lot I bet this of her naked body. Sorry, I just like saying that. She's evil, taht way. I wouldn't mind talking to her in bars. She's a sexy, naked killer.

Written by a concerning citizen.

Has Hollywood declared war on America? Call Michael Medved. Or someone equally qualified. Scarlett Johansson has gone insane. Tom Cruise has gone AWOL. Where have our dear celebrities gone. This reads like a headline but it is an actual article. There have been an awful lot of shootings in Hollwood lately, presumably perpetrated by celebrities. It was like something out of Hollwood genocide, like Hollywood celebrities being weapons of mass destruction against their own community. But now they've unleashed their negative energy outwards, like zitterions, amino acids with both a postive and a negative charge. Maybe they think by being both positive extraverts- war against America- and negative intraverts- war against themselves, they will achieve Dr. Phil self-help harmony. Let's think about Tom Cruise in this instance. He played a negative intravert in Lestat- the movie, but played a positive extravert in the Ethan Hunt series. He was so different in both roles it was almost like it was two different actors. The truth is way, way out there. Are there Mengele twins in Hollywood. Maybe there are two Scarlett Johanssons. Both fairly naked, but one which starred in Lost in Translation and that movie in which she was naked which starred John Travolta. And the other in which, well, the less said about her clothing the better. If there are two Scarlett Johanssons, which one was naked in the infamous Vanity Fair cover with a very naked Kiera Knightly of Pirates of Penzaze fame. Honestly, Mission Impossible in the action hero Scarlett Johansson's future seemed a likely career choice. Are we gearing up for a truly epic Mission Impossible movie. In this day and age, it seems like all of America, including Washington, has become a gigantic movie set.

Written by a concerning citizen

Naked Scarlett here. No man should go through what Obama has gone through. He is a noble American, who died for his country. He is a soldier. He is my man's heart. He is a hero. Satellites were controlling him. They WERE, they WERE. He was a Manchurian Candidate. I was Laurence Harvey, controlled by my evil motherboard to assassinate the Manchurian Candidate. I don't like Korea, either North or South. But Obama was also my Laurence Harvery. He had the facial tic. He had the moves with the gun. He knew who to call. But it had to end. He was calling all the wrong people for all the right reasons. He's my Cobra.

Written by Naked – sniff – evil, tragic truly naked Scarlettt

Method man Daniel Day Lewis here. I became Lincoln. Tom Cruise became, well, Tom Cruise. Scarlet Johansson became the naked Scarlett we all know and... arrrgh. This is what the method invented by Lee Strasberg has brought Hollywood to its bowels of Mordor depths. We have all sunk to a method actor low. The recent killings in Hollywood are a recent example. We here Ewen Bremer may be playing a doctor in a movie, so he he causes explosions everywhere. Dr. Giggles. Ewen Bremer is a satire of the American health care system. Kaboom, yes, quite. So here we are, Hollywood. Did I cause this? I'm just an actor, a very good one, but, nevertheless, as Ralf Fiennes or myself would put it, an illusionist. Har-de-Hollywood. The illusion has become the voice in the mirror. Danieeelll.... Danieellll... Yes, Mepphistopheles. I am your better Magneto, a better Magneto than you will ever be. STOP THAT! Stop that right now! I – am – Daniel – Day- Lewis, bitches. Okay. Take a camera in a desert. If you connect a camera in a desert to an explosive device will it make a sound? That's my Magneto. He's/I've read my/his Armand, a Czeckoslavian-Australian, the two worst countries, aside from Canada, to belong to. America is in its own category of worst countries. So is Britain. I am irish, method actor who will someday die fighting the Brits. They bring tanks to the bloody street, as if there is an FLQ crisis in Britain, of all places. Magneto is an irishman. So I will win an Oscar for playing him. The irish will conquer hollywood finally. The irish are coming, the irish are coming. Heh. A Wayne and Shuster scetch. They shcitich. I honestly believe method acting is communism. We become ourselves through communism. Being a method actor is all about being yourself. You just have to configure the parameters of your “self” to the parameters of the character you are “playing”. Hence your acting will be a photograph, not a bloody oil painting.

Written by Daniel Day Magneto

Daniel Day Magneto back. More on Armand and Hollywood and attaching explosive devices to film cameras, hence recent Hollywood killings. What has Hollywood come to. Did Ewen Bremer do all this. Is he that powerful, that omnipotent, that omniscient with the science of cameras. How will we shoot anything but action movies this way. Tom Cruise and Arnuld Shwarz can only do so many. We'll have to enlist more actors from the registers of extras to be action heros and action heroines for this contingent purpose. I was in an action movie once but it was only directed by Michael Mann and I played a coyote. Michael Mann also directed fellow method man Val Kilmer in a movie, where is old Val anyway? Michael Mann should direct him in a starring role in a sequel. Batman needs a sequel. But Val should probably stay away from comedies. He's not very good in them. He's too method, like me. I will never be a comic actor. It goes against the very heart and soul of the method. Speaking of communism, the Russians lack a sense of humour, hence their economic sanctions against their own people, mentioned in an essay I recently read through a fan network. Unless this is in fact the Russian sense of humour. Is Hollywood the Russian Jonestown?, Hollywood celebrities sipping tea and coctail parties while the rest of the world starves. We ain't gonna take it anymore. Hollywood is tired of being effete elite, aristocratic Russian palace of America. From now on we are all winter soldiers.

Written by Daniel Day Magneto


Hollywood has officially assassinated the President

The ghost of Obama here. Seriously. I'm glad I'm dead. The satellite control was something literally out of one of Kafka's worst novels. Grinding, man, grinding. It was physically painful. Naked Scarlett just put me out of my misery. No one should be president for a long, long time. War. Health. Martial Law. But the satellites are the worst of all. Immigration. Conspiracy. - singing – but if you have to satellite me, then I don't want to go... Okay, we know the buzz word. Man--- chuurlish fellow... oboy, if the satellites are still controlling me in Heaven then I'm in trouble. Okay. Oombah. Oombah. Get my... trombone.. was it? .. I forget... anyway.. I can do this... I can do this... Oombah... Oompah... Mannchurrri.... soalace.. melting solace of the will.. space age manchurrrian ... later....

Russia Is Preparing To Attack America

February 26, 2013 - Conspiracy, Featured, Main, War - Tagged: government, new world order, obama, petrodollar, police state, war

United States has not been attacked on the home front for 200 years dating back to the War of 1812. There exists a plethora of confirming information to support the fact that America’s days may be numbered and that we are totally unprepared for what is coming.

obama the communistRussia, through the traitorous cooperation and complicity of President Obama, is positioning its assets in order to attack Alaska.  Before I piece together the many elements of the planned Russian “surprise attack”, it is important for America to understand that it takes a communist to bring communism to America. Obama was bred by communists, raised by communists, educated at the finest schools with communist money, his political career was launched by communists and his controllers in the White House are communists. Part one of this series will clearly establish the fact that Obama is the lynchpin of a multigenerational plan to hand America over to the Russians and to the Chinese communists.

Obama did not just wake up one day and decide to weaken American defenses and hand over the country to the Russian communists. Obama was groomed for this position for the past several years. He is indeed the right communist, at the right time,  whose mission is to bring America the most crippling form of communism the world has ever seen.

A reassuring message from Hollywood celebrities of conscience.

We came together for Halle Berry during her drunk driving incident and we will come together in support of Scarlett Johansson for hers.

Okay. This is it. This is the last stand. The Zionist controlled White House has finally dispensed with an agent who they no longer deem useful. Mossad has assassinated President Obama. The US can only look for Canada as an ally against their common enemy Israel. Russia in its Soviet Days supported the people of palestine but those days are long gone. There is a pervasive Russian community in Israel which is for all intents and purposes a Russian military base in Israel. The Zionists are up to their old tricks controlling Russia. Hence Russia's recent Canadian invasion. Canadian media can be forgiven its misguided support for the hoodlums of Israeli Zionism. The Zionist Illuminatti has its tendrils in all media, including Canadian. This is the final frontier, Star Trek style. Our enemy is God. God has the most technologically advanced military infrastructure channelled into civilian high-tech industries. This planet is worthy of Israeli hegemony. The illuminati has been under the radar far too long. Wait a minute- who are you people? What are doing in my-....

There is no Illuminati. There is no Zionist conspiracy. I was just putting you on, guys. I'm just a conspiracy dilettante. None of the above is meant to be anything but an axis and allies role-playing game. The illuminatti is big among role players. Naked Scarlett rules. Former zionist out.

Last Stand guy here. Sorry, the Zionist Illuminati conspiracy is totally real. Israel really has to invade Canada. Canada is the real Zionist network. I'm friends with the Illuminati, there's both good and evil illuminati. Some of them are just fans who don't know the meaning of home invasions. I honestly don't know some of these people. But they're in my house anyway. I don't know how they got in. But we're a fan network. Our ways are mysterious. But Russia's invasion of Canada is already past tense.

Matters have gotten worse. Ethan Cruise, Tom Cruise's identical twin, has become President. Joe Biden is nowhere to be found. He is presumed dead. By whose hand we don't know. But for now, we have the worst maniac since George W. Bush as president. Here we go again with Iraq. Ethan Cruise is reinvading Iraq. If he can find it on the map any better than George W. Ethan Cruise dislikes brocolli. So that is his first enemy. Weirder things have happened in office. Ethan Cruise has a war plan. He is the warpath. We are completely committed to Iraq now, if he can find it on the map. There's no going back. Sanctions both without and especially within Iraq haven't worked. A tripartate partition solution didn't work in Gaza or the West Bank and it sure wouldn't work in Iraq. But President Ethan will give it a go. He sure will. Will he ever. He has hijacked the presidency but he is no the only man in recent memory to have done that. Air force one belongs to Ethan now. He is going to Iraq personally. To settle debts. It's mission impossible on the world stage. Iraq sure was mission impossible but there's no going back. It's endgame, bitches.

Written by the CNN new staff.

President Ethan Cruise is a weapon of mass destruction. Our boys in blue are an irresistable force against an immovable object. There's no stopping us now. The war in Iraq is underway. Now we have a weapon of mass destruction. But Iraq has absconded with many of ours. Naked Wonder Woman can help. She is a pentagon secret. A pentiad. Naked Faora can help too. She is World's Finest.

A hollywood promotion.

Russian Defectors Have Warned the US About This Moment

High-profile Soviet defectors have been telling American intelligence agencies for decades that the Russians have engaged in a multigenerational plot to destabilize America prior to the takeover in which both the Russians and the Chinese will unleash a ferocious military assault upon our country.

To match feature USA-RUSSIA/SPYThe high-ranking defector, Sergei Tretyakov, who repeatedly warned Americans that Russia’s core government had never abandoned the Cold War and still aimed to destroy the United States. In his later years, he said his main goal was to “wake up” the American people to the deadly threat posed to them by the former Soviet Union. His death was reported as a cardiac event, however, his family remains suspicious. Tretyakov joined a plethora of others who defected from the former Soviet Union in order to warn the American people about a planned attack sponsored by the Russian government with assistance from within the American government.

Former Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmenov, a well renowned media/propaganda expert defected to the United States. in 1970, and subsequently exposed the KGB’s subversive tactics against American society. Yuri Bezmenov has conducted a number of interviews in which he explains how Marxist ideology is deconstructing America’s values by controlling the media and which would ultimately serve to demoralize the country, destabilize the economy, and provoke crises in order to Sovietize the United States.   Bezmenov is well known for revealing Russia’s doctrine of “ideological subversion”, a slow, long-term multi-decade process of media-based brainwashing in which the sole purpose is to confuse, confound, and destroy the moral base of America. Can anyone argue that our country’s values represent a debasement of our national sense of morality? Every perversion known to mankind in now honored in our media. Christians are out and hedonists are in. Loyal husbands and fathers are out and a philandering lifestyle is a honored “virtue.” On this point, the Russians have won.

Former Russian Colonel Stanislav Lunev has the distinction of being the highest ranking Russian military officer to defect to the United States after doing so in 1992, after Boris Yeltsin came to power. Lunev’s information was considered to be so volatile, but accurate, that the CIA, DIA, FBI, NSA placed Lunev, where he remains to this day, in the FBI’s Witness Protection Program. Lunev reported that Russia’s military, despite “losing the cold war”, continues in its war preparations which are designed to conquer the United States by stealth

Anatoliy Golitsyn, a high-ranking KGB defector who fled to the United States in order to warn Americans about the secret Russian plan to attack the United States. Golitsyn is generally considered to be among the first and most revealing on the subject of the secret Russian plans to attack. Having authored the The Perestroika Deception in which Golitsyn wrote about the deceitful intent behind the Leninist strategy in which the present-day Communists are actively pursuing as they fake American style democratization efforts in Russia. According to Golitsyn, the short-term strategic objective of the Russians is to achieve a technological convergence with the West solely on Russian terms and mostly through a series of one-sided disarmament agreements. According to Golitsyn, after the United States military is eliminated as a strategic threat to Russia, the long-range strategic Russian plan is to pursue Lenin’s goal of replacing nation states with collectivist model of  regional governments as a stepping stone to global governance. In order to achieve their final goal, Golitsyn states that Russia, after lulling America to sleep, will join with China in order to attack the United States from both the outside and inside as he detailed that the Soviets and the Chinese will be officially reconciled and enact a “scissors strategy” in which China will attack the US through the southern border and Russia through northern border by way of Alaska. As the reader will clearly see in the following paragraphs, Obama is the catalyst in making these long-range communist plans come to fruition.

Obama the Communist

Obama has been surrounded by nothing but communists for all of his life. From Obama’s real father, Frank Marshall Davis, to the husband and wife communist terrorist team of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn from the Weathermen Underground terrorist organization, Obama has known nothing but Marxist communist philosophy in his formative years. The late Senator, Joseph McCarthy, is rolling over in his grave due to the fact that a sitting President has such a retrograde pattern of communist associations and still managed to attain the presidency.

Former FBI Weatherman Task Force supervisor, Max Noel, notes that the FBI utilized a CARL test when it conducted background checks on various suspects. The acronym CARL stands for Character, Associates, Reputation, and Loyalty used to assess candidates fitness to hold the highest office in the country. On each of these four points of power, Obama fails and fails miserably. Like many FBI law enforcement agents and officials, Noel was alarmed by the fact that someone like Barack Obama could capture the presidency. For some unexplained reason, Obama was never vetted before he became a candidate for the presidency by the FBI. This is an unacceptable result of our national security system and is wholly suggestive of internal plot to allow the installation of a blatantly communist advocate into the highest political position in America.

Today, many people have been in a position to now vet the President after Obama’s four years of “fundamentally transforming America“. This particular series will continue to connect the dots of the secretive and nefarious communist background of Barack Hussein Obama and tie his associations, actions and internal belief system to a current coup d’état which is close to capturing all of the vital elements of power in this country.

Comrade Obama’s ascension to the presidency has been a long time in the making. Interestingly,  Barack Obama’s past associates especially the communist terrorists which funded his Harvard legal education and ultimately launched his political career as an Illinois state senator, namely, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, have been in lockstep with Obama his entire adult life. However, Dohrn and Ayers were not the first to indoctrinate Obama with the Marxist communist philosophy. For that information, we have to begin with Frank Marshall Davis.

Obama’s real father, Frank Marshall Davis, was a member of the Communist Party and a former Soviet Agent who was under FBI investigation for a total of 19 years.  In 1948, Davis moved from Chicago to Hawaii leaving behind a colleague named Vernon Jarrett, father-in-law of Senior White House advisor, Valerie Jarrett. Yes, the Jarrett’s are communists as well.  Both Jarrett and Davis wrote for a left wing newspaper called the Chicago Defender in which they espoused a communist  takeover of the United States Government. In 1971, Davis, according to Joel Gilbert, reunited with his then nine-year-old son, Barack Obama, and schooled him in the ways of being a good communist for the next nine years.

Chicago Slum Lord, Valerie Jarrett
Chicago Slum Lord, Valerie Jarrett

White House advisers, David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett, were both “Red Diaper Babies, in which they were the sons and daughters of well-to-do parents who desired communism and lived out their dreams through their children’s revolutionary activities. Other notable red-diaper babies also included  Rahm Emanuel and Eric Holder. Jarrett’s situation is particularly interesting in that her family and the Ayers family have been multigenerational friends which also included a marriage between the two families. Much of the Obama administration is a nest of communists and this should serve to gravely concern every American citizen.

Following the nine years of mentoring and parenting by Frank Davis, Obama made some very important communist connections which ultimately led to him obtaining an impressive  college education financed by some very familiar communist activists’, namely,  Tom Ayers, Con Ed CEO, and then his son Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. You remember Bill and Bernardine, don’t you?

Bill Ayers Mug Shot
Bill Ayers Mug Shot

The Prairie Fire book was co-authored by Dohrn and Ayers, and, quite unbelievably, it was dedicated to Sirhan Sirhan, Robert Kennedy’s assassin. Former FBI informant, While appearing on The Common Sense Show, Larry Grathwohl, revealed that he testified in a court of law that Ayers and Dohrn had direct involvement in a terrorist plot which killed San Francisco police sergeant, Brian V. McDonnell, by a bomb made and planted by these Weathermen Underground terrorists.

Grathwohl also revealed that he asked Ayers, in a meeting of about 25 well-to do Weatherman, most with advanced degrees from Ivy League Universities, what the Weathermen planned to do when they achieved their goal of a communist take over the government.  Grathwohl stated that Ayers paused for a moment and then said that it was likely that about 50 million Americans will have to be re-educated in concentration camps located in the American Southwest and that about 25 million would have to be eliminated, meaning that they would have to be murdered.  Bill and Bernardine’s Weather Underground had the support of Cuba, East German intelligence and the North Vietnamese. I believe that since Obama was able to secure a second term, and with the power granted to him by the NDAA, that he will fulfill Ayers’ promise to Grathwohl to murder 25 million Americans who cannot be “re-educated”.

Obama’s educational and political benefactors, Ayers and Dohrn, raised a son, Chesa Boudin, who worked for Hugo Chavez , communist dictator in charge of Venezuela. Chesa Boudin was the child of Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, members of a Weather Underground spin-off group who went to prison for an armored car robbery that resulted in the murders of two police officers and a security guard. Dohrn served seven months for her role in the robbery and this is the reason that she is ineligible to become bar certified as an attorney. Is anyone else uncomfortable with the fact that Ayers and Dohrn were the ones primarily responsible for educating Obama with communist funds and then subsequently launched his political career from their living room? Well, it is true, please read on.

Allen Hulton, a 39 year veteran of the postal service, provided a sworn affidavit to Maricopa County, AZ. Sheriff investigators, led by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, in an effort toward determining whether or not former foreign college student, Barack Obama, is eligible to be placed on Arizona’s 2012 election ballot. After reviewing Hulton’s affidavit, it is apparent that Ayers and Dohrn were in fact  the de facto adoptive parents to this foreign student destined to become the first illegitimate President of the United States. As a result, Obama was treated to the finest Ivy League education that communist backed money could buy as Hulton maintains that the Ayers’ told him that they were financing the education of a promising foreign student at Harvard. Hulton also testified that he met Obama while at the Ayer’s home and he asked Obama what he going to do with all his education, to which Obama politely answered, “I am going to become the President”.

Readers should take note that this is an affidavit, and as such, is formally considered to be evidence, not conjecture or hearsay. There can be no other conclusion that the communist terrorist, Bill Ayers, began grooming Obama to become America’s first communist President during Obama’s college years. Their relationship continues into the present time as it is on record that Ayers visited the White House in August of 2009.

We also know that Obama’s communist affiliations continued well into his adulthood because of the good work of Joel Gilbert  who discovered that Obama was active with a Weathermen Underground  support group known as The May 19th Communist Organization, in New York. Perhaps, this is why Ayers was visiting the White House.

Frank Chapman, a communist activist and a member of the communist front group known as the World Peace Council. Chapman clearly used the term “mole” to describe Obama. He said Obama’s political climb and subsequent  success in the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries was “a dialectical leap ushering in a qualitatively new era of struggle.” Chapman further stated that, “Marx once compared revolutionary struggle with the work of the mole, who sometimes burrows so far beneath the ground that he leaves no trace of his movement on the surface. This is the old revolutionary ‘mole,’ not only showing his traces on the surface but also breaking through. The Communist Party USA backs Obama to the hilt.” It is clear that Obama is their man!

America is at a serious crossroads. The United States is preparing to go to war with Iran and its allies, China and Russia, in a last ditch effort to save the Petrodollar scheme as opposed to letting China and Russia buy Iranian oil in gold. If America loses this struggle, the dollar will collapse. America’s economy is in shambles and the country can ill-afford being purposely run into the ground by a series of red-diaper babies bent on the communist takeover of this country. There can be no doubt about it, Barack Obama is a traitor to this country. He is the culmination of a distinct and purposeful mufti-generational communist plot to install a communist dictator who would weaken this country to the point that it is very vulnerable to an outside Russian attack.

obama_communist_flag_card-p137872120744570903q0yk_400Russian troops have infiltrated the United States and all signs in and around Alaska point to the fact that the Russian attack will commence through the Bering Strait and proceed southward into British Columbia, Oregon, Washington and Idaho.

Part two of this series will explore the emerging evidence to support the belief that Alaska is about to be attacked by Russia.

Obama has been assassinated. For good this time. The news agencies are doing a heroic job trying to cover up the fact and maintain things business as usual. But Obama, for all we know, may have been dead a long time. The nation is in chaos, media buzz notwithstanding. Buzz, buzz. Entelechy. The media is like a harmless mushroom clod. But if Obama's dead, whose running the presidency? Business as usual? Nobody's business? No one is at the top. But things are still running like clockwork. Is there even any need for a president? Abu Ghraib's will still happen, president or no. Children and teens will still be in prisons, president or no. Is there a need to assassinate a president? He has no authority anyway. An absence of a president also has no authority.

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